Chapter 26

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It's been a week since the dinner with Hazel and I have not made my decision, to be honest I did not need to think. It was a straight NO because I don't know Ethan, I know he is a great father and successful businessman, but that's it.

He will never give me the place of his wife. He will never love me. I am a woman, I too have some wishes and needs and I agree he still loves Vanessa, but I too would need the respect and also love. But the one thing that has stopped me from making my decision is Emily, she is such a sweetheart and she does need a mother. I love her and love spending time with her.

All my life I have always believed that you should marry for love, which is the foundation of a marriage. I called off the wedding with Tom, because of the same reason.

I had not told anyone about this Ethan situation, not even Mike. They knew something was troubling me, but I just blamed it on work.

I spent two more days weighing my options, but finally I made my decision, I will marry for love.

I got out of the cab and entered Ethan's firm, dressed in black slacks and a pink top, tied my brown hair into a pony, I reach the receptionist "Mr Parker", "Your name maam" "Belle" "Do you have an appointment?" No She typed something into her computer and then made a quick call, looked towards me and smiled. "Topmost floor." Once the elevator doors to the floor opened, a young girl probably in her early twenties received me and led me to his office. She knocked once and opened the door for me to enter and left. I entered Ethan was still engrossed in his laptop and that gave me time to observe him, he looked so tired, his jacket was thrown on a nearby chair, his hair disheveled from running his hands through his hair repeatedly, his tie slightly loosened, dark circles around his eyes. He looked up Ohh sorry He signaled me to sit in the chair opposite him, and after a while shut his laptop.

"Coffee" "No thanks Im good". He looked at me in anticipation, we didn't utter a word just remained in silence for god knows how long. I decided to break this silence "I have made my decision." He nodded signaling me to continue. To be honest I had a whole speech in my mind as to why I have come to this decision, but looking at him and I decided to spare him and just say it

"I will marry you."


WOW!!!! This is big. Did u see this coming. 

Is she doing the right thing??

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