Chapter 40

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I woke up to the smell of coffee, I opened my eyes and saw there was a mug of hot coffee on the table with a note. I picked the note I'm Sorry –E. I frowned I keep the note down, I realized that I was in the same clothes as yesterday, wait how did I get here. Anyway I freshened up took my mug and followed the aroma of bacon.

I reached the dining table to find eggs and bacons on the table, Ethan just came with a tray of waffles and kept them on the table I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. He let out a breath and looked at me "Im Sorry", I shook my head confused for What? He raised his hand with the wedding ring and was scratching the back of his neck with the other. I... Im sorry I was upset on the day we got married and wore Vanessa's ring, but even though I don't Love you and its not a real marriage." Ouch that hurt even though it's true. "I need to honor you and our deal" I nodded in understanding "Thanks" "breakfast" he pulled out a chair for me to sit "you didn't need to" I wanted to" he said with sincerity in his eyes I smiled.

We were done with breakfast "Belle" "hmmm"

"You have holiday today" "Yes" "Will you come by the office" I shrugged "K do I have to sign any documents", "No a ... actually" "Then why do you need me to come to the office," he again started scratching the back of his neck, he looked really cute though "I.... I....a thought" he was turning pink and Ive never seen him like this "Are you k" "yes" "Ithoughtwecouldgoforlunch" "What??" I was shocked Did I Hear Correctly "Lunch??" he just nodded his head, "Yes" Our first date I felt excited like a girl has been asked out for the first time and heat stared creeping up my cheeks.


Soon I was getting ready I put on a white floral dress with a belt I put on some light makeup and white shoes and left. I reached his cabin and the receptionist told me to wait inside his cabin. I walk in his cabin and sit on the seat opposite his. I scroll through social media.

Suddenly there was a knock and someone entered I was just going to turn around to greet the person when I heard a familiar voice, Ohh if it isn't Mrs. Parker I looked back shocked and stood up "Tom" "Ohh the great Mrs Parker remembers my name", I have never seen Tom like this before he was so enraged his nostrils flared dark circles under his eyes, red eyes, tears formed in my eyes looking at him. He smirked "I must say Mrs Parker you are in the wrong profession you should have been a con artist. Trap a man for his money and your acting... Wow!!! you could easily get an Oscar."

He clapped his hands

"I like a fool kept on wondering what I did wrong, but you were wrong you saw a man tsk tsk tsk a billionaire and decided to trap him and how do you do it? act like you care for his daughter." He started clapping his hands and laughing as tears kept streaming down my face Brilliant....Brilliant plan." "Tom its not like that. This.... this marriage is not..." "Mr. Carter" both our heads turned in Ethan's direction.

Ethan took long strides and stood beside me "Do you know whom you are talking to?", Tom kept looking at the ground "Answer me" I finched, Ethan's raised his voice. "Mrs Parker" "Ohh so you do know that she is my wife, do I need to teach you how to behave" "Sorry" Tom said not meaning it. "Apologize to my wife" Tom looked at me with anger and his jaw ticked "I apologise for my behavior Mrs Parker." "Now leave."

He turned and stormed out.

The moment the door banged shut Ethan turned towards me, his anger directed towards me now, "What were you going to tell him?" I dared to look into his eyes he was mad his jaw was clenched "That this marriage is not real" I was staring at the floor waiting for it to swallow me up. "I hope you remember the terms of our deal for your sake, NOT A WORD Got that Belle" I swallowed hard, I went to freshen up

I let out a breath I heard Ethan bang his fist against the table

Ethans POV

I hit my fist on the table how dare he talk to my wife like that I don't care what their relationship was before our marriage and how it ended. I picked up my phone and made a call, I want Mr Carter out of San Francisco. I DON'T CARE send him wherever you want but he should not be seen in San Francisco.

Belle came out and stood, this time I really took her in a simple summer dress yet she managed to look so good she had touched up her makeup but her eyes were still red from all the crying I felt bad for yelling at her. Are we going? she asked in a small voice. I nodded.

She turned to leave and I stopped her by holding her arm she turned and I pulled her into my arms, she wrapped her arms around my waist "Im sorry for yelling." She nodded.

It felt so peaceful holding her. We stayed like that for a few minutes and left for the restaurant.

Hey Guyys!!!

So they are going on a date!!!

And Tom is u think he is over-reacting??

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