Chapter 4

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Today it's one day before Christmas, my mom and aunt were making preparations for tomorrow's lunch, I was mixing batter for a cake drowned in my own thoughts. Janice came and sat by my side so she poked me in my stomach "Soooo ....What your thinking?" I shrugged "nothing really" I sighed "come on whats up?" "You known how we always wanted to get married since we were kids" "yeah" "now that I am going to get married I'm not feeling it...... It's like I don't want to get married" She chucked "Its nothing, your just getting cold feet." "are you sure" "yeah" "you know I was a bridesmaid for Elizabeth's sister's wedding she too was freaking out and now she has two children and she is happy" "I guess" I was still not sure. "Do you love him" "Yess" "Then u don't have to worry? Belle trust me as usual you are overthinking this", "hmm..." "Will we get this cake for Christmas" my mother yelled. Janice and I rolled our eyed my mother and her sarcasm. "Coming" I took the batter to the kitchen. Mum was talking to Janinie "So when is your friend coming?" We started pouring the batter in the tins "Christmas morning, I am so happy she is coming we were so close in college but after she got married and had a child and I have these nutcases" she pulled Janice's ear "OUCh MOMMM" Janine laughed at her antics "we lost contact." "So did you meet her recently" "No I met her on facebook Ohh that reminds me none of my children have friended me" I and Janice had horror in our eyes "So how old is her daughter? is she working?" I try and change the topic "She has a Daughter and a son, she is coming with her son though, he too has a daughter about 2 years old she is an angel." I and Janice heaved a sigh of relief when she didn't notice the change in topic.


We had just come back from the church service, and all we sitting in the living room and talking, I went to slice and serve some of my very famous Christmas Cake. I was laying some cake in the tray when suddenly hand came and grabbed the corner pieces. I shook my head "still like the corner pieces" "these are the best bits" Nick said. He was still behind me. I turned around and raised my eyebrows. "I'll miss you I know, you're going to get married, I know as of now I don't see you vey often. But still." "Aww. "I hugged him He whispers "you know my favorite sister." I broke the hug "Wow!!! wait till Janice finds out" I said in surprise. He rolled his eyes. "We are alike you know" I nodded "We are." in agreement. "You know you can count on me to be there when you need me right? I nodded with teary eyes. Mike comes in and looks at us suspiciously with narrowed eyes, I blink back my tears"are you'll finishing the cake before it gets to us?" we both shook our heads and walked out with the tray . We enjoyed the rest of the night, singing having cake, wine sharing stories. These are the times I really cherish all of us together, making memories. Now these fun nights will be over with the guests that are coming tomorrow. Uggh why do they have to come?

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