Chapter 39

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Ethan's POV

We are on the way to Erica's new house which is about 2 hours from San Francisco. The car ride is silent, which is weird, Belle usually talks about random things. I steal a glance at her, she was looking absentmindedly out of the window and fiddling with her wedding ring. I frown she had spoken to me just before she left school, she sounded chirpy as usual. Did I do something?

When I came out of the washroom she was looking out of the window and then later she told me to take my wedding ring and I told her to wait as I was reading the terms of an important contract. Was she upset because I told her to wait? I again stole a glance at her. Nah she's not like that. When I asked her for the ring though she was staring at it with a confused expression. I shrugged. Maybe I should ask her, "Belle" Hmm "Are you Okay??" She nodded "yeah just tired."

Okay I knew her enough to know that she was lying, maybe she in that time of the month.

Maybe if I talk she may continue. "So how was school" "Good"

A couple of questions and only one word answers. I sighed. I had given up. Its going to be a long ride.

When we reached Erica's house she seem a little better, we met Emily who had stayed over, later Belle was helping Erica with some dishes. I was having drinks with the guys. I looked over at Belle she was talking to Erica and Erica's sister in law, she was smiling but it didn't reach her eyes. Something is definitely off.

On our way back Emily and Belle both had fallen asleep. On reaching the penthouse the, I carried Emily to her room and then came to take Belle. I carried her bridal style, and took her to our room. She seemed peaceful in her sleep. I put the stray stands of hair behind her ear. I took off her shoes, jewelry and I tucked her in. I don't know why but I have developed a feeling of protecting her and keeping her safe.

I went to the washroom to dress for the night, I removed my wedding ring and was going to keep it on the counter but it fell, I bent and picked it up. I looked at it, why was belle staring at it.

Suddenly realization hit me

Fuck!!! I saw the impression. It was the ring Nessa had given me. 

I remembered on the day of my wedding with Belle I was so upset that I removed the ring and kept it in my office draw and put the one Nessa had given me.

Belle must have noticed it.

Ohh nooooo, so much for hurting her. It's not right I get it that we don't love each other and it wasn't a real marriage, but still we had vowed to be together at least for Emily. I have to fix this. 

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