Dinner Party

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The house they pulled up to was hidden behind a wall of trees and they had to go through a gate and drive for a bit to reach the actual house.

"woah" said JK to everyone with in earshot.

"who knew Mr Park and Leigh lived like this over here? Doesn't he just have a small rooftop house in Seoul?" remarked Jimin, RM nodded his head, "I reckon this is mostly Leighs doing, guess he's bigger than we thought!"

The mini van pulled up outside a modern cubed looking house. Mr Park and Leigh were stood waiting for them. As the lads climbed out Leigh was practically hopping on the spot with excitement..

" welcome welcome "he said clapping his hands and coming forward to meet them, one by one he gave them all a quick embrace. Most took this okay , being well aware that Europeans were more touchy feely than Koreans when it came to strangers, it was only Suga that seemed to find it awkward and Leigh noticed and apologised.

"so sorry," he said quickly " Parky here is still trying to teach me manners"

Suga just mumbled something in Korean and the moment passed when Mr Park said" shall we go in? "

From the outside the house looked like a cube with another cube stacked on top but slightly off to the side, inside every thing seems to be in pale shades of grey with just hints of lilac. The entrance was high ceilinged with a double staircase in front of them, off to the left an open plan doorway lead to what must be their living room.

After changing into slippers they all followed Mr Park and Leigh through to the room. Rm's eyes lit up when he spotted the artworks on the wall. Mr Park saw his face and chuckled. "I thought you'd like these" he said. RM nodded and said" may I? " Indicating he wanted to leave the group and go check them out" of course " said Mr Park and Leigh together.

RM bounded off and was lost in his own world of art for the next half an hour. The rest walked through the living area and out through some patio doors and were sat around a fire pit drinking a glass of wine. All except Jimin who was the evenings designated driver.

" Leigh? We really can't thank you enough for what you've given us, your home is beautiful. " said Tae, Leigh just shook his head " don't mention it, I cant even imagine what you two boys have been through, but I do know how hard it is for my Parky here"

He reached out his hand and took Mr Parks, the lads all looked away, so unused to seeing Mr Park as anything other than a teacher.

Out of the corner of his eye JK thought he saw Mr Park blush and he smiled. "Mr Park" he said looking back at them "I think you make a lovely couple, when are you two getting married" Mt Park and Suga spat their drinks out and the others all laughed.

Leigh said " I keep asking him, it's perfectly legal here and he could work here easily too but.. He loves you guys too much"

Mr Park gave a slightly awkward laugh, coughed and said "ill put some music on shall I?"

JK watched him shuffle off to a sound system set up by the wall, and sighed, being different was difficult for everyone, he thought.

Tae had been watching him and gently touched his leg "hey, you ok?" he asked quietly, JK laid his hand on top of Tae's and gave it a squeeze, "I am, because I have you" he lent in so only Tae could hear, "Do you know how very much I love you you? "

They must have spent a good two minutes just lost in each others eyes and smiling, Jimin noticed first and gave them both a nudge.. "come on you two, didn't you hear Mr Park say dinner was ready? " and laughed as they both blushed.

There was lots of ooohs and ahhs as Leigh and Mr Park dished up perfectly  done steaks, garnishes and salads.

"sorry its not Korean food" said Leigh "but honestly I don't know how to cook it haha"

RM spoke for them all when he said they loved steak and it was all perfect.

The red wine flowed, the food had been eaten enthusiastically and the music played gently in the back ground, RM and Mr Park talked about the art works and various artists, Suga was in deep conversation with Leigh about the sound equipment he used and how he'd got into Djing and Jimin and J-Hope were discussing a particularly hard piece of choreography that J-Hope and Mr Park had made for him.

JK and Tae were sat next to  each other on a double swinging seat, the fire in the fire pit crackled and the two were just sat enjoying the evening, watching their friends relax.

Tae leant his head on JKs shoulder, "this is so peaceful, I almost wish we could pause time"

JK looked around to see where everyone's attention was and quickly kissed the top of Tae's head.

Tae looked up shocked and JK laughed. "I checked" he whispered and gently pushed Tae's head back onto his shoulder. "I think moments like this in life are few and far between so im greatful that we have been so blessed with our friends."

Tae nodded. They stayed like that for a while until suddenly Tae's head slipped off Jk's shoulder making then both jump.. "oh. I must have dozed off" said Tae, JK laughed "I very nearly did too hehe"

RM had seen this happen and announced it was time to go, it was way past midnight and they'd all had a long couple of days.

Slowly everyone made their way to the front door. This time Leigh asked first if he could hug them goodbye and with several glasses of wine in him Suga even hugged him back.

Mr Park pulled JK aside and gave him the pass code to the gate, front door and alarm, and quickly went through the security. "Our house is yours, Enjoy"

JK bowed showing his gratitude and respect for his teacher and said "thank you"

He gave Leigh a hug goodbye and wished him luck for his upcoming gig " we will have to come see you one of these days" he said and Leigh said he'd get him tickets.

The drive back to the hotel was quiet, they mostly dozed and longed for their beds. RM still had to put a report in to Bang but figured he'd do that tomorrow seeing as technically they wouldn't have had much to report yet other than the Late Late show.

A few steadfast Army were waiting in the hotel lobby and the boys gave weary waves and finger hearts.

Once on their floor the lads all said good night and went to their respective rooms.

Tae had a very fast shower and went through the door to Jk's room, crept into bed, and waited for JK.. But by the time JK had finished he was snoring gently, cuddling a pillow.

JK looked at him for a moment, his heart swelled at how cute Tae looked and then gently got into bed himself, slowly replacing the pillow with himself and very quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now