JK, His Manager, And Pretty Dahee

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They just stared at each other, JK  waited, refusing to look away, eventually the manager broke eye contact and nodded his head and said "how have you been?,
JK scoffed," how do you think I've been,!? "
He turned his back and started to gather up his gym bits and walked off, knowing his manager would follow. He felt almost  ashamed  of his actions , he'd never been so rude to a respected  adult in his life but he couldn't help himself.

He walked up to his room with out looking back, dumped his gym bag on the bed and said, " I need a shower" before walking to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later he felt better and ready to find out what his manager wanted.

He made them both a cup of coffee and came and sat at the counter with him.. And waited..

The manager seemed to be struggling to find the right words but eventually spat out, "we want you to be seen with a girl, be seen to be secretly meeting up with, Bang has paparazzi coming to this hotel to 'accidently' stumble across the two of you."

JK felt rage like he'd never felt before, he knew what it would do to Tae if he saw pictures like that. He slammed his fist on the counter, stood up with such force his stool toppled over and said" No! "

His manager had jumped at the sudden outburst but composed himself to say quietly.." you have to "

JK was pacing, his thoughts racing, he had to speak to Tae! he had to let him know what was happening,

" I need to speak with Tae, Bang has to let me see him!" there was pain and panic  in his voice as he said this, knowing the answer would be no, which of course it was.

His manager stood up to leave, " I don't know if you know her  but Dahee who used to be part of GLAM will be here this evening . "

JK was stunned, so fast?! "what has Bang got over her to make her go along with this,?" he asked
"Dahee used to be part of a big hit group called  Glam but they didn't make it ," he replied, "he's promised to help her re ignight her career" he shrugged, "you know how these things work" he said.

Unfortunately JK was learning first hand exactly how things worked. He ran his hands through his hair in anger, there was nothing he could think to do if he didn't want to jeopardise his group and more specifically Tae.

His Manager shot him a sympathetic look and left, JK was grateful, he needed to think.. He looked at the clock, just after three,.. He needed a drink... he had maybe two hours to get a message to Tae..

By four o clock and one glass of wine later JK had a bit of a plan, it wasn't much but he had to try. He messaged his choreographer and asked if he could get a message to Tae.

He couldn't risk contacting any of the main staff knowing Bang would own them too but he had hoped that Park bo min was low enough down on the food chain to escape Bangs radar.

"Mr Park," he text," are you busy?"
Almost immediately he got a reply. "JK! are you alright? All sorts of crazy rumours are flying around about you and Tae, lol"

JK grimaced, of course people inside the business would be talking about them. He quickly text a reply. "I'm good thanks but Bang has me practically in solitary confinement, do you think you could get a message to Tae for me please, on the quiet" he pressed send and waited.

The reply wasn't as quick coming as the first but after a few minutes he recieved a text saying" sure no problem "

JK breathed a sigh of relief now the question was what to say that only Tae would understand. He thought for a few moments then sent," Tae, it's all choreographed, like our dances "

Mr Park replied sending a thumbs up emoji and JK had to be content that he'd done his best.

He still had an hour or so to kill before Miss Dahee was due to make an appearance so he poured another glass of wine and worked a bit on the lyrics to Tae's song.

He had the chorus lyrics written by  the time the whole bottle of wine was gone, he read them out loud finding it helped when searching for the accompanying melody...

Why's forbidden love so cruel
Why's cupid playing him for a fool
Why's love got to be full of pain
I just want an epic Love Story

why does our love have to be hidden
why can't our love be seen
who does cupid think he's kidding
I just want an epic Love Story

Not bad he thought as he started to hum a tune in his head but hey right now his head was a little tipsy so he couldn't be sure,

He looked at the time... About half an hour until the women gets here, he could feel anger breaking through his tipsy haze but fought it, it wasn't this women fault, if not her Bang would have sent some one else.

Didn't mean he had to entertain her though, he thought sullenly,.

Carrying the last of his wine he went over to the couch and sat down, while he waited for the dreaded knock he contented himself by looking at videos of him and Tae on you tube.

A gentle knock disturbed him and the hairs on the back of his neck went up, he wasn't going to like this at all.. He went and opened the door.

Dahee was almost as tall as JK in her very high heels, , she had very long black hair and big eyes and was wearing tiny black gold dress, he had to admit she was very pretty but not his cup of Tae " he giggled in his head at his little joke".

She clasped her hands on front of herself and greeted him, he invited her in, thinking he heard the snap of a camera lense just before he shut the door. With  her shoes off and guest slippers on she barely came to his shoulder.

The minute they were both inside she dropped her smile and said " can i talk casually to you?" he nodded a little surprised and let her continue, " I'm guessing you don't want me here any more than I want to be here," she  was walking and talking at the same time, and plopped her self on the edge of a chair., "what did you do?" She asked  , he  absolutely wasn't going to tell her, he shook his head he hiccupped a little and she graciously ignored it.

"Ok, she said, ill tell you mine if you tell me yours," she glanced around the room, "any more wine?" she asked.

JK was still standing by the door where she'd left him, mouth slightly agape, he felt like some one had just blasted his room with a fire ball of energy.

He quickly went to the kitchenette part of the room and pulled out another bottle of wine. Poured her a glass and went and sat opposite her, he still hadn't said anything.

She gulped half of her wine straight away and then made  a contented ahhhh sound..
"want to know why GLAM disbanded?" she said, JK shrugged his shoulders, his mind was still trying to play catchup with everything this women was saying and doing. He brought his wine glass to his lips just as she said "I fell in love with one of the girls in my group"

JK sprayed his drink out of his mouth in shock and looked up appologetically, luckily it had all managed to miss her. She didn't seem bothered.

"what  happened" he asked tentatively,
She looked sad now and said, "she had a boyfriend and didn't like me that way." she finished her wine and held her glass out for a refill. "it's in the past now, I've moved on and Bang said he'd help."

"Did Bang kick you out? Make you break up as a group? What do the other group members think?"
A hundred questions were on the tip of his tongue,
"woooah" she said i need more wine if I'm going down memory lane...

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now