Lesson One

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Tae couldn't speak, his eyes fixed on the contents of the basket, he could hear JK laughing but still couldn't tear his eyes away. For all his talk, and excitement and bravado suddenly it was dawning on him that these few items were going to become a very important part of their love making.

He felt himself sobering up quite quickly.

His mind was bombarded with questions he couldn't answer yet, with out the spontaneity would he or JK freeze up, he loved every single thing he and JK had done together so far and desperately wanted to do more but that was easy to want when emotions were high, testosterone was controlling his brain, but when none of these things were happening could he just be naked and instructional.?

JK was already nervous, how would JK feel if he suddenly suggested he try inserting the butt plug, yeah he knew the name from his video tutorials.

Slowly he looked up at JK, JKs laughter had turned into a quiet huccuppy giggle, but as they both met each others eyes JK spluttered and started laughing hard again and this time Tae joined in.

"Oh my God" said JK though tears of laughter, "Leigh is unbelievable!" said Tae.

JK was glad of the wine he'd drunk, he had a feeling if he'd seen this earlier he'd be a lot more nervous or embarressed, but as it was he'd felt himself actually get turned on slightly at the sight of the baskets contents. Despite not knowing fully everything in there he knew it was for sex, and although he was having a hard time with some of the sex things he still loved being intimate with Tae.

He reached out his hand and picked up the finger shaped cilicone thing and closely inspected it. Being rather drunk he actually was fascinated by it and was concentrating so hard he didn't see Tae's face flood red.

"shit!" thought Tae, "erm babe?" JK looked up "hmm?" "do you know what you've got in your hand?" asked Tae. JK looked at it again with a puzzled look on his face "want me to guess? Is it a guessing game?"

"erm if you want" said Tae. he gulped down the rest of his wine wanting his happy gaze to return, and waited, everything around him seemed slightly surreal anyway, why not let JK have fun figuring it out, he thought, who knows he might even be willing to try it out, his cock twitched almost as if to say it hoped so.

JK was bending the butt plug back and forward, left and right, he held it upside down and watched it wobble slightly, he noticed one end was slightly tapered so it was thinner than the base, and then the base cut off with a stopper part... he then looked Tae straight in the eyes and popped it in his mouth.. "what......?" spluttered Tae just as JK said " its like a soother.. Its for practicing... You know" he said still with the sex toy in his mouth.

Tae smacked the palm of his hand on his own forhead and said "nope" JK spat it out and sulked "well what else can it be for then?" he asked, peeved he'd been wrong. He hated getting things wrong, or losing at anything in general.

Tae swallowed a nervous hiccup "it erm.... Its for... Erm.." his voice trailed off. "how do people do this?!" he thought. Why did it have to be so complicated, ? He wanted to start kissing JK and then just lose himself in the feelings, not talk about what either he or JK have to do before that can happen...

JK came over to Tae and playfully kissed his ear, thoughts of plastic finger shaped toys all gone, in his drunken state suddenly he wanted to feel Tae's hands on him, his lips... "woah baby" said Tae "in a minute we can go to the bedroom, I erm... I think we should talk some more about these things." he waved his hand in general the direction of the basket and JK stepped back to look..

"oh yeah" he said, clearly the alchohol was really starting to kick in "thought Tae, wishing he was half as drunk as JK ..

He picked up the butt plug and held it out for JK to see.." it goes in yours or my erm... bottom " he finally managed to say

" what! "said JK confused. Tae swallowed" it's for erm stretching so that it doesn't hurt as much when I, if erm or if you want to .. Erm you know.. Me?! "

Not the most coherent explanation he'd ever given about something but honestly it was the best he could do under the circumstances.

JK reached out his hand and took the item in his hands and looked at it again but with renewed concentration.." soo" he said slowly.. "this goes erm.. Up there and then eventually up there can take erm.. Down there??"

Shocked that JK was even speaking so openly about this Tae just nodded and said " pretty much, but we have to use some other things first too..

JK studied it for a few moments and Tae let him have those moments to really think about what had just been said.

Inside JK had a lot of conflicting emotions about what they'd just discussed.. Part of him was thinking why can't they just carry on just doing what they'd been doing, yet a part of him was also wondering what it would be like to be able to bend Tae over and just fill him up from the inside. He knew it was the alchohol letting him have these thoughts with out completely dying of embarrassment, but he just let the thoughts keep rolling.

If he was honest, really painfully honest he thought, when Tae pushed his little finger just inside him the feeling had been so intense it's what had tipped him over the edge to cum, it was only in the cold light of day that the thought of Tae sticking his finger up his bum did the embarrassment come into play.

In the other hand it had felt good and he wondered how Tae would feel if he did it to him.. The thought of giving that sort of pleasure to Tae made him feel all squirmy.

Could he do this, could he let Tae do this?

While JK battled with all these thoughts Tae watched his face intently, his heart was beating so fast he worried he'd have a heart attack, he had to let JK make the decisions, but man was it hard to be patient, He loved this man so much, he loved everything about him, his own initial panic was nothing compared to the excitement building up in him, the things they could do if they just get past this awkward bit.

Suddenly he felt his hand get grabbed and he looked down to see JK had taken his wrist and was drunkedly marching him back towards the house, basket swinging on his other arm. "erm babe? " said Tae almost stumbling trying to keep up, "what we doing right now?"

JK didn't even miss a beat when he said, "we're going to find out how that soother helps with our sex life .. "

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now