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JK had to leave the room, if he stayed, he'd act out and the publicists and head of security would know , would see right through him. He could feel the panic rising up in his chest , he wanted to scream at Tae, you can't leave me !

RM looked over and as if he could read his mind suddenly said "JK , do me a favour and see if I've left my phone in the kitchen please "

JK fled the room . RM looked back at Tae " Its not a bad idea but we have to get Bang on side,  and honestly think he's going to need more details before he agrees "

That was RMs way of saying it might be confession time sooner than they'd planned.

Rm said he'd arrange a meeting and advised Tae to stay in for the day ,and maybe stay off the Internet. Tae left the room knowing RM and Suga would call when a decision had been made. Now it was time to find JK.

Jk was furiously pacing back and forth in the room , why would Tae want to leave him , he didn't understand , they were stronger together , what could he do by himself , Tae needed him to protect him..he heard the door open to the room but didn't trust himself to look up , he needed to think sentences through before he opened his mouth .

Tae came up behind him and stopped his pacing by wrapping his arms around him . He could feel the pent up anger and energy coursing through JKs body, was this going to be their first row as a couple ? He thought to himself waiting for JKs breathing to slow before  speaking.

"Babe , its the only way " he said quietly  over JKs shoulder. Jk shook his head , " you can't leave me !" He said as a sob tore though his body.

Tae turned him around and held him,  He didn't know what else to say .

Jks brain was running a million miles an hour , a tiny logical part of him agreed but his heart and soul screamed no!

" do you remember how you felt when we got separated before ?" He said desperately " that's me now , you can't leave me , I can't protect you if you're not here "

Tae sighed ," I don't care about me , but you could get hurt being around me , this will die down soon and ide rather you were angry and safe that the other way round "

"I don't care about me " said JK desperately banging his chest as though in pain " I can't lose you "

Tae shook his head again slowly and sadly ." See ? " he said " we feel the same really , how do you think you'd feel if I got hurt , or worse? Now understand I feel the same way. Please , please babe this is the only way , you will be here with the brothers , I'll be somewhere else , we are probably going to have to get Bang on board sooner than we'd hoped but it will all work out . Our security are looking for the Sasaeng and so are the police , a day or two tops and it will be over , and all we will have to worry about is Bang." He rolled his eyes trying to lighten the mood but JKs tears still flowed.

"I don't want to be logical " said JK " I want you by my side " he hiccuped and Tae just held him. They stayed like that for a long time , they'd come to an impasse and both knew it . Jk also knew he'd lost.

The moment was interrupted when Taes phone rang , Tae stepped back to answer it . It was RM telling him they had to go and see Bang in half hour so get ready .

With a heavy heart JK watched as Tae left the room , his go bag on his shoulder , he'd tried pleading but once Bang was on board he knew it was pointless , Bang was their boss. Part of him resented Tae for making the suggestion but he held it in as they'd kissed goodbye , now the anger , fear ,pain and hurt hit and he punched the wall . His hand hurt after that but he didn't care.

Tae and RM were on the way to Bangs offices , nervous would be an understatement,  last time he'd seen Bang he'd been banished , and here they were now potentially giving themselves away to more ridicule and anger from him.

" how much are we telling Bang ?" Asked Tae to RM.  He spoke quietly as the driver and one security guard were also in the van .
Rm thought and then said " let's try to tell him as little as possible  ." He replied softly .

Tae said okay and sat back to stare out the window. He took in the old run down buildings they were passing and wondered briefly if they'd taken a different rout to avoid haters . They stopped at some temporary road work signals and Tae jumped as the security guard leant forward and hit the driver over the back of his head knocking him unconscious  .

Tae and RM jumped up in shock but before either could react he'd punched RM in the face and RM went down with a thud , Tae shouted in alarm and went to see to RM but the security guard grabbed him by his clothes and shoved him back in the seat.

"Why are you doing this " Tae pleaded , desperately worried about Rm and the driver,  he wondered if he could call some one on his phone with out getting caught ,

" unless you want me to damage your voice box " he was holding up a large knife " I suggest you don't use it "

Tae clamped his mouth shut , the security guard climbed into the front of the van moving the driver to the passenger seat , " don't even think of trying to get out , the doors are locked." Was all he said as he gunned the engine and took off .

Tae tried to check RM over with his eyes , he could see he was breathing he noticed with a sigh of relief but blood was trickling out of his mouth and nose . Could he get his phone he wondered looking around,  his phone was in his bag, he put it there because he'd though JK might txt and he didn't want to feel more guilty than he did already .

His bag was over on the back seat , no way he could get it with out being seen , , he looked down at RM again , he gently nudged him with his foot , watching the driver as he did to see if he noticed , he did seem to be concentrating on the road so he risked looking back down at RM , where would he keep his phone , back pants pocket ? , inside jacket ? .

Nudge , check driver , look down , he did that a couple of times,  RM even groaned once and he apologised internally as his nudge may have been a bit forceful,  but he was getting desperate .
Frustration flooded through him, there's only so much you can do with your feet and he really couldn't see it on RMs body.

Just then the driver slammed on the breaks and RMs phone slid almost straight past Tae , Rm must have had it in his hand when the man attacked them. Tae stuck his foot out and stopped it . The driver cursed at who ever had got in his way but continued to drive.

Using his feet he managed to pull the phone to directly under his chair ..watching the man he slowly bent down and took hold of the phone .
Would Rm have the group members on speed dial , would his phone be locked ? Of course it would be , shit ..he could still make an emergency call he thought... slowly , constantly looking up at the driver he dialled 112 , just as he hit 2 the driver slammed on the breaks again sending Tae and the phone flying.

The driver got out and opened the van door dragging Tae out .

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now