Chapter 45

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It's been two weeks since Erica's anniversary. Ethan has continued with his previous routine of avoiding me. Its Friday night. we are done with dinner, I put Emily to bed and I wait for Ethan to come home. I need to talk to him, I have decided, I'm done. I can't do this anymore this fake marriage. I can't continue with this charade of a happy family when Ethan and I can't stand each other.

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking, but this is best for us and Emily, I will still be in Emily's life well with Ethan's consent, but that's all I'll be from now on.

I hear the sound of the car engine being cut off, I look at the time its 12:30, I hear the door opening, our eyes meet, he is looking so tired and exhausted, the dark circles show that he hasn't slept properly in days, he has not shaved, he hasn't even been eating properly he used to barely eat the food I used to keep and he definitely didn't eat at work as well, he looks like he could fall any minute.

But I had to do this today, I walk towards him take his jacket and briefcase from his hands, Freshen up ill serve dinner. He nodded in confusion and walked towards the room.

I was glad he had his dinner today, he couldn't understand what was going on, he would steal glances at me, when I wasn't looking.

Once he was done with dinner, "I need to talk to you." He nodded "let's go to my office."

He entered the office, and I followed, all the memories of our previous encounter came to mind, Me sitting on the floor crying for hours together. Now I have no tears left to cry.

He sat on the chair and I sat on the one opposite him. He nodded for me to start talking.

I took a deep breath and said "I want to end the contract." His face fell, he blinked a couple of times probably to check if he was dreaming. "What?" I nodded "Yes Ethan I know we signed this contract for Emily, but I can't do this anymore, I know we decided that we will just be Emily's parents, but... I don't know how and when ... and why...I fell in love with you." He froze when I said that. He didn't expect me to say it, "and I didn't expect anything from you, I was fine with what we had, but that night,... it gave me hope, that there is an 'us', that we could be something more than just Emily's parents, and after all that was said that day I can't take it anymore, I tried to do it for Emily, but I can't.... I can't sacrifice myself."

He was not looking at me, there was guilt in his eyes. "What about Emily?" "I have spoken to her I have told her I have to go away for work and initially I will video call her everyday and maybe meet her every 2 weeks, but that's if you are fine with it." He let out a breath and rubbed his palms over his face a couple of times.

"Fine let's terminate the contract." His voice seamed horse. He cleared his throat "and you can meet Emily whenever you want, but I should be informed about it." He said in affirm voice.

I remove my cheque book and agreement papers. Ethan as per our agreement "Ill transfer my company to your name I've started with the formalities, It should be done in sometime and the money Ill..." He raised his hand to stop me. "You don't need to do all this, I don't want your company or money" "but, according to the contract...." "Belle I don't want anything." I nodded.

I let myself out of his office, I booked an uber and packed up the last of my things.

Ethan came into our room, he stood leaning against the doorframe both hands in his pockets. We heard the sound of the car, he was confused. "I called a ride for myself", "you could wait till morning and then leave." I simply shook my head and he nodded.

I took my suitcase and walked passed him, I took a few steps and stopped, I turned and walked up to him and put my arms around his neck and buried my head in the crook of his neck, his hands were still in his pockets, we stayed like that for a minute before we parted, I held his face in my hands, take care of yourself Ethan and Emily too, he nodded, I leaned and gave him a long peck on his cheek, I finally parted and left never to see him again.

Hey Guys!!!!

Belle finally left, did she do the right thing?

Next chapter is Ethans POV!!! Will he let her go or bring her back

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