The talk

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Tae looked at JK, highly aroused and very confused "what's wrong?" he  said placing a hand on Jk's shoulder. JK just shook his head and kept his face buried.

"hey" Tae said said gently, "talk to me"
When he saw JK wasnt going to, he climbed off the bed, hurriedly put his boxers on and came to sit behind JK and wrapped his arms around him. "speak to me babes, did I hurt you?"

JK shook his head, relieved Tae said "so what's wrong, if we can't talk about this how can we change anything?"

"I'm... Embarressed" JK finally managed to say from behind his hands.

Tae was taken aback, embarrassed? He moved so he was sat crossed legged in front of JK. He tried to recall everything he'd just done, it was difficult, he was frustrated and still turned on, but was trying to figure out what was going on... He honestly couldn't think of what he'd done this time, and then  wondered was it the finger? But he'd done other things similar.. Confusion added to the frustration and he had to take a breath..

"babes, look at me," Slowly JK raised his head and peeped from behind his hands, "I'm sorry" he said "I've ruined everything now and you didn't even finish" he said looking at Tae's obvious arousal.

Tae shook his head "that's not important now, this is," he took Jk's hands away from his face and said "babes, what happened to the confident amazing man that took me that first night in the hotel? You absolutely should never  feel embarressed about what you feel, or what you want, it's just us, there's no right or wrong, if you like it that's good, if you don't then we don't. "

JK had tears in his eyes and pulled Tae in to hold him". Tae wrapped his arm around his neck and kissed the top of his head.

Then he sat up and JK automatically looked up at him. "when we were apart I" he paused, it was his turn to feel a little embarrassed " I watched some videos" he said. JK looked confused and said "videos?"

"well," Tae continued a little defensively, "its not like we were taught gay sex in school education" he laughed and JK blushed and giggled back.

"I'll be honest, I was shocked and mortified and a little afraid, but after thinking  about it, a lot, it's like our bodies are telling us what we want to do, am I right? You feel it too yes?"

JK nodded, "I haven't looked at any videos but I.. Do have thoughts, about what I want to do and what I want you to do to me, but it's all so... shocking! " he couldn't meet Tae's eyes for the last sentence.. "I love the thought of you thinking about doing things with me" exclaimed Tae, a big sexy  smile on his face, he looked so adorable that despite the situation JK couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry I ruined the moment" he  said more serious, Tae just shook his head, "we have three days and two nights to figure this all out, let's have a few drinks tonight and talk some more shall we, for now let's shower and get ready, our honeymoon has started"

He went to get off the bed but JK grabbed him, "I love you" he said "I don't know how I got so lucky in life," he pulled Tae back down and kissed him, "thank you for being patient"

Tae kissed him right back and then groaned as his cock started to swell again, he pulled back, "I need to shower" he said.

JK said "actually can I join you, I'd like to help with your erm growing problem hehe"

"you're the reason for my 'growing problem'" he said reprovingly, but was laughing so JK knew he  was messing, He held his hand out and helped JK off the bed, laughing together, the seriousness of the moment had passed they enjoyed a leisurely shower where JK did indeed help Tae with his problem.

A little while later they were dressed and sat on the sofa, just relaxing and wondering when they were going to leave for Leighs House when RM messaged, "can I come see you before you go?" JK quickly replied and they both waited for his arrival.

RM knocked then entered and he greeted them with a smile "Hi guys" he  said, "Hi" They both chorused back. "Are you all set and excited about your mini staycation?"

JK replied for the two of them "yes but also nervous we are going to get people into trouble, you've all done so much for us all ready"

RM put his hands up to stop him talking "we've been through this, I came here to tell you to relax and enjoy yourselves over the next three days, don't worry about us and  we  won't even bother you unless we have to, who knows when you'll be able to have time like this again, where you can just be yourselves "

" thank you brother "said Tae. JK gave a slight nod of his head and then said " now pack only what you can fit in your backpacks, we're all going to set out together in half hour and then we are going to go our separate ways, you two to Leighs, im going to a museum not sure yet about the others and we are going to stagger our arrival back to the hotel so if any one is watching they'll be unsure who's come and who's gone. "

Again the two said their thanks and after arranging to meet in the hall way soon RM left them to pack.

As soon as RM was gone JK said" go pack and I will, meet you back here yes? " Tae agreed and slipped back through the adjoining doors between their room and grabbed his back pack." What to bring what to bring" he said to himself as he flung boxers, swimming shorts, a couple of tees, socks sliders and a towel grabbed his wash bag and he was done. Last second as he was rushing back he grabbed his camera and flung it over his shoulder .

JK grabbed his bits as well but also included his note pad and pens. He  wanted to finish Tae's song and sing  it for him at some point.

Tae ran back in the room full of energy and  excitement and saw JK stood next to the bed. He flung himself at him so they both landed with a flop, JK laughed and  said "hey haha" Tae googled and said "sorry couldn't help it your so damn gorgeous and I'm just so excited.

They kissed and giggled for a few minutes but eventually Tae said" come on babes, Time to get this show on the road" they had one more quick kiss before hopping off the bed, grabbing  their back packs and made their way to the hall way.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now