Chapter 6

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I had just finished my breakfast, the house was quite empty, Janice had gone to a friend's house and Janine and Hazel had gone to check out some jewelery store, most of the guys too had left. I was texting Tom asking about his Christmas. My mum kept a mug of coffee on the table in front of me "Give this to Mike, he is in his room" I rolled my eyes and whined why do I have to give him I anyway got up and went to his room I didn't knock and just barged in, He was sitting on the desk right in front of the door backing me working on something, I went near his table and slammed the mug on the table spilling some coffee on the table. I smiled and turned I widened my eyes "Ohh no Umm Im so sorry I thought you were Mike." He gave me a confused look "Errh its K Mike just got a call so he's on the balcony." I smiled awkwardly. "Do you want coffee" "No" I looked to see Emily was still sleeping on the bed. I smiled "You have a beautiful daughter" He turned towards her sleeping figure and smiled "Thanks She's my life." "I don't mean to pry but her mother..." he stiffened and spoke curtly "She met with a car accident 18 months ago, she didn't make it." "Ohh Im so sorry I didn't mean to..." "Its k" he shook his head with a clenched jaw. Mike came "What are you doing here?" "Coffee K bye. I ran out before Mike notices his spilt coffee.

Since nobody was at home, I was helping my mum cook, 'What Happened? Your lost" "Nothing thinking about Emily. Did you know she lost her mother?" She sighed "yes Hazel told us poor child She is so sweet." "Yeah she is", "Hazel is worried about Ethan and Emily, after the accident he completely lost it he used to drink, rarely turn up either in the office or at home, not eat, she didn't even know where he was most of the time, he started losing his business because of not showing up and if he did he wasn't present physically, Emily too was very ill and admitted to the hospital, that realization that he might lose her brought him back to his senses, after that he stopped drinking and started concentrating on work and Emily. She wants him to get married again, but he doesn't want to. Now she is worried he is overworking himself." "Yeah he does look tired." "Hmm life's not easy." "Does hazel stay with them" "No she is in Florida she was staying with her daughter and her family, she came to San Francisco after the accident, she was with them for six months then went back to Florida."

Emily was playing on the floor mat with a teddy bear and Ethan was sitting on the couch with his laptop. I bent down near her and asked "Do you want to play with the puppy? She looked at me with her big eyes, then turned towards Ethan. I thought she would come with me "You want to play?" Ethan asked. She nodded "Come" He set aside his laptop and walked to the garden holding her hand, the puppy was chasing a mouse I guess. She started laughing and clapping, I sat on the porch steps, Ethan got a call and walked back in the house. After sometime Emily noticed Ethan is not there and looked around, "daddy has gone inside." I informed her She turns around to go into the house as well I guess. But I was pleasantly surprised when She came and sat on the porch beside me. After a while Brick came near our feet and started licking Emily's feet She started laughing again she has such and angelic laugh. Brick now saw a butterfly and started chasing it. I turned towards Emily "Friends" I put my hand forward and she put her hand in mine and smiled. 

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