Chapter 28

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As the hair dresser tucked the last stray strand of hair in place I stood up and smoothed my dress, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the dress was really beautiful, the designers had done a great job.

Today was the day of my wedding, Ethan and I had decided to get married in the courthouse but Emily wanted us to have a fairy tale wedding. So here I was ready to walk down the aisle. The ceremony was being held at my house in the backyard. We decided to call only family and a few friends.

I heard a knock on my door bree poked her head, "Its time" I nodded. I was ready to walk down the aisle, waiting for my dad. I took that time to look around at the arrangements. I didn't want to plan the wedding, so Ethan had hired a wedding planner, they had done a fabulous job. It was a combination of white and purple all around.

I heard someone clear their throat. I turned it was my dad. Clearly still upset with my decision. I linked my arm with his and started walking down the aisle as the music was being played. I looked at Ethan He was looking dapper in his jet black suit, he didn't look at me, it seemed like he couldn't wait to get this over with. I looked at Mike and my family all were unhappy with my decision, the only people that seemed to be happy and at the wedding were Emily and Ethan's family.

After the vows were exchanged and we were pronounced man and wife. Later we had dinner with the family. Now we were on our way home, it was only Ethan and me.

Emily and Hazel were staying at a friend's place to give us privacy. I shook my head, whatever that was supposed to mean.

After reaching Ethan's penthouse he should me to his room, he showed me the closet took some of his night clothes and went in the room and told me to change in the closet. After great difficulty I undressed and went into my PJ's. I had a tank top with shorts.

I came out of the closet, Ethan was sitting on the bed typing on his phone. On seeing me coming he turned and looked at me, "You can sleep, I have some work to do." I nodded.

He went out of the room. I sat on the bed. I head was aching with the number of pins in my hair. I decide to have some coffee. I made my way to the kitchen, I switch the coffee maker on. Ethan too may want some coffee; I should ask him. I went and knocked at his office door. Come in. I opened the door Ethan had a glass of alcohol on his table and he was typing, well pretending that he was typing, he wasn't aware but his screen was being reflected in the window behind him and it was the picture of a married couple. Want something. He didn't look at me, just kept on typing. I was making coffee so I thought if you want some. "No Thanks good night". I closed the door and walked towards the kitchen I couldn't see the picture clearly, but could only guess it was Ethan and Vanessa.

It was one of the reasons I didn't want a White wedding it would bring back his memories and break my expectations.

I had dreamed of my wedding day since I was little, as I walk down the aisle and look up, I see my future husband with nothing but love in his eyes, and I reciprocate the same, we make our vows and promise a life of togetherness.

Today wasn't anything like that Ethan didn't even spare a glance in my direction, I know we don't love each other, but still. I sighed.

After having my coffee, I went to bed, but sleep betrayed me, after two hours of rolling on the bed, I decided to go in the balcony. I was about to get up, when I her the door being opened. I pretended to sleep, I heard some shuffling, after a few minutes of silence, I opened my eyes to find Ethan fast asleep on the couch. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

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