Chapter 24

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I woke up and checked the time, it was 9:30 I needed some coffee. I woke up and checked Emily she was sleeping peacefully so I let her be. I walked towards the kitchen stretching my arms; I froze as I entered the kitchen. Hazel was sitting at the table sipping some coffee. She too was shocked seeing me.

"I... I didn't know you were in town." "I had attended my friend's daughter's wedding in Sacramento, just came today morning for a week." "Ohh Emily was not keeping too well yesterday so Ethan called me" She raised her eyebrows in surprise. It was getting awkward. I poured myself some coffee. After some time Ethan came in carrying Emily in his arms. Ethan put some cereal in her bowl and she requested me to feed her. She was looking at a picture book. She turned the page "Eelle look" I looked at her she was pointing to a picture in the book where there was a kid, with the mother feeding her. Mumma she said smiling at me. I froze, It was like the world stopped for a moment. I swallowed hard and a lump was forming in my throat I looked at Ethan he was not pleased. I quickly fed her and freshened up and left.

Ethans POV

It was evening and I had locked myself in my office and drowned myself in work ever since Belle left.

I heard the knock I was dreading all day, "Come in" "You know you can't hide in here forever." I grunted. "I know you know what Im about to say so Im just going to say it. I think You should marry belle." I groaned "Mom." "Ethan You had said you didn't want to remarry because, your wife may not treat Emily right. We know that's not happening will Belle. She loves her and her wedding got called off. She will be the perfect fit." "Do you know why she called off the wedding" Mom shook her head "because she didn't love him and she will expect that love from me which I can't give her." I said firmly "Ethan, Emily needs a mother , you will not disagree on that after today. Emily already sees a mother in Belle. Also I know you loved Vanessa but she is not here anymore", I clenched my jaw "you have to give Belle some place in your heart." "I cant do that mom." I said fisting my hands She breathed out. "Tell me honestly, do you feel Belle will make a good mother to Emily." I nodded. "Then that's done I will invite Belle over for dinner and speak to her" with that she closed my office door and left and I threw the paperweight on my table against the door. I can't believe my mother.

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