*18*. Back To Work

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Over the next two days all of the members slipped back into their work routine with surprising ease, they had a new song to release, choreography to learn and their days were long and tiring.

Despite being newlyweds, at work JK and Tae didn't seem much different, they still favoured each others company, they were always in contact some how even if just shoulder to shoulder, they practiced hard when was needed and goofed around together when relaxing.

On the last evening before leaving they had a group dinner.

RM stood up towards the end of the meal and said " can I just say" he paused looking all serious then cracked a wide grin "how on earth did  we not figure you two out before?!"

"I was thinking that earlier" said Jin. JK looked at Tae and laughed " I don't know how we didn't know earlier!" he said.

"Army knew" said Suga, "and I'm the one with the high IQ! " said RM.

The room erupted in laughter " I do think though you both have done very well the last two days" said RM more seriously now. "If I didn't know for sure I wouldn't think anything had changed between you two, which if you think about it is actually quite scary."

"I did think it would be awkward" admitted Tae " I thought I would overthink all my actions, but you have all made us feel so comfortable and normal that it was easy to just be ourselves."
" yeah we spoke about this last night actually" said JK "Don't worry we really don't want to get any of you guys in trouble so we just agreed to be ourselves as best as possible. It wasn't completely easy but I'm glad you all think we did well. Thank you"

"do you remember that episode we recorded in.. When was it 2020 / 21 when you two had that heart to heart talk in the soop?" said Jimin " leading up to that it was really hard to watch you two, you weren't yourselves at all,  so I'm glad you're still yourselves now"

Tae looked at JK and nodded then JK said" It was a talk that had been a long time coming, and it had all been my fault "". Tae shook his head "you had only acted that way because of me"

"what do you mean?" asked RM.

"back before then when we did bon voyage Hawaii .. Well the last night there when everyone has gone to bed I started thinking, and I started to think that I felt more for Tae than just friendship, and it got me really sad, scared and worried all at once because it wasn't normal we were best friends, we were Brothers.

I decided that even though we were great friends I was going to have to try and distance myself a bit from him before my feelings grew even more.
So over the next few years I tried to slowly edge away, even though I didn't want to. He kept trying to make us best friends, asked me to drop formalities with him and everything but I was so afraid.

I didnt realise he was feeling hurt by my actions until he spoke to me that night.
I was still scared he'd see how I felt but was no longer denying it to myself so I was weak and caved, which I am glad I did " he said looking at Tae and looped his fingers in his," I'd decided I'd rather enjoy his company selfishly, even if it hurt me, than hurt him with my words or actions. "

" oh my yes I remember now "said Jimin" that clip of you singing there's nothing like us when we were in bed actually went viral if I remember correctly "

" oh I know! "said JK" I wasn't really thinking straight but I guess it was my goodbye to friendship song. I'd totally forgotten about the cameras and was freaked when I saw the social media the day ofter the release! Hehe I felt for sure I was blown at that point "

" nah "said RM" we just thought you were grabbing yourself a bit of limelight haha "

" well I for one am glad we had that talk " said Tae, smiling up at JK.

The rest of the meal passed pleasantly, and eventually members started saying their goodnights and leaving. With plans to meet at eight in the morning everyone went back to their rooms.

Over the last two days most of Tae's belongings had slowly made their way to JKs room so Tae barely needed to go back to his room any more.

He walked into the 'Taekook suit' and flopped on the bed. JK laughed and flopped on top of him and they both let out an ooomph sound  "no you don't sleepy head you need a shower"  said JK.
"too sleepy" said Tae looking all cute and gorgeous. He wriggled and rolled over and looked up at JK laying on top of him. He lifted his head up and gave him a quick kiss, then in the cutest voice he could muster "I want to sleep" he pouted "can I sleep baby?"

"your soo cute" said JK" but.. you also stink hehehe" he started tickling Tae and their laughter could be heard down the hall way. Tickling lead to kissing and they both enjoy a pleasant few moments before Tae said "okay okay I stink hehe, want to share a shower?" he said raising his eyebrows "
Breathless from laughing JK nodded and jumped off the bed holding a hand out to Tae.

Together they ran to the bathroom and JK turned the shower on, Tae grabbed two over sized towels and placed them on the towel warmer.

Tae stripped quickly, but JK still got a bit shy so Tae helped him while JK laughed and tried to hide his blush.

Once in the shower they took turns lathering each other up, shyness gone, Jk's soapy hands ran first over Tae's chest, and then his stomach, he let his hands wander while JK did the same. In unison they took each others cock, using the slickness of the soap they each moved with an in built rythem, gently pulling  from the balls to the tip, back and forth, up and down. Tae ran his thumb over the sensitive top of JKs cock and JK, looking Tae in the eyes kissed him hungrily, the water was running down their bodies, the steam fogged up the shower doors, both were breathing heavily, Tae pushed JK so his back was up against the shower, his body tight with need, he  wanted to lift JK up and slip inside of him, every fiber in his body was screaming out to do this but instead, mindful of JK he just intensified his hand movements, he lowered one hand to fondle JKs balls whilst his other hand moved up and down,

JKs breathing grew heavy  and Tae noticed he was having a hard time concentrating on what he was doing, he stopped Jk's ministrations by bringing  his hand up to his mouth, he sucked in Jk's finger whilst speeding up the movement of his hand, with a deep chested arggg! JK orgasmed and Tae pumped his hand slower and slower gently squeezing the tip of Jk's cock until he was soft and  relaxed.

Tae leant in and kissed JK "you are so gorgeous when you cum" he said. JK blushed and kissed him back, he then turned Tae around and stood behind him, wrapped his arms  around his waist and took hold of Tae's still rock hard cock. He moved his hands back and forth, kissing Tae's back every where he could reach.

It didn't take long and once both satisfied they actually enjoyed cleaning each  other before wrapping themselves in the towels.

Tae really couldn't believe how lucky he was a little while later as he watch JK sleeping peacefully next to him. If only it could always be this easy..

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now