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By the time JK stepped through the front door surrounded by his brothers he had a fair idea of what might be happening but played along.

The first thing he noticed was fresh flowers every where, the main entrance high table, had a vase of white roses, the shelves on the walls had an assortments of white daisies and baby's breath.

The boys were all excitedly talking to him at once and slapping him on the back, all the while ushering him towards the dressing room.

He noticed how smart the all looked dressed up.. Clue number two as to what was happening, he chuckled inwardly to himself and allowed them to propel him onwards, past the main dorm.

Once in the dressing room he saw a smart pair of trousers, a  waistcoat and  a beautiful silk shirt all in white..

"they're definitely throwing us a wedding reception" he thought to himself. Just then his personal make up artist and stylist came in and set to work.

JK sat back and relaxed, this was normal to him so let his mind wander.  He was definitely feeling blessed, he now had his brothers blessings and his stylists apparently, possibly Tae's parents and the love of his life. It was more than he'd even dreamed of having a week ago.

He'd have to talk to his parents soon, but honestly he wasn't worried about them, they were very easy going, in fact they'd never even really been strict with him. They'd let him learn from his own mistakes growing up, make his own decisions and only intervened if he needed a little correcting.

No he wasn't worried, in fact he wouldn't be surprised if they'd already guessed how he felt about Tae the amount of times he'd talk about him over the others.

The stylists had finished and he looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like he was going to a wedding  and felt guilty a little that all himself and Tae had been able to have was their own intimate ceremony.

Just then RM walked back in, he  was dressed up nicely wearing a dove grey suit. "you look amazing" he said to JK and JK felt himself blush a little. RM was a great group leader but not one to be overly sentimental, a bit like Suga there. "thanks" he said "so wheres the party at? He asked smiling, RM laughed and said come with me, and led him out of the dressing room down to a smaller room.

" you need to go in there first "he said mysteriously  and then turned and left.

JKs heart sped up, he guessed Tae was there  and opened the door.. His heart stopped. There was both his parents and his brother Jeon Jung-Hyung. He looked at them all, taking in the fact that they too were dressed up smartly.

His mother stepped forward first with her arms open. "do you have something to tell us?" she asked whilst pulling him in to embrace him.

JK had stopped breathing, confused now by what was happening, why was his family here , what had RM told them, he held onto his mother for a moment more then  stepped back..

" I was just thinking about you" he said "really?" said his mum. "hmm yeah ermm.." he stepped back and looked at his loved ones.. "mother, father , brother." he addressed them formerly and bowed once then stood back up, "I... Love  Tae.. " he said and waited  for the fall out.

He thought funny how confident he had been just a few moments ago in how he thought  his parents would react but now they were here and he was stood waiting he didn't think he could feel more nervous.

His father stepped forward, "as a father I would have had to meet your betrothed, met her parents, asked awkward financial questions about her family, taken them out for dinner  , I dont have to do any of that," he laughed, "thanks son"

JK saw his mother and brother roll their eyes, his dad did like to play jokes on people, he gave a little nervous laugh himself. His brother stepped forward, "you're so cool bro, who wouldn't want Tae as part of their family," he shook JKs hand, JK was still speachless, "Did you already know?" he asked confused.

His mother came and stood with his dad, "RM came to see us the other day, he asked if we had seen the photo" she looked a little disappointed at the mention of the photo but carried on quickly "I hadn't, but your brother had and showed us. I asked RM if it was real and he said yes. He wanted to give us the heads up if they couldn't dispute the picture." JK nodded and waited for her to continue "I then spoke with your father that evening, I admit to being a little shocked, a mother is supposed to know these things"

JK interrupted her "mum. I didnt even know" he said "well not for sure and not that Tae felt the same, I thought it would be my secret forever and I tried really hard to keep it from you and every one"

"still" his mum said "I should have known, you must have been so scared and confused and felt so alone" she got tears in her eyes as she said this and JKs father handed her a hankie and said "don't cry you'll ruin your make up" she thanked him and dabbed at her eyes.

His father looked up at him, "I admit I had my suspicions, you never talked about girls, you were happy to wear make up," he chuckled " but I dismissed my thoughts thinking it was an idol rule, but still I found it strange the only person you ever really spoke passionatly about was Tae, and you were always together online, am I sad I won't be having any grand children from you...? A little but I have your brother for that so I'll get over it "he chuckled throwing a look at his brother that said its all on you now and his brother laughed back and said" ill get right on that shall I? " with a cheeky wink. His mother gave him a playful slap on the arm and said" not just yet "

Jk looked around the room. At his family, his wonderful accepting family, now his world felt complete... Except he still hadn't seen Tae.." erm has any one seen Tae? "he asked.

His brother walked over to the door and said he's waiting for you, RM just thought we should talk first, JK thanked him, hugged both his parents quickly and said" I'll see you at the party shortly, I love you all" he said as he rushed out the door.

Eager to see Tae now, heart fit to burst with all the love in the house he wondered where to go, just then Suga came into the hallway and said "looking for someone?" he laughed and said come on and led him to the small day room usually used for interviews.

The first thing he saw was Tae looking beautiful and  dressed in  white also. He was sat on a little sofa in front of a camera. Tae looked up as he walked in and the love literally shone from his eyes. He jumped up and rushed over to JK and held him close.

"I've missed you" he said. "me too" said JK..

Tae led him back over to the little sofa "have you figured out what's happening yet?" he asked..
"I'm guessing they're throwing us a party" replied JK

Tae laughed, looked around to make sure they were alone and gave him a quick kiss... "almost" he said, "they're throwing us a wedding"..

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now