Chapter 20

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I had just finished grading the assignments and I was tired. I decided to check my mail.

Ohh No, there were a mail from the wedding planners, with options of decorations for the venue, menu and so many other things. This was giving me a headache. All I ever waited for since I was a kid, was to plan my wedding. Now that I'm here I'm just not interested. Its too overwhelming. Sometimes I feel that my family is more excited about my wedding.

I let out a breath and walk towards the window, is it really the whole wedding thing or is it my marriage that is worrying me. I have never been so unsure in my life, not with my career, job. Then why am I doubting this so much!!!

I know Tom is a great guy, my family likes him, even Mike likes him for Gods sake!!!

He is like an ideal husband. He has a job, house, not reckless like most guys his age. He is caring honest, loving ohh God!!!! it's like he has no fault.

I let out a deep breath.
My phone started vibrating continuously. I know they were messages but who could be sending me these many messages.

I went to my table and checked my phone, they were multiple messages from Ryan. I opened them to see all our pictures from Solvang, they brought back memories. I wish I could just hide somewhere for a few days and just make up my mind.

I saw a pic of me and Tom, we were both smiling, happy, then why wasn't I felling it. Urgggh. My phone started vibrating again This time it was Erica; she had sent pics of Emily's Birthday I started scrolling through. I smiled, suddenly I came across a pic of me and Emily. Ohh!!! I loved that girl.

I smiled remembering the party and my time with Emily, I put back all the papers in place and pack up my things before leaving.

I reached home Mike was in the living room and bouncing a ball, when I passed by he bounced it off my head "Not today Mike!!!" I said annoyed. He had a worried expression "Nothing my head hurts, was grading assignments" I waved my hand "nothing an aspirin can't cure." I gave him a smile to reassure him I'm fine.

I ran to my room; I know he didn't believe me. I came to my room and took a long shower, which helped me relax a bit.

I came out and was absentmindedly scrolling through my phone I was looking at pictures of Tom and me and then Emily and me. Then it hit me. I was there in both the pictures but there was one major difference. Something that finally made me come to a decision.


What was it???? What did she see???

What do you feel is the decision???

Whose side are you on ?? TOM or EMILY ???Add a comment...

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