Dahee's Plan

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Dahee look genuinly  pleased when JK walked into the restaurant, which made JK smile. He greeted her with a nod of his head and sat down.

Both where still wearing sunglasses not completely over their hangovers.
"Are you hungry?" he asked, "not  really" she replied," I've not long had breakfast" she put her hand on her forehead, "still a little worse for wear" she said and smiled. "It was a good night though, better than i thought this assignment was going to be, you're actually alright" she gave a little chuckle and JK smiled back.

The waitress came over to take their order  and JK  asked  Dahee if she'd like anything at all to eat, they both settled on some light snacks and some strong coffee.

The waitress came back with their coffee, gimbap and tteikbokki and they both settled into a comfortable silence as they ate and recuperated some more.

JK was sure he was being  watched but didn't care, it all helped the cause as far as he was concerned.

"so.." Dahee started " I have the beginnings of a bit of a plan" JK laughed, "so not much of a plan at all,"

She pulled a face  and continued "firstly we need to get you and Tae together and talk"
"no chance!" JK interrupted. Dahee smiled again, "I told you, I have a bit of a plan but just need your help with the finer details" JK seemed unsure but said " tell me" and sat back and listened.

"woah!" JK said when she had finished  "that's crazy". Dahee grinned and said"yep just crazy enough I think it will work. " JK was almost convinced himself.

First things first thought JK, he had to write an old fashioned pen to paper letter and have it  sent through the post to Tae, Both him and Dahee believed that Bang was monitoring all social media and their company phone but they didn't  think he'd have thought so old school.

JK was excited to get going on his letter so bid Dahee an excited goodbye and went back up to his room, leaving Dahee to sort out some other bits of the plan.

Using hotel  stationary he sat at the counter pen in hand and began to write.

My dearest Tae,
I suspect this letter is a shocking surprise but I hope a good one. God I miss you so much, I have so much I want to say and I don't even know where to begin,..
I hope you're doing okay, I hope you've understood all my little messages to you, just in case you haven't I am absolutely in love with you and neither Bang or the world can make me give you up,  everything you've seen or heard is all part of Bang's plan, so he thinks, so please please don't worry about me or us. any way I'll explain all that when I see you, which will be sooner than you think.. .

He went on to describe his and Dahee's mad plan, telling him also a bit about Dahee so he wouldn't be jealous, sealed it in an envelope and then wondered how he could get it posted with out being spotted, sometimes being this famous had its draw backs.

He  thought about asking his security but quickly decided against that, hotel staff were supposed to be discreat but you never know for sure.

Hmm this part of the plan has been overlooked.. He poured himself some fruit juice and tried to think.

Then he had the solution, there was a local courier service that would collect and drop off from lockers for people too busy, he was sure he'd seen their company logo near the side entrance of the lobby.

He googled the hotel on his phone and checked out services, yes! He quickly bought and paid for next day delivery online and then told security he was going to the gym.

He grabbed his letter and hid it in his gear bag and set out,  security didn't follow as the gym was on the vip floor and a card key was needed so limited  people had access.

He left his room and turned left as though to go to the gym and then quickly slipped through the exit doors and down the stairs, all the way to the ground floor, his heart was thumping wildly in his chest as he scanned the lobby.. No one was paying him any attention, "thank goodness "he thought.

He pulled his phone out to get the locker key code, memorised the five digit number and walked fast around the lobby to the little side bit that had about ten lockers stacked up against the wall.

In less than a minute he had the letter securely locked away and was back running up the stairs. "this was it's own work out" he thought to himself laughing with relief.

He stayed in the gym for about forty five minutes, long enough for the security to not question anything and then back to his hotel room where he showered quickly.

Sat in a comfortable track suit, he turned the keyboard on and worked some more on Tae's song, it was actually coming along quite nicely he thought proudly, when he recieved a notification letting him know his letter had been collected by a courier.

Part one of their plan was complete, now he just hoped Dahee was getting on alright with her part. He looked at the time, he still had a few hours before they were due to meet up again so he carried on writing and lost himself for a while in his new melody.

Seeing a song take shape was always so beautiful he thought, and because this one was secretly about him and Tae even more so.

Once he'd finished with the part he'd been working on JK pulled out his phone to see what gossip had come up about him and Dahee in the last few hours.

Now he wanted gossip he was actually finding some of it hilarious, especially Taekooker Armys, they were so good at knowing everything even when it wasn't true or confirmed.

He went on Instagram and saw pictures of him with Dahee cropped with pictures of Tae being jealous and devil horns,
"so cute" he said smiling at the phone, there were a few more of him and Dahee with various speculative captions on but that first one was the only one that made him smile.

It was nearly seven when Dahee knocked on his door, a bottle of something in one hand and a well know take away bag in the other, she winked at him and said rather loudly "ready for round two" and stepped in taking her shoes of with a well practiced move.

"sorry about that" she said " had to put on a show for the pap around the corner"

" I guessed,," said JK. He took the bottle and the food from her and went to get plates and glasses. "just a little one with dinner for me tonight" he said,
" me too" she said, " we've got a lot to do tonight, need a clear head."
JK looked up from what he was doing "how'd you get on? " he asked. Dahee grinned the biggest grin..

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now