Chapter 29

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I woke up and stretched my arms and legs. I turned towards the couch to see that Ethan had already awoken. I got up and found a post-it on my bed side table.

Left for Work-E. I looked at the time it was just 9:00 am. Anyway I took my time getting ready, then had my breakfast. I was just going to call Hazel and ask her when will she be coming with Emily and right on cue the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Emily jumped onto me "Momma" She squealed I held her and kissed her cheek. How are you she tilted her head to one side "Good." "Where is Ethan "Hazel asked "work" she sighed and shook her head. "Belle I'll leave I'm meeting with a friend and later will leave for LA" I nodded She kissed Emily and left.

I looked at Emily "What do u want to do today" "PIIIZZA" "You want to make pizza" She nodded K

We went to the kitchen. I brought the apron I had made for her with Emily written on it with a Chefs hat. I showed it to her, "read it" E M I L Y she looked at me pointed to herself Emily. I nodded. She was blushing she loved it I made her were it and then we made some pizza.

After we had eaten the pizza, I put Emily down for her nap.

In the evening we were playing with her legos and making a car, When Ethan came from work, Emily got up and ran and hugged his legs, he picked her up and Emily was talking animatedly and he was nodding and smiling, he had worn a dark blue suit and a white shirt with the top buttons undone and tie loosened. I decided to get him some water. By the time I came back from the kitchen, Emily was all alone playing with legos, "where's daddy?" "bathie" he must have gone for a shower.

Emily was watching her cartoon while I was heating pizzas for dinner. Ethan had joined Emily in the family room to accompany her. I set the table and called them for dinner. Ethan set Emily in her high chair. "Daddy I make pizza" "Wow Emily made the pizza." He took a bite and made a moaning sound "Its Yummy." Emily started clapping her hands, "mumma gave gift" "what gift" "app..... app," he looked at her confused, then both looked at me "apron." Ohh.

After dinner Emily showed Ethan her apron. Ethan read her a bedtime story while I was sitting by her side and in no time she fell asleep.

I was sitting in my room reading while Ethan was in the office.

A little later he came in and stated taking pillows towards the couch. "Ethan today ill sleep on the couch." "No its fine" "No Im shorter anyway ill be more comfortable." He thought for a moment "are you sure" I nodded. I close my book and went to sleep on the couch and ethan took the bed. 

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