The meeting

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Jk and Tae had spent a beautiful ,much needed morning together and after JK had helped Tae have a bath and wash without getting his shoulder and cast wet.

Going to meet Bang was going to be momentous and difficult and it reflected in the clothes. With out even discussing what to wear they'd both chosen to wear dark , sombre looking suits .

A car was coming for them in half an hour so they sat on the sofa drinking coffee.

Tae sighed and rested his head on JKs shoulder, " are you nervous ? " he asked quietly , " very " JK replied .
Tae sighed again and looked down and his hands. He twisted his wedding ring around with his thumb, JK had given it back to him at the hospital and he'd been so happy. It was on the wrong hand for now but he felt the comfort in just having it back.

" Have you been online at all and seen what's been said ?" Tae asked , JK nodded " I looked a little bit while you were in hospital , but I've not been online since Bang made his statement "

" I haven't been online since before the incendent, " said Tae " I've been too much of a coward if I'm honest , want to give me a quick version of what to expect ?" Tae asked reluctantly.

JK took a breath , " so...its all my fault , I'm so sorry , when they took you away in the ambulance I wasn't thinking straight and I shouted that's my husband , because they wouldnt let me come with you at first , people recorded and it went viral , memes have been made for gods sake " he was disgusted that something as serious as Tae being hurt could be used in any way for entertainment purposes but he had to accept it was all part of the course, and there were now bigger problems , so he continued " After that came out every news reporter from around the world has been trying to speak to us, Bang hadn't come out and officially said anything so all the media and netizans could do was speculate and have an opinion . I know Bang has made a statement now but I've not been on to see the response, we came here and I didn't want to be too distracted or upset to help you recuperate "

" Aww babe this isn't your fault , we knew it would come out at some point, I'm glad in a way "

Jk was shocked " you got hurt ! You could have died how can you say that?" He'd stood up and was looking down at Tae clearly upset by this .

Tae held his hand out and JK automatically took it. He tugged gently pulling him back to the sofa to sit.

" babes , I don't mean I'm okay with what those two have done to me , but I'm okay with the world knowing about us now . I love you , why should we be ashamed when we've done nothing wrong ? I want to shout it from the rooftops that I have the most handsome man in the world as my husband, I want to show all the haters and jealous Sasaeng that they can't hurt us or break us , " He lent forward and kissed him gently , " matter what happens from this day forward , if I have you , if we have each other we will be okay "

JK shook his head and whispered " I thought that before and look " he looked at Taes arm " you got hurt , I am never letting you out of my sight again !"

Tae gave a shallow laugh and said " Don't worry babe, where you go I go "

Just then the buzzer went on the intercom telling them their car was ready, Tae stood up and pulled Tae up with him " Time to face reality " he said grimly.

They were silent in the car journey , JK defiantly held on to Taes hand , regardless if the driver saw or not. There was no going back now , he'd thought .

There were some reporters hanging around the entrance to head quarters so the driver drove them into the under ground private car park.

Security were already waiting by the lift as the driver opened the door of the car for them. JK got out first and helped Tae out , as Tae was about to take his steps out of the car the driver suddenly bowed to them both and said , " I'm so terribly sorry for what happened to you sir. And may I also say , even though I'm a married man with three children, you have at least our support . Congratulations " he bowed again and then quickly went to the drivers side if the car and got in leaving Tae and JK opened mouthed and staring after him .

Tae got out and shut the car door , he had a little smile on his face and JK knew he was struggling not to laugh. He squeezed his hand in a gentle warning and they both made their way to the lifts. The guards bowed to them as they watched the lift doors close behind them and then they were alone and both burst out laughing .

" He looked so awkward as he ran back to his side of the car" laughed Tae " I know " said JK " It was nice of him to say that though , it was just how he said it that got me " they both laughed a little more , but quickly sobered up as the lift announced they'd arrived on Bangs floor.

" ready babes ?" Asked JK , " as I'll ever be " said Tae .

Bang looked grim as the two walked in. They stood and waited , they'd let go of holding hands out of respect ,but both were missing the comfort it brought.

"Tae, I'm glad to see you looking a lot better, how are you feeling " asked Bang politely, " much better thank you sir " he replied..the tension was real the conversation all very chillingly polite.

Bang indicated for them to sit before speaking " did either of you see my news conference ? " he said waiting for a response, both shook their heads and waited .

"Stock prices have dropped and there have been losses, but both RM and Jk seem to think we can survive this and I have no choice but to hope with them. There's no point me being angry with you both , what's done is done. Some members of the board wanted you both gone, they were very verbal and adamant, and although entitled to their opinion I found myself standing up for you two , even though its still not something I'm comfortable with , it did make me realise that I care for all of you too much to allow other people to put you down.
That's really what helped me make my decision, so I called the press conference, I briefly touched on your kidnap Tae and explained what happened, why and who was behind it. The security guard gave up his girlfriends part in the plan, so both are in custody now. I said yes you two were an official couple, yes the group and I support you and yes, you've had a marriage ceremony despite it not being recognised here in Korea. I also stated the group would not be disbanding. " he looked up at the both," the rest is up to you, !"

Jk and Tae just sat there. It wasn't quite having Bangs blessing but to even have his support was enough for now.

"What do we have to do ?" They asked in almost unison.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now