Euphoria 35

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JK still couldn't quite believe what was happening, he was sat on a sofa with the love of his life, surrounded by his and Tae's family and his group brothers.

They were posing for tradition wedding photographs and every one was smiling.

After the photo's were all taken every one left to take their seats leaving the two grooms alone.

JK turned to Tae and took both of his hands in his own "you ready for this?" he asked, Tae smiled and kissed him "I was born to be married to you. I love you so much, let's do this"

Hand in hand they walked out to the double doors leading to the newly decorated front dorm.

Seats draped in white had been set up two by two leaving an isle down the middle. The isle chairs had bouquets of white flowers and white ribbons on them. In the corner stood two upright tradition Korean flower stands with all white flowers and well wishes written on silk banners.

Suga was sat at a key board near the window and RM was stood front and center at the microphone

JK and Tae spotted their parents sat in the front couple of rows followed by their brothers. There were other people also but the RM started speaking..

"ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of JK and Tae I would like to welcome you all here to help celebrate their wedding.

It may have come as a shock to some of you but to those of us that have know them the longest the biggest shock has been just how long it took them to figure it all out"

A chuckle ran through the guests and a murmer of agreement.

"I am your MC for today's festivities so you'll be hearing from me again later but for now I'll hand you over to our amazing manager Sejin who will officiate today's proceedings."

JK and Tae looked at each other in shock, the last time they'd seen their manager he had been dragging them apart back at the hotel apparently disgusted with them, but here he was all dressed up ready to stand up for them, Tae squeezed JKs hands, no words were needed.

Suga started playing the tradition wedding march and the guests all stood up to watch the two grooms as they walked hand in hand down the Isle,

The two only had eyes for each other as they walked slowly down the Isle, both automatically walking to the slow beat of sugar's playing.

Once they reached the front they both bowed in unison to Sejin, who bowed back.

Sejin then instructed them to kneel, which they both did.

"ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of these two beautiful souls.
Love has no bounderies, it has no right or wrong, love is just love and pure love should be celebrated as so rare.

Tae and Jk's love has been witnessed by their friends, family and Army many times over, their bond has been unshakable over the years and that beautiful love and bond has now become romantic love. It is an amazing thing to find your soul mate and that's what these two have done.

Tae, JK please rise and say your vows to one and other. "

The two stood and faced one another. JK had a fleeting moment of panic not having had any time to prepare anything but then he just spoke from his heart, the room faded away and for a moment it was just the two of them.

" Tae, "said JK" I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and ill go on loving you for as long as I breath. I will hold your hand through good and bad times, I will stand by your side as we fight the world if need be.
Thank you for being brave and accepting my love, I will honour you as my husband for all time. "

Tae's eyes were shining brightly with insured tears and had to swallow a lump in his throat before he could continue..

" JK, thank you for finally giving me reason and purpose, I promise to love, honour and respect you until I die, and beyond if possible. Through hardships and good times I promise to be your strength , your shoulder, your confidant, I promise to always be by your side. I love you "

The guests erupted in applause and Tae watched as JK blushed and leant over and gently pinched his cheek," your just so God damn cute "he said smiling.

RM came to stand infront of the microphone again and said, we will now have the nuptial song, and stepped back arm outstretched making may for Jimin and Ha Sungwan.

Suga started c playing 'with you' and Jimin and Ha Sungwan started to sing.

I wanna be with you
And I wanna stay with you
Just like the stars shining bright
You're glowing once more
Right here beside you, I'm still
Walking wherever you go
You will live forever in me
Breathing deeply, within me 🎶

By the time the song was finished there was a barely a dry eye on the house.

Sejin took the mic once the applause had died down and both JK and Tae gave a quick shallow bow of appreciation to the two singers.

"JK and Tae. It is my great honour to officiate over this ceremony, please turn and face one and other and repeat after me.

" Jeon Jung-kook do you take Kim Tae-hyung to be your husband unto death do you part? "

JK replied" I do "

" Kim Tae-hyung do you take Jeon Jung-kook to be your husband into death do you part? "

Tae smiled" of course I do " he said.

Sejin said" do you have rings? "

Both Tae and JK panicked, they had the little things they'd given each other bit they didn't have official couples rings, but then Jin stepped up" here " he said handing Tae a little ring box. JK watched as Tae opened them and inside was two white gold stylish wedding bands, one contained a torquise stone and one contained a sapphire.. They're eyes met , the stones were their birthstones.." I can't believe you've done all this" he said..

Sejin coughed to get there attention and both JK and Tae still full of wonderment turned back.

Tae held the rings up. "we got rings" he said grinning.. Sejin said "you may now exchange rings." Tae handed the sapphire one to JK and kept the turquoise one. JK held out his ring finger for Tae to slip on, and then JK took Tae's finger and slipped his on to, hand in hand they looked deep into each others eyes, "I promise" they both said quietly to each other.

Applause ran through the guests again and then Sejin said "I now pronounce you husbands," the applause grew even louder and JK and Tae held on to each other until it died down. JK buried his face into the side of Tae's neck and Tae wrapped his hands around JK.

It was a beautiful sight so see. Suga started up on the key board again and permission to dance started up, RM, Jim, Jimin and J-hope started singing, and Tae and JK sang along from where they stood, when the chorus kicked in all the guests stood up and sang along doing the hand signs together.

JK didn't think he'd ever felt so happy, looking out over the handful of guests seeing their smiling faces and knowing they were there for him and Tae. He still had hold of Tae's and and he stopped singing and lifted the ring hand up to his lips.. "happy?" he asked Tae.. " euphoric" replied Tae.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now