Chapter 15

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It's three months to the wedding and tomorrow I have to go dress shopping. I was looking at my phone with dred, I had to call Ethan and ask if Emily will also be joining. I hope she can come I haven't seen her in so long.

I press the call button after 4 rings Ethan picks up "Hello" "Hello Ethan" "This is He. Who is this?" "Em Belle" "Yes" "Erh tomorrow Im going dress shopping so Emily..." there was no response on the other side. I quickly add "If she has forgotten, then no need. bye" I said and was about to hang up. "Wait" I put the phone back to my ear. He let out a heavy breath "She has definitely not forgotten, she keeps asking me when she has to go and she asks Mike to when he comes over so I'll bring her" "No need to bring her, my mom, my friend and I are the only people going, so I will pick her up "No" he said in a firm voice, he let out a sigh "I will not be at peace. if she comes I come with her. Okay." He hung up. Im not happy that Ethan is coming, I know he doesn't like me and all. But at least ill get to spend time with my baby. I texted him the time and told him to come home.


I was so excited, I woke up early and made some cookies and cupcakes for Emily.

Ethan's car came in the drive way and I went to take Emily form the car. I was near the door when she literally jumped on me and hugged me "miss you elle" "I missed you too love." I took her in and asked her. "Do you want a cupcake" She nodded her head. I gave her a cupcake with sprinkles on top "Wow spinkle." Once she was done with her cupcake we decided to leave. I put her in her car seat and mum and I joined them in Ethan's car and drove off.

We reached the boutique and went in and Bree came after a few minutes. I was going through the dresses, I didn't want anything too poofy as I was just 5.2, I wanted something elegant.

The Girl brought out a few dresses. I tried out one, I didn't really like it. Emily was getting really excited it was like playing dress dress and Ethan looked bored out of his mind. He excused himself and went out.

After 3 whole hours I tried so many dresses and so many styles but I didn't like any. I needed a break. I was tired. We decided to have lunch in the café opposite the boutique.

Emily sat next to me, Ethan ordered fried chicken for her I ordered tacos. Once My dish came I asked her if she wanted any. She nodded as she had never tried a taco before. I cut it in half and held it up and told her to take a big bite. She took and after she was done she licked her lips and asked for more. "Emily let belle eat ill order for you." "No Its k let her eat I'll have some fried chicken." I winked at her and she giggled.

We went back to the boutique and decided to first choose Emily's dress, she said she wanted a yellow dress I picked up a lemon colour dress for her and helped her dress up and when she came out she twirled for everyone, all were awed how could she look even cuter. She looked at me shyly "Belle like?" I nodded "beautiful" She looked at Ethan with raised eyebrows and hopeful eyes "dada like?" He was smiling Dada loves it. she ran towards him and hugged his legs and he carried her and kissed her. So now Emily's dress was chosen and so was Brees now only I was left the bride.

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