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A bottle and a half later JK was sat in stunned silence. Dahee's story was so sad, his drunken self wanted to weep for her but she was so strong he figured he had to be too.

Not long after the group had debuted fans had shipped her and the other girl together, they were both very good friends on and off the camera, they would hold hands and cuddle and mess around, "like me and Tae" JK had said,
" I honestly started to believe that she actually liked me the way I liked her " she'd said,

"Even now I can't quite believe that she didn't, I think maybe the pressure from our culture to be straight is what prevented her from admitting it"...

She had downed her drink at this point and then finished with. " I kissed her.. And I thought she was kissing me back for a moment but then she pushed me away and she slapped me. She told me she had a boyfriend and then she told my manager that she couldn't work with me anymore. "

JK hadn't known what to say to this, he didn't want to imagine how he would have felt if it had been him and Tae and Tae rejecting him. Instead he'd filled her wine glass up.

In return to Dahee for telling him her story JK has told her theirs. Obviously his and Tae's story differed though because Tae loved him back, he felt a little guilty saying that but she seemed genuinely moved and happy for him Jk's initial thoughts about her were quickly changing,and under better circumstances they'd probably be friends he'd thought.

"you can't lose him!" she said slightly slurring her words so lose sounded like loose, and trying to stand up at the same time..

" I can't win against Bang" he said, just as slurred, and then for no reason at all they both clicked their glasses sloshing wine over the counter and laughed. "cheers! They both giggled.

" seriously though", she said trying to remain upright and keep a straight face," we need a plan, I've seen the two of you on the Internet, you're amazing together, Bang can't win, but right now I think my brain is too drunk to think straight" she laughed at her joke and then put her hand to her head, I think I need to go back to my room, I need to sleep"

With some difficulty JK managed to walk her to the door, they had agreed to meet for lunch tomorrow.

Knowing that some one with a camera was probably at the end of the hall he didn't feel the need to see her to her room safely at least.

It took a good five minutes for the two of them to get Dahee's feet into her stiletto heels and once in he'd had to steady her "are you sure you'll be able to walk in those" he'd asked incredulously,

"I trained as an idol" she said all haughty and superior , if I can dance in these I can for sure walk a little drink in them "

Admittedly not the most smoothest of walks down the hall but JK had to give her credit, she didn't fall over.

" oh my God "was the first thought in JKs head when the bright morning sunlight caught his eyes. He felt like his head would explode and his body was weak and shaky.

He rolled over and put a pillow over his face, that was marginally better but not much, he groped around the night stand for his phone, under the darkness of the covers and pillow he turned his phone on but brightness right down. He rang reception and ordered some Ox blood hangover soup, pain relief and sparkling water.

Once everything arrived he slowly made his way to the counter, took the pain relief and drank the whole bottle of water. He managed half his soup and went back to bed for an hour to wait for the medicine to kick in.

As soon as he started feeling better he lay and scrolled through his phone. He saw the pictures of himself letting Dahee in and the pictures of her leaving. He didn't even bother reading beyond the headlines, what could they say any way.

It was almost beyond temptation to ring just to hear Tae's voice, would Bang have gone so far as to tap their phones. He didn't think so but couldnt be sure.

Instead he decided to do another video entry to his personal diary log to Tae. He didn't know if Tae would ever be able to see these but it made him feel better..

"Hello Tae," he started with, " I am hoping by now Mr Park has gotten a hold of you, I hope you know nothing and no one is going to break you and I up... I think about you constantly, i miss your smile and infectious laughter, I miss your hand holding mine and even though I only had you to myself for one night I miss your lips " I'm currently recording this hidden under my blankets, I admit I got a bit drunk last night and I'm a little hung over.

I met a lovely person, Dahee, you'd like her too. We had a few drinks together but I want you to know you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Let's just say she all part of the plan," he smiled down the camera imagining Tae could see him," Bang might think it's his plan but we are going to work out a way to make it our plan. "

He signed off with i love you and looked at the time , only a couple of hours until he was due to meet Dahee.

He gingerly lifted his head off the pillow to see how painful it was now, if this morning was a ten now was about a six , manageable, so he got up and showered.

Whilst in the shower he did think about Tae but honestly didn't have the energy to relieve himself this morning so quickly changed his direction of thoughts.

Instead he hummed a melody he hoped would fit the chorus he'd written.

Feeling excitement that it did he wrapped a tiny white towel around his waist and still dripping, ran to the keyboard to log it into the internal memory.. Perfect he thought as he finished and went to go get dressed.

Choosing what to wear had brought a smile to his face, his eyes had spied a T shirt Tae had left at his a few months ago, it was a black T shirt with Bert and Ernie on, "If I wear this Tae will know I'm thinking of him" he thought, pairing it with his favourite black skinnys.

By the time it came to leave he felt almost normal, according to his security, himself and Dahee had the whole restaurant booked at two so they would have privacy, but JK knew they'd be people there even if he couldn't see them.

He hated the hypocrisy of it all, the clause in his contract he had broken was technically the no dating clause yet here was Bang setting him up for scandal.!

He put his phone and wallet in his pocket, donned a black face mask and sunglasses, black cap and was ready to leave. Security wasn't far behind him as he made his way tot he restaurant.

Authors note * fun fact Tae genuinely owns this T shirt and Bert and Ernie are accepted as sesame streets prime gay couple :) cute x

Authors note * fun fact Tae genuinely owns this T shirt and Bert and Ernie are accepted as sesame streets prime gay couple :) cute x

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Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now