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Jk stood at the corner of the road looking up at the nondescript house , no different from all the other houses in the street except one ..this one had his husband in ,held against his will , bloody and bruised . His blood boiled and not running into the house was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do.

The only thing holding him back was he was afraid he'd make things worse for Tae and he couldn't live with that.

It was only about a minute before their head of security ,the police and an ambulance  turned up but that minute had felt like a life time.

He watched as they approached the house quietly and one knocked on the door , when there was no answer the police broke the door down with a hand held battering ram.

Jk held his breath , he heard shouting and then silence , nothing except his heart beat which was so loud . His hands were  clenched and his body ready to move.

He was about to run in and see what was going on when two of the ambulance crew left the van and ran in...he watched and waited and then the police appeared at the  door with the suspect in custody .

Jk ran , as fast as his feet would take him ,   in the front door and came to a dead stop, the blood drained from his body as he saw Tae,  laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs , not moving.

The paramedics where both over him  and it was all JK could do to not scream out loud .

Time seemed to stand still , his feet were cemented to the ground..thoughts were running through his mind a million miles an hour , each one a painful thought seeping into his pores , Tae dead , Tae gone , Tae broken ,Tae , Tae , tears were falling freely .

He didn't care who saw him , he didn't care about anything right now ..he watched as they hooked Tae up to a drip , a small voice acknowledged not dead if they're using a drip,  and little bit of his hope was restored.  They took the make shift sling off him after putting on  a neck brace  and strapping his arm to his chest , then they lifted him onto the stretcher and started to take him out to the waiting ambulance .

Like magic his feet were released and he followed as closely as he could . They loaded him in and went to shut the doors. Jk let out a roar of a no and tried to get in also . A paramedic stopped him ." He's my husband " he shouted . The paramedics looked confused but let him in the back of the ambulance.

Jk sat through out the whole journey , mentally praying..  he wanted to touch and hold Taes hand , he wanted to hold him close and not let go , but the paramedics were all over him so he had to settle with just looking at him . He was so pale , his skin looked clammy. His eyes swollen and bruised . He prayed harder just  wanting him to wake up .

The journey seemed to take forever and JK wasn't aware of anything except Tae , not what the paramedics were saying , not his phone ringing , he was focused on Taes chest rising and falling , unconsciously matching each breath with one of his own .

They arrived at the hospital to bedlam , paparazzi swarmed the ambulance so much so  the paramedics weren't able to open the doors.

Panic gripped JKs heart again until with relief he saw the police form a barrier and push them back.

He didn't even glance their way as they rushed out the ambulance and into the hospital.

Tae was rushed straight through to surgery leaving JK to pace in a private room and go quietly insane .

The door to the room opened and Tae's mother , Bang  and all his fellow members walked in. The brothers  surrounded JK and they hugged and held each other. Relief,  tension stress,  all the emotions were let out and tears flowed.

One by one they eventually sat down and waited , silently . Tae's mother came and sat with JK and held his hand , JK looked at her gratfully , what a strong women she was to be sat here comforting him.
Bang hadn't said a word , of this JK was painfully aware.

There was a little ding dong noise and all looked up at a monitor attached to the wall that now said Tae's surgery was finished and his guardian could go down to the recovery room.

Bang , and Tae's mother stood up, JK knew he had no right,  but to his surprise Tae's mother held her hand out to JK and said " your his guardian now .!" She looked at Bang . " sorry she said " leaving Bang looking confused as she and Tae left the room .

RM mouthed " oh shit !" To the other members and Jin actually let out a nervous ,  giggle before covering his mouth with his hand as Bang glared at him.

You could cut the tension in the air with a knife . The lads were sat like statues avoiding looking at Bang at all costs. All were relieved that Tae was out of surgery but no one knew the extent of his injuries so the relief was a shallow reprieve from all the recent stress.

RM pulled out his phone,  at first to have something to do but then thought he would check social media and see what was going on.

He nearly dropped his phone and looked up with panic in his eyes,  Suga was the first to notice and subtly RM hinted look at your phone.

Suga quickly scrolled though his phone, nudging Jin . The others noticed  and did the same.





There was video footage of JK shouting 'he's my husband !' by the ambulance .

There where hundreds of photos of the rescue  and lots of zoomed in pictures of JKs face .

Taekook was trending on all social media platforms.

From those headlines , like a tree with its branches reaching out came stories that said things like BTS are Gay . ..Jikook Army's devasted ...disbandment theories , Big Bang sues ...the headlines became less and less fact based and more and more speculation and fiction.

RM looked up to see if Bang was aware of everything,  but Bangs expression gave nothing away.

He doubted Bang didn't know , Bang knew almost everything . The cat was well and truly out the bag now and RM knew nothing would be the same again. There was no going back from this , they could only go forward.

His thoughts where interrupted when Taes mother and JK came back in  the room , every one turned to look at them  and waited .

Tae's mother looked at Bang , gave a little polite bow and then said " Tae will be okay " a cheer went up in the room from the other lads and she smiled and continued " his wrist is broken and he had to have it re broke and set , he shoulder had been cut ' she hiccupped a sob , but kept it in and continued " cut ..there was some tendon and nerve damage but the surgeon is happy he'll make a full recovery with only mild weakness. He'll need physiotherapy." She took a breath and let that sink in before saying " he has a  subdural haematoma on the back of his head , they've drilled a hole in his head and they've put a tube in to drain it so when you see him it might look scary but the Doctor assures me he fine. He has a sprained ankle but no permanent damage and bruises all over him . " she looked directly at Bang and finished with " he will need complete rest,  and absolutely no stress "

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now