Chapter 21

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After dinner I hear a Knock on my door. I opened it to see Mike I moved aside and let him in. He sat on the edge of my bed. He gave me a concerned look "What's Wrong?" I let out a breath and closed the door and sat next to him on the bed. "These past couple of months I have been rethinking about my decision of marrying Tom." I looked at him. He nodded telling me to continue. "I just feel that something isn't right. First I thought I was just getting cold feet, but it's not that. I really like Tom, but..." "You don't love him and you don't want to marry him." Mike completed for me. I nodded "I just can't understand he is such a great guy, perfect even. Is something wrong with me?" Tears pooled in my eyes. Mike put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to his chest. I rested my head and let some tears roll down my cheeks. "He may be perfect but maybe he is not perfect for you." I looked up at him "Maybe there is someone else who will make you truly happy."

I looked up at him, "You're not upset with me?" He let out a sigh "Well if you're not happy with him what's the point. It better happen now rather than after getting married." I nodded Mike did have point.

Now I had to talk to Tom.

The next day I told Tom to meet me for lunch. I had reached 15 minutes early. I was sitting at table near the Window. I saw Toms' car pull up at 1: 00 pm. He came and sat down. He had a concerned look, "Is something wrong." My heart started pounding in my chest. "Tom I know this is hard but... Im just going to say it" I took a deep breath, looked into his eyes and sait it "I can't marry you." There I had said it. He just froze, then relaxed "Your kidding right?" I shook my head "Why? did I do something wrong? I said something you didn't like? Somebody said anything about me. What is it? Wait is it because I am not helping with the wedding preparations?"

"No Tom its ...its not you its me" He laughed "The cliché answer" he was getting angry now "So tell me what about you? Dis You cheat on me?" "No I would never do that" "Then what happened? I just can't understand" his jaw clenched "10 days ago we went on a trip and everything was fine." I started playing with my fingers "I have been having doubts about this marriage for some time now, first I thought it was just nerves, but the truth is I .... I don't love you Tom. I like you, you are my best friend you understand me, but all my friends were getting married and I guess I was feeling left out I probably loved the idea of getting married." I said in a soft voice, ashamed of myself.

Tom held up his hand "I can't take any more of this nonsense. WE. ARE. DONE. It's not your fault actually, but it's mine because all this time I thought you loved me, I shared my whole life with you, my heart I trusted you Belle." I left like a spear pierced my heart. He ran his hands through his hair. "You know what you don't deserve me."

He got up from his seat and turned to walk away, "Tom" I called out he stopped and turned around.

He had tears in his eyes and it shattered me. I held up the ring he had given me. He snatched it from my hand and walked out. 

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