Chapter 5

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It's Christmas morning and from the commotions downstairs the guests have arrived, I walk towards the dining room where I see a lady in her mid-fifties, taking animatedly. I notice a high chair which is backing me and I can see a small girl in the high chair, I can't see much but her brown hair. My aunt sees me and introduces me to her friend Hazel who in turn introduces me to her granddaughter Emily. I take a seat next to the kid "Hiii" I put my hand in front of her to shake. She looks at me with her big brown eyes with a spoon in her mouth. She just looks at me, no response "Shes a little shy" hazel says I smiled and started texting Tom. His mom and sister had arrived. Im glad he got to spend the holiday with family. I hate when anyone is alone on a holiday specially Christmas. From the corner of my eye I can see that Emily is trying to get Hazels attention with a chocolate in her hand, I poked my finger in her arm. She looked at me "do you want me to open it?". She nodded shyly I took it from her and opened it and gave it to her, she took it from my hand and smiled. Awww she's such a doll.

It's almost lunch time so I go and help with setting up the table "belle go call the boys" the guys were near the pool . I went and called them. There was another guy dressed in a black shirt and faun colour pants, maybe their friend, but I don't remember him. I turn and walk back into the house, Alex comes behind me "Hey who that guy?" "Who? He questions raising his eyebrows multiple times mischievously. I roll my eyes That guy in a black shirt talking to Mike "Ohh he mums friend's son, Ethan"

After Lunch I go to sit in the family room couch Emily is just done with her lunch, she doesn't do quite good with people around, so she and her dad had lunch in the living room, while all of us occupied the dining table. I suddenly hear giggles I look at Emily and she was looking at Janice's puppy Brick playing with a chew toy. "Emily want to play with the puppy?", she pouted and shook her head, "Okay" she continued looking at the puppy. I went and carried the puppy and brought it near her, I asked her to touch it, but she just kept looking at him. I took her hand and moved it over the soft fur of the puppy, soon she started doing it herself. I could see both Emily and brick were enjoying this action. "Emily time for your nap." her father said I widened my eyes Ohh No Im I in trouble. I said a silent pray and turned around. This is the first time I actually saw him he had handsome features, but he looked so tired, dark circles under his tired eyes err Hi Im Belle Mike sister, she was watching the puppy so I thought that I should.... I was rambling. He put his hand up indicating me to stop. Im Ethan and its fine she likes dogs, anyway it's time for her nap. I nodded and moved away he carried her and took her upstairs. She turned back and looked at me I waved my hand and she turned back. Bummer. I let out a breath, Im not generally crazy about kids, but I don't know why I feel like spending time with her.

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