2 Tae. The Morning After The Night Before

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Feeling warm and cosy Tae snuggled deeper into his dream, Jk loved him, he half smiled in his sleep, Jk's naked body, Jk's gleaming eyes, Jk's.. Jk's.....

Feeling an unnatural weight across his tummy Tae fought against waking, wanting to stay in his dream, but then the weight shifted and something that felt very much like a hand brushed the top of his thigh.

Slowly opening one eye just a bit Tae peaked onto the morning sun lit room, "not my room, he thought first, then glanced in the direction of the weight.... Jk!!! Jks gorgeous tattooed arm was laying on him.. He opened his other eye and looked around.. Jk was laying almost spread Eagled, robe completely open and his naked chest on display above the sheets, his out stretched arm was laying across Tae's body, wrist almost touching his groin and his hands resting on his thigh.

Fear spread through Tae's body like ice, they'd shared beds before many times like brothers but never naked, why was Jk naked? He slowly felt his own body under the covers... Why was he only in boxers! WTF happened last night, holding his breath Tae fought down the panic threatening to engulf him and tried to remember....

Think he told himself.. Think. He could remember the show, the after party, the akwardness, he remembered Jk had left and how miserable he'd been.. OMG, the moment, he remembered the moment, back stage, the humiliation he'd felt!

Jk stirred in his sleep and rolled over away from Tae, giving Tae the chance to escape. Like a stealthy cat first one leg appeared over the edge of the bed, then the second leaving Tae looking rather odd for a moment then bent his knees and slithered onto the floor. He froze and listened, then inwardly sighed with relief as all he could hear was Jk's slow rhythmic breathing.

On all fours he scanned the room looking for his clothes. He spotted them folded neatly with his phone on top on the hotel rooms dresser. Phew he thought, now what.. Did he risk staying and getting dressed but maybe wake Jk or run down the corridor half naked.. Ugh, rock and a hard place sprang to mind but getting dressed won and he crawled over to the dresser and proceeded to put his clothes on as quickly and as quietly as possible.

He'd had no other choice really, no way he could risk any army or paparazzi seeing him leaving Jk's room not wearing any clothes. It was a scary enough fact that army had obviously caught on to his feelings and shipped the two of them, with out actual proof or a scandal.

He crept backwards and out the door closing it quietly behind him, it was only then did he release a breath he'd been holding, he scanned the long hotel corridor. Seeing it empty Tae ran down and into his room like the devil himself was chasing him.

Heart pounding in his ears Tae made it into his hotel room, slammed the door behind him and fell to his knees. One hand on his chest, the other holding his head, he tried to control his breathing and his thoughts.. Wtf, omg, WTF, omg was chanting around his slightly hungover brain.

Eventually his breathing and his heart rate slowed and Tae stood and went over to the mini fridge and downed a whole bottle of water. Calmer now he tried yet again to recall what had happened the night before.

The show, the look "he moaned out loud at this thought, the after party, his hotel room, the mini bar.. He glanced over his mini bar and saw numerous empty little bottles strewn on the side.. What came next...? Nothing , blank" shit, fuck " he exclaimed into the empty room..
How did he end up in Jks bed, did they sleep together? He thought for a moment and then concluded to himself ," i dont think so " . His body still felt the all too familiar frustration .

Suddenly his phone buzzed and Tae jumped at the sound, apprehensivly he took the phone out of his pocket and then sighed with relief when he saw it was just a message from their manager reminding him of a shoot they had later..

His relief was short lived however when he realised he'd have to face Jk and the others. He thought he'd gotten quite good at hiding his thoughts from everyone, he was happy goofy funny little Tae, the lads were his family and had been for years now, they were one unit and his feelings for Jk could ruin all that, how could he be selfish enough to even have these feelings and thoughts.

Anger washed over him, anger at himself and anger at Jk for bringing these feelings out in him, what's the point of loving if you can't love?
Noticing the time he realised he'd have to have a quick shower and pull himself together, he didn't have a normal job where he could call in sick, he was one of seven and needed to remember that. He didn't know what had happened last night and couldn't control it as it had been and passed, but he could control how he goes forward, he'd be his normal self today, and hope that Jk would be equally himself so that no one would suspect what had happened last night.

With his resolve set in place Tae set about going for his shower, he only had a couple of hours until he would see Jk and he was going to need all his wits about him.

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Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now