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Jk was sat huddled in the corner of the dark alleyway. Dark clothes , cap and mask no one knew who he was , and right now he didn't care . He was clutching his phone for dear life and scouring the Web for any clues on Tae .

He knew he'd probably just thrown his career and reputation out the window, he didn't care . He would accept all consequences as long as Tae was okay .

He'd been standing alone in the 'Taekook' suit earlier , feeling helpless when suddenly an American film he'd once seen came to him ,about a kidnapper demanding a ransom and how the father , or husband,  couldn't remember, wasn't important had gone on TV and offered the ransom money out to whoever caught the kidnapper instead.

He hadn't even really stopped to think about what he was doing,  he'd got changed and gone out the window,  climbed down the drain pipe, and ran.

He'd run in the general direction of HQ until he'd had to stop to catch his breath , then he'd ducked down an ally and pulled out his phone.

Now all he could do was wait , he'd decided to dismiss anything ,tip wise,  that mentioned Tae outside of the town.

He'd chased up a couple of the more local leads but he'd arrived just in time to see Bangs men leaving , obviously not having found Tae.

He'd had to duck quickly and hide both times but had managed to not be seen. 

Now he was waiting again , he'd seen 'my Tae ' was trending , knew big trouble was ahead , so was 'Taekook is real ' the grainy long distant photo that Bang thought he'd made dissappear was making its rounds again, he gave himself a minute and just looked at the picture , remembering that night on the balcony , the confessions and words of love...

He sobbed into his hands briefly before pulling himself together and going back to his phone.. then he saw one in particular that sounded promising.

..'my nan swears he's in the basement next to her shop , and her shop is just around the corner from where the van was found,  she getting a bit old and can be a bit deaf but swears on my life . Here's my number if you want more details...'

He rang the number and a young sounding guy answered. " hello ?"

Jk was trying to be a little smarter so spoke politely instead of panicked and ask the man to repeat what he said and why he said it ..
" my nan was closing up early when she heard tyres squeel ,but she didn't think anything of it then a few minutes later she said two men , one in a uniform , arresting another man and they went into the building next door.

She thought It strange the police would go in the instead of taking to the police station but didn't give it another thought. " JK was nodding and realised he couldn't be seen so said " what made her think it was Tae not a policeman and someone being arrested ?" His voice cracked at little at mentioning Tae's name but the person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to notice.

" I came home " he said , " I heard shouting and asked nan did she know what was going on , that's when she told me , I also didn't think much about it until I got a weverse notification saying JK was going live ."

JKs heart started to beat fast but managed to end the call quickly after getting an address and  with a promise that if this lead to Tae he would be rewarded , he'd hung up gratefully.

He pulled up maps on his phone and got directions to the address and headed off , it said it was a 25 minute walk but JK ran and did it in 10.

Breathing hard he stopped round the corner and peered at the building next to the shop. He looked around for police or Bangs people but couldnt spot any one.

There were no lights on and just one door he could see. He needed a plan.
All thoughts of self preservation was gone. He was a master at Taekwondo and he was confident he could overpower one or two people at least.

Heart about to explode with adrenaline, he walked carefully to the building and tried the door handle. Locked ..he looked about to see if he could get in another way but the building had shops either side . He was going to have to try the back.

He ran past several shops , counting as he did , and more than a few people until he found a small thin ally that he hoped would take him behind the buildings. Just as he turned the corner he looked back and thought he could see possibly Bangs people pulling up in a black suv.

Briefly it occurred to him that they'd be better at reaching Tae if Tae was indeed in here but logic wasn't really playing a part in JKs decisions at the moment .

He fled straight , turning left when he found another little ally. This place was like a rabbit warren and he wondered if he would even recognise the building from the back , but he kept going until he was on a road and clearly behind a row of shop buildings.

He counted back to where he guessed the building was and looked up. He couldn't see any activity . He looked around and couldn't see any one so jumped onto some bins and climbed over the wall landing softly on the other side .

The building was old and ivy had grown up a lot of the wall hiding several windows.  He pulled at it , not caring about cutting his hands,  until he revealed an old rotten window frame.

He gently pushed at the window and jumped back when the whole thing fell in making one hell of a ruckus as all the glass shattered. He looked around , worried some one would have heard and come running but after a few seconds no one came so JK lifted himself up and swung his legs through what was left of the window frame.

Once inside he waited , straining to hear any noise other than his own heart beat ..when he was sure he couldn't hear anything  he ran to the door and peered out.

Just as he was about to step out he heard a shout from behind him, he turned to look and saw one of Bangs men climbing through the window.

He ran out the door and down the hall way pushing doors open as he went , ..nothing , he noticed a cellar door and pulled revealing some steps and practically jumped down them to find a thick door at the end of a short hallway.

He took a breath , Bangs men were shouting behind him , he grabbed the handle and yanked hard,  and then promptly fell over with the unexpected ease of the door opening.

Before he could register anything Bangs men had caught up with him and were holding him back , the others ran into the empty room .

The men were on communication devices and all of JKs adrenaline left his body when he heard and realised Tae wasn't here . The men had a hand on each of his shoulders and dejectidly he started to allow them to take him home. 

He turned to leave when suddenly something glinted on the floor , he jerked out of those holding him and ran into the room ,fell to his knees and screamed , it was Taes wedding ring. He brought it to his chest , the screaming continued as he rocked back and forth , his surrounding were gone , his thoughts were gone , Tae had been here and now he was gone , with a final cry , he passed out . The stress , the fear , the pain , it was all too much .

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now