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Bang was sat in his office, he checked the time again , they were nearly 20 minutes late which was unlike them. He gave then another ten minutes before ringing RM but the phone was off or engaged because it went straight to voice mail. Then he tried Tae's phone but that rang out. Feeling slightly worried he rang Suga .

" Suga , I can't get hold of any one and they've not arrived , how long ago did they leave?" Bang didn't even bother with formalities at this point .

Suga looked up from his computer, he'd been working on something and hadn't even looked at the phone when he'd answered. He looked at the clock , "erm about and hour and half ago , they should have been there ages ago."

Bang swore and hung up the phone leaving Suga holding the phone in shock.
First thing he did was try to ring RM but just like Bang he went straight to voice mail , Tae's rang out .Then he rang Jin and Jimin  and J Hope , and asked them to come to his office.

" whats up ," asked Jin ,sensing the urgency he'd practically ran , Jimin came in just after .

"Tae and RM are missing " said Suga in his straight forward way . " Now that doesn't mean anything bad has happened, the could have a flat tyre or something but they didn't arrive at HQ and no one can get in touch with them "

"Has any one told JK " J Hope said , Suga shook his head , "I don't want to panic him yet but I do think we need to tell the police "

"Wait " said Jin "has any one got the drivers number or the security guards ? "
Suga sat forward excitedly " I've got the head of security they'll know who was assigned " he picked up his phone and dialed ,but from the tone of his voice and his face they  knew it wasn't good or helpful news. Suga slammed the phone shut .
" apparently this guy only started last week but had a good credential list, as long as your arm. They hadn't got around to checking them all but a few of the team are down with a tummy bug so he stepped in. Erm ..he's not answering his phone either "

Suga picked up his phone , checked for cracks then dialed Bang. He explained about the security guard and asked if the police had been notified. Bang though didnt want them involved because once police were involved the whole world would know . As politely as Suga could muster he hung up, furious with Bang , who cared so long as they got their brothers back safely.

"What about the driver ? " asked Jin , the others looked blankly , no one knew his number ,

"We can't sit here and do nothing , we know where they were going I'll go for a drive and find them maybe " said Jimin

" no ! " said Suga " we can't risk any one else . We need help , who can we trust ?"

Just then the head of security walked in. " trust me " he said " I've been with all of you for over five years now , I'm sorry about the lapse in security with the new person and you can fire me after I get them both back. let me try to fix this ."

Before any one could reply Suga phone rang , it was Bang. " hello " said Suga
" apparently just over an hour ago police got an emergency call from RMs phone but it cut out and now its dead , , they obviously didn't know it was Rms phone and thought maybe a prank call but they checked the bill payers details just incase and got my company. They have a general search area now but its going to take time. I'll keep you posted , I've also got a team searching social media for any information and checking all the hate mail , plus the police are doubling their efforts on the pictures left this morning " he hung up and Suga relayed the conversation to those in the room.

"We have to tell JK "said Jimin. Not even caring if the head of security suspected anything at this point.

Jk was still pacing , his hand hurt , his head hurt and he couldn't shake the feeling that Tae should have stayed with him , he already missed him and his mood swung from angry to despair.

He looked up as some one knocked on his door and called out come in. Jimin had volunteered being the closest in age and he walked in slowly . " JK , erm do you want to sit down for a second please "

Jk heart exploded , panic , fear ,every emotion flooded his body and made it cold ." What's happened " he shouted " where's Tae !?" His eyes were wild like a crazed man and Jimin ran over to him and put his hands on both his shoulders.

" he's missing " he said pain in his voice . Jk fell to his knees , the air vanished from his lungs , his mind screamed but no words came out. ' missing .. pain...dead !' The words reverberated in his head . He grasped his hair in both hands pulling with out thinking.

Jimin grabbed his hands to stop him hurting himself " Stop JK , we need you calm , we need to find him , stop !" He repeated this over and over until eventually his words got through. Jk stopped fighting and seemed to slump even further into his knees. He took a few deep breaths then said through gritted teeth " tell me what you know."

Jimin told him everything , even though that wasn't much to tell and when he finished JK nodded just enough to say he understood then asked Jimin to leave saying he wanted to be on his own .

Although he didn't want to Jimin did as he was asked and left.

Silence followed his departure , and JK just stood in the middle of the room. "I shouldn't have let him go " he said to himself quietly , "I should have made him stay " a tear slowly made it's way down JKs cheek " Tae knew something was wrong, I didn't listen " more tears.

The more he berated himself the more the panic tried to reclaim him, but he forced it down , panic wouldn't help , 'should I go and look for him ?' He asked himself , would I even know where to start ?'the answer to both these questions was no , but he couldn't stay in this room , he had to do something ..

He grabbed his phone and ran out of the room ,down to the meeting room where the others were gathered , as he walked in sad ,worried ,sympathetic eyes met his . Jin looked like he might have cried and Suga was all stern business. He was on the phone .

" Okay " he said " Just Rm is....yeah....okay...thank you " he hung up and everything one turned to him.

" RMs okay , they found the van with Rm unconscious inside looks like he'll have a sore jaw , possible broken nose but he'll be alright , I'm sorry JK no sign of Tae , they found his phone and bag still in the van , also the driver is in critical condition . The blow to his head has caused a bleed "

"So.."started JK "they're not averse to using violence ?" His voice cracked and Jimin came and put his arm around him.

"Tae will be fine " he said unconvincingly " he has to " his voice also was strained as he tried hard to keep it together for JKs sake .

Jk didn't want to cry but couldnt seem to stop. He was happy of course that RM was going to be okay ,but his entire being felt like it had shattered into a million pieces .

Just then the door opened and Bang walked in, " I'd rather we were all together " he said as he entered .

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now