Go Time 21

301 41 11

Tae pov
Tae woke up and stretched, he'd slept well and felt good, not good, great, JK by his side good, but okay, and compared to some of this week good and okay was nice.

He sat up in bed and picked up his phone. He opened social media and there was JK out to lunch with this mystery women. He knew now it wasn't real but it still hurt to see them out together openly when he couldn't..

"God JK looks handsome all in black" he thought and then he saw it.. "my T-shirt! Cheeky sod he told me he couldn't find it" he chuckled to himself and felt an enormous wave of happiness fill him as he realised this was JK secretly letting him know he was thinking if him.

He browsed some more and then checked out some of the comments that had come through since his v live.
Army would always take screen grabs and put their own twist and theory on things. Sometimes they were quite annoying other times he found them amusing and a good way to kill time.

This was the only thing about being on his parents farm, the solitude, when you spend 90 percent of your life surrounded by your group, it was hard to be on his own. The odd day was nice but it had been five days now and he was going stir crazy.

He was just thinking about moving and getting food when he heard a car pull up, he looked out the window and saw a famous courier logo on the side and watched a man get out holding a letter. Wondering what it could be he grabbed a robe, mask, cap and sunglasses, yeah he knew he looked stupid but needs be, and went down to answer the door.

After he signed and took delivery of the letter he practically flew back up to his room, he'd recognised Jk's hand writing on the envelope. Shaking with excitement he carfully tore the envelope open.

My dearest Tae,
I suspect this letter is a shocking surprise but I hope a good one. God I miss you so much, I have so much I want to say and I don't even know where to begin,..

Tae hugged the letter to his chest, JK still loved him, he felt a lightness in his chest, he continued to read and then spat the mouthful of coffee out he'd just drank..

"He wants to do what?" he exclaimed out loud grabbing some kitchen roll to wipe his mouth and the table.

He re read the letter few times and felt giddy with nerves and excitement. He looked at the clock, it was eleven now so had five hours to be ready. JK was crazy! ..

He laughed out load and then jumped in the shower.

Jk pov

Himself and Dahee had stayed up for hours, phone calls had been made and plans finalised, he'd ended up telling her to crash there and had let her have the bed whilst he slept on the sofa.

"This really was going to make heads turn" he'd thought but didn't care and he didn't even feel sorry for the paparazzi that had been waiting out in the hallway of the hotel all night.

First things first, he thought when he woke the next day, how to get rid of security, he knew he'd done it once before when he'd posted the letter so that's what he had to do now. Only this time he had to make it out of the hotel.

He was sat drinking a coffee when Dahee woke up and walked in from the other room. "wow your bed is way better than mine" she exclaimed and stretched, "guess you have the best when you are the best" she smiled and said "coffee!" in the next breath,

JK gave a little chuckle, there was no malice in Dahee and what you saw you got, he liked that about her, he wondered if he knew any women that he could set her up with but then remember Bang, his no dating clause and the apparently no dating same sex unwritten clause!

He slammed his coffee mug down a little harder than he'd planned and Dahee looked up shocked, "someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning" she said
"sorry" he said, "I was just thinking it's just so unfair all the rules our record labels put on us, America and europe don't have such strict rules! "
" you're right, "she said" but they're there for a reason, k-pop is bigger than America and europe put together and we have the best fans, but fans like to imagine we are
only there for them, we know this when we sign up, "
" I know it "he said" but I don't have to like it "
Dahee laughed at his sulky face," cheer up its mission impossible day "

After ordering room service and eating together, Dahee went back to her room to get showered and changed and JK did the same.

They'd arranged to meet at the side of the hotel at four, so JK had some time to kill after he'd finished washing up.

He decided to get organised and grabbed his gym bag, emptied it all over his bed and then stood and looked around the room. "what did some one need when escaping for a night" he thought to himself. He ran to the bathroom.. "wash kit, toothbrush.. He grabbed a spare one from the hotels supplies as he didn't know if Tae would be able to pack or just leave, then back in the room he grabbed boxers shorts a couple of Tee's and his slippers.

There was a gentle knock on the door and JK went over to answer it, it was hotel staff with a delivery, he thanked them and took a little box, there was a card with it.. "just in case... From Dahee :)

He opened it and there inside was a pack of condoms! JK nearly dropped them there and then, heat and embarresment flooded his face and he even looked around in case any one saw.

He chuckled to himself thinking this women was crazy, and threw the condoms in the gym bag as well, tucking them in right at the bottom.

Trying to not think about them or what they might be used for, he carried on getting ready, he found a plain black tracksuit and put that on, brushed his hair forward so he had a long fringe tried on his black cap sunglasses and black face mask and looked at himself in the mirror.

No one would recognise him like this he was sure, barely any of his face could be seen, he spotted his earrings so took them out, took off his rings and chains also. The tattoos on his hand would be the only give away and if he kept that hand in his pocket he should be alright.

He took the mask and sunglasses off and put them on the bed next to his gym bag. He did a final mental checklist, grabbed his wallet and room key card and slipped it in. He then placed his wallet on the pile on the bed so he wouldn't forget.

Next he messaged security telling them he would be going to gym soon. It was nearly go time...

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now