RM Real Talk?

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RM could feel the effects of the alchohol kicking in and relaxed, he knew this week had been hard for JK and Tae but he had also been running around trying to untangle this mess.

Of course he had always suspected that there was more between Tae and JK, had often joked with them too, but deep down he hadn't really believed it. Had just found it funny to wind them up, plus Taekook was almost a gimmick for the group. All the members played it up. Taekook being a couple was joked about almost as much as 'yoongi marry me' .

As the leader of the group RM had hoped Taekook wasn't real, had watched hundreds of fanmade videos in private, just in case, and had managed to dispel most theories being on the inside himself .

Now he had thought about it though how had it take them both so long to realise how the other had felt.? How did he and the other group members not take what they were seeing seriously? Suddenly hindsight had 20/20 vision.!

He was glad however that the two hadn't been lying to him, that would have hurt, although technically they hadn't told him Bang had.

"did you get my message?" asked RM looking at JK who was sat playing with a little ring on his finger and staring into space,
"huh?!" said JK coming back into the room "oh, yes, thank you. I couldn't reply, i was worried I'd get you into trouble" he looked up at RM earnestly, "did you mean it? What have the other said?"

RM sighed, shuffled forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his shins still holding his bottle of drink.

"It was Suga who saw the picture first and rang me, of course we weren't sure, the picture was poor quality, but Army were speculating all over the world, they'd analysed the picture, blew up segmants, like really? Army amaze me sometimes, anyway I recognised your tattoos, still I thought it might be a set up but then I got the phone call from Bang to come into the office, we knew it was real then, On the way to the office me and the others video called and spoke, surprisingly most said they'd always suspected, it was only JHope who didn't believe.

I knew what Bang would do and it was unanimously decided we couldn't lose you, either of you , BTS isn't just any k pop group, it's all seven of us! . We are.. " he stood up and held one hand over his heart as though making a pledge and held the bottle up in the air.." Bangtan Sonyeondan. We are "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" We can withstand bullets! we can withstand bombs and Bangs! " he laughed at his joke and then wobbled slightly as JK caught up in the alchohol infused enthusiasm had jumped up and grabbed him saying" yeah! " and then they clinked bottles and said cheers..

After a string hug and a handfuls of 'I love you' ' they both sat back down.

A serious look crossed JKs face..

He said" I don't know what to do, I never thought Tae would like me back, I didn't want to feel like this but just always have. I don't want to hurt or dissapoint any of my family and you and the group are my family too, even Bang. So what do I do? What can I do? Bang thinks it's a passing thing but if it was going to pass it would have years ago surely?, when I first started looking at Tae that way and I'd prayed the feelings would go away.

RM shook his head, " I don't have all the answers yet not long term but we have less than forty eight hours until all seven of us are supposed to be back in the studios working again. Bang for now needs convincing you can behave,"

"I don't see how he'll allow that" said JK " or if its even possible, every one knows us, we are close, and touchy feely, we can't go to being distant, Army and then the news would spot it, but now you all know I'll feel embarrassed, I don't know how me and Tae are supposed to be around one and other?"

RM poured JK another shot and said" it will work out, me and the others are your brothers, as I said in the txt we may not understand or approve of your choice but we've all felt your love for each other, even we could see it was beautiful even if we did think platonic friendship, love is love,

I'm blessed, we all are, we've been to many countries around the world, seen love in all shapes, colours religions and creed, Korea has come so far but still has a long way to go. " he ruefully shook his head and finished his drink. JK was quick to pour him a soju cup and handed it to him.

RM finished it in one and held the cup over his head triumphantly and JK giggled. They were both more than a little drunk at this point.

" I love you man!" slurred JK "you are the best leader in the world and I wish you were president then you'd let mine and Tae's marriage be registered" he hiccupped and smiled wistfully.

"Married?!" said RM " seriously" JK nodded his head up and down with a huge grin on his face. He then wafted his hand in front of RMs face wiggling his ring finger..

"yep, just this morning, of course it won't hold up in a court of law but he's my husband so Bang can stick those passing thoughts up his bum!?"

JK slapped his hands over his mouth, he'd never before even dreamt of being so rude but alchohol was now playing a big part in this evenings entertainment.

RM was speechless, married? That's different, that's for real, Bang will be pissed, talk about take the no dating clause and fuck it up completely " erm, congratulations?" he said to JK a little tentativly,

JK was now a too far gone, the filter that every one has attached to their brain had gone to sleep, retired, was out of commission, JK was giggling , "thanks bro. We couldn't invite you because well because but... Taes parents even know about us, I think ill make a good son in law don't you think?!"

RM racked his befuddled brain, what's he supposed to say here? he poured another soju shot and handed it to JK" wow, just wow, but it's so sad you got married this morning and you can't be with him "actually as RM thought about it the more normal it seemed, like everything suddenly made sense.

Of course JK and Tae were a couple! He didn't want to think about the intimate side of things but in a strange way he had to admit they made sense.

" as soon as we are all back at the house I am going to throw you a  party "RM said smiling broadly

" for real? " asked JK like a kid that had just been told his birthday wish was coming true.
Doubt clouded his eyes briefly" what about Bang? "

" What Bang doesn't know won't hurt him.... "

JK lent over and hugged RM who slightly awkwardly patted him on the back" save it for Tae " he said jokingly, peeling JK off him," I've seen Tae jealous and that was when you weren't together hahah I can only imagine how possessive he'll be of his husband "RM laughed but JK was suddenly all serious, staring at RM

Then the biggest smile hit his face" you called him my husband " he said incredulously... Then promptly fell back into the sofa and passed out, still smiling..

At first RM was shocked but then laughed. He dug out a marker from his duffle bag and drew a bunny nose and whiskers on JKs face. Laughing to him self he said "I'll take the bed then and on very unsteady feet took himself off to bed thinking big talks can wait until morning....

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now