Chapter 2

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I apply some lipstick and look at myself in a mirror. I'm wearing a black dress that reaches mid-thigh, light make up, red lipstick and black stilettoes, tonight all of us cousins decided to go clubbing, Mike and Nick go in one car and Janice, Alex and me go in the second car, Janice and I were like real sisters she is 2 years younger than me but we share everything. Mike and Nick were the same age, but they were like chalk and cheese, nick was all serious, never talks, rarely smiles and mike well the opposite, Alex was a year elder to me, he is just like Mike, they are just competing with each other over everything, we reach the club 'Indulgence' and get in, it's really crowded; finally, after brushing through a million people we reach our table and order our round of shots. "cheers to a new beginning Belle" Alex said and we all gulped them down "I still remember you running around after us boys in our yard, in your pigtails, begging us to play with your dolls and play house. You finally got someone to play house with you." He winked "Ha Ha Ha very funny" I rolled my eyes. After a few more rounds of shots, Alex moved towards the dance floor, probably with a target in sight. Mike followed soon after, but not before turning towards me and Janice and saying "You two do not move from here." He signaled Nick to watch over us, then left. We rolled our eyes, Mike was annoying but he was very possessive of us. I remember when I first told them about Tom, he met Tom grilled him for hours and then said we had his blessing. I told him I didn't need his blessing, but I did, he his annoying but I love him, I know that he has my back and always will.

Next we ordered daiquiris for us, Nick had also abandoned us by then. We decided to go on and dance floor just as my favorite song started playing, we started moving our hips to the beat of the music, after a few songs we were really into it and I think the alcohol had a role to play as well.

After I didn't know how many hours my legs started hurting and I decided to leave the dance floor and go back to the table. We turned around and I tripped on my own heels, as I was about to hit the floor two arms came around me and stabilized me I looked into a familiar pair of grey eyes "I told u not to move" he said in an annoyed tone, I giggled and rested my head on his chest, he held me as we walked back to the table and headed home. 

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