Chapter 8

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Ethans POV

It's the last day of our vacation, honestly I was never interested in going on a vacation, but mom kept pestering me that we need a vacation, a break from work. I let out a breath, I know that I couldn't have a break from work the only difference will be that I won't physically be going into the office. But the real reason I agreed to this holiday is because of Emily, she required a change of scene. Back in San Francisco she is at home all day long, I don't trust anyone to take her outside and I'm too tired with all the work, so I figured it will be good for her.

She has really enjoyed this trip, the family is quite big and she warmed up to them after a few days, specially Belle. Belle really helped with Emily, don't get me wrong I love her but taking care of a child is just so much work I have to bathe her, feed her, dress her, play with her, but with Belle being around and they both bonding, I did have some time to myself.

I don't know how Emily is so comfortable with her, she never opens up to anyone. So much so that she even sits with Belle to eat and Belle feeds her.

Even in the restaurant Emily sat in between Belle and Me, she even made mom and Belle switch seats, so that Belle was next to her and insisted that Belle feeds her, I even blackmailed her and fed her but after a few bites, she wanted Belle to feed her. I shake my head she is as stubborn as me.

Emily loved being the center of attention with all of the cousins and even the elders were smothering her with love.

I have to say this did turn out to be a pleasant break. I met with Mike too, who is just starting up and has some very good ideas. I have decided to work on a project with him once he gets back to San Francisco. I actually feel a little relaxed now, thanks to this vacation but there is one thing that is bothering me.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come In" Belle and Emily come in holding hands Emily had her favorite bear in her hands. Belle knelt down to come to Emily's height "good night Emily" she smiled and hugged her and belle kissed her on her temple. Emily left her side and came running and climbed on the bed and lay down. I smiled, I looked towards the door and Belle was there "Good night" she smiled "good night". She closed the door and left. She is a sweet girl smart, beautiful, talented and she even had a nice body, no not that I was staring but the yesterday when we had gone to the restaurant she had a form fitting blue dress so I noticed her. I suddenly felt a tiny finger poke my thigh. Emily always does this when she wants to say something. "Yes, sweetheart" and then she said the words that I was dreading. "Can Belle be my mommy"

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