Times Up

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Full from breakfast they then sat next to each other just talking, trying to picture their future and how they could be together. Suggestions had ranged from running away to France or England, to pretending to break up, and some other stupid ones in between .

JK had also gone into more details about Dahee and Tae asked him to pass on his gratitude to her .

They did managed to come up with a way of talking to each other though so that has been something, they'd both downloaded mahjong on their phones, challenged each other to a game and now in the game they could privately message one and other. It was Tae's idea and JK thought he was a genius.

Tae glanced at his watch, less than an hour, it was time to ask JK something.

He stood up nervously. Before coming here he'd grabbed one of his own rings from his bedroom . He wanted JK to have something of his.

He bent on one knee and held the ring out to JK, it was a simple silver band with a little turquoise stone set in it.

"JK" he said "I feel like I was meant to love you my whole life, from before I met you until the day I die," he paused  and looked up at JK.

JKs eyes glistened with tears and he knelt down in front of Tae and wrapped his hands around Tae's.

Tae continued "We can't register it yet but  I want you to know I'm committed to you for life just as I hope you will be with me. Jeon Jungkook will you marry me,? So together we can over come anything?"

JK couldn't speak,just nodded, tears were threatening to fall and he held out his ring finger and Tae slipped it in place.

Kneeling in front of one and other in that little rented out apartment, with no witnesses they pledged their love for one and other.

Afterwards , sat back side by side JK admired his ring. "it's beautiful" he said.. Tae took his hand and touched the ring, "my mother bought this for me when we debuted. Turquoise is my birthstone but it's also believed to have protective powers to it, so when I can't be there I want to know you still have a bit of me protecting you" he looked shy when he said the last bit  and then laughed " how corny do I sound?" he said, but JK just kissed him and said "it's a beautiful sentiment  and ill carry it with me always, even if you don't see it on my finger ill have it on me somewhere, I promise"

They were lost in each other for a while and then JKs phone suddenly rang and they both jumped. "oh my God" said Tae hand on heart and laughing at his own reaction, JK laughed too and looked at the caller ID. Dahee!

They both looked at each other, they're time was up. JK answered his phone "hello"

"hello," said Dahee " just so you know your look a like is sulking haha firstly I think he thought his luck was in when I walked in the room. Poor thing lol , and secondly he's  had to lay in bed all morning pretending to be asleep at the slightest sound from the adjoining room  for fear of your security coming in." she chuckled, "I left about midnight, I was definitely seen and came back this morning with coffee." she sounded quite pleased with herself and" quite rightly so " thought JK, he looked at his new ring, this was all possible because of her, he'd have to find a way of repaying her.

" tell the look a like I'm just about to leave and shouldn't be more than a couple of hours please. Thank you Dahee, from the bottom of my heart" "our heart" Tae said loudly, they bother heard Dahee chuckle through the phone and she said " ill leave you two to it, message when back and we will arrange the swap out" with that she ended the call and JK turned to look at Tae.

"I have to leave" he said
"I know" said Tae. This time Tae was prepared, he'd hold on to his tears for now until he got home, he'd be strong for his JK, after all he had it easy, he'd been sent to his parents farm, he wasn't expected to put on a show.

They went around the apartment packing their bits up, Tae grabbed JKs bag but only grabbed one handle and being open stuff from inside fell out.. Tae bent down to put the bits back and his hand closed around the little gift box  and card stuck to it with the message just in case... From Dahee :)  he looked up to see if he could see JK but couldn't so gently opened the box.. Condoms! He blushed so hard even the tips of his ears were red.

JK walked back in the room and took in the scene, he laughed at Tae's embarrassment, "Dahee has a wicked sense of humour" he said
"oh" said Tae, "erm did you plan on using them? Is that why you brought them?"

JK shook his head, "not sure why I brought them to be honest , but better to be safe for when we're ready at least don't you think?" Tae mumbled something still bright red and hastily put them back in JKs bag.

The akward moment dissappeared quickly as the time for JK to leave drew closer. Bag on shoulder, car key in his hand JK said" are you sure you don't want a lift some where" Tae shook his head, it was taking all of his effort to stay smiling and dry eyed right now, he needed this moment over so he could cry, get it out of his system and carry on.

Whilst JK was having to put on a show Tae had his own secret mission plan forming in his head.

They kissed one last time, a slow lingering kiss and then JK was gone, Tae watched him go down the steps and into the car. He held on waving until the car  was out of sight and then the tears came. Not like before but big sad quiet teardrops just dropping down his cheeks as he went in to grab his own little bag and make arrangements to get back to his car.

JK made it just down the road and round the corner when he had to pull over. He too was crying. He looked at his new ring. It was a symbol of a promise they'd made to each other. He was determined to keep that promise.

He wiped his tears and set off for Jeju Island. Luckily the rental car place had a drop off point there.

He put some music on to distract himself , sunglasses and cap back in place, "I've had my fun" he thought as he hit the gas  "now to get down to business.. Bang I'm coming for you....."

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now