Chapter 9

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Ethans POV

"Can belle be my mommy" My mom had been constantly worrying me to get married again but I don't want to get married. I love Vanessa and nobody can take her place in my life and if I got married even for Emily's sake there is no assurance that she will be a good mother and no one will be willing to get married just to be a mother to Emily.

I looked at Emily she was looking at me with her puppy dog eyes. How am I say no to her? "Honey I told you, your mommy is a star now and looking at you. Belle is not your mommy , she is going to get married then she will have her own kids." "But she said she like you, so you can marry her. You don't like her?" she asked with wide eyes and a gasp "Emily I like her but it's not simple, we can't get married and she can't be your mommy" Her eyes were getting soggy "but she can be your friend she can come meet you." I tried to pacify her. She hugged her bear tighter and a tear fell from her eyes. I hated this. What kind of a father am I? I shouldn't have let her get so close to Belle. I would have saved us from this misery. I let out a sigh. Its good that we are leaving tomorrow.

Belle POV

I woke up with a sour mood, today is the day Emily leaves. They have an afternoon flight so they will be leaving pretty early. I went down and decided to make some cookies for Emily to have on the way.

I was just taking out the tray and Emily came down with a backpack she was looking sad, I guess because she was leaving. She went and sat on the couch. I took the box of cookies I had packed for her and gave it to her. "I made cookies for you" she smiled and took it from my hand and thanked me for it and looked away. Something was definitely wrong. "What happened your upset" She shook her head "Daddy shouted at you?" She shook her head I knew how to get her to laugh I poked her in the stomach a couple of times I didn't get any response so I started ticking her and there it was a full blown laughter. "Emily time to go" Ethan stood at the foot of the steps. He looked different today. Since the day I saw him he was guarded but he like Emily he had loosened up a little, but today I could tell he ran a business he had a stone face no expression no emotion but behind that I could feel that he too was upset.

Something had definitely happened but what?

Emily quickly got down the couch and ran towards the car. I helped her get in and secured her in the car seat yes I was able to do it. She was just looking at me. I let out a sigh Bye Emily, she motioned for me to come near and when I did she kissed me on my cheek I kissed her on her forehead. I could feel tears pool in my eyes. Why was it so hard? it felt like a part of me was being taken away? Someone cleared their throat, It was Ethan I quickly moved away Ethan and Hazel got in the car and drove away, once their car was away and my family had gone inside I let the tears roll down.

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