worrying times

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The nightmare stayed with Tae all day , JK could sense it and tried to comfort him but they had work to do ,  they were busy. They had five hours of dance practice ahead of them , and after lunch they had another photo shoot , this time for the concept art of their new song.

There was an ominous feeling Tae couldn't quite shake off , he'd worked hard and learnt complex choreography with Mr Parks assistant , him and JK had showered and then had lunch with the others , but still the feeling persisted . He knew he was worrying JK but couldnt help it .

Getting in the car to go on location he'd thought he'd seen maybe paparazzi hiding around the corner of the apartment building , nothing new but this time it  just gave him the shivers., dark clothes , cap , mask ..

He did his best to ignore everything and like a true professional managed to smile for the cameras when needed . He desperately wanted JK to hold him , like he had last night but too many eyes  so settled for a quick back hug and then went and sat down .

RM had noticed Tae wasn't his usuall jolly self and pulled JK to one side ."What's wrong with Tae ?" He asked .

Jk shook his head " not sure .He had a nightmare last night and I guess the stress of Bang and everything might be getting to him ."

It had been a long day and all the  lads were grateful when the director yelled it's a rap.

Back in the car JK grabbed Taes hand and pulled him to the back seat .Once clipped in he turned to him " whats wrong ?" Tae quietly just replied "nothing , I'm sorry , I think the nightmare has been hard to shake off "

"Aww babes " said JK squeezing his hand. "We're nearly home , I'll give you a nice massage later , help you relax "

Tae smiled at this , and he even started to relax , silly night mare he thought to himself .

They opted for separate showers , as that was quicker and they met Suga and Jin for dinner  . The others had claimed tiredness or other engagements.

The four of them grilled succulent pork and ate it with perilla leaves and green onion kimchi . No one brought up the honeymoon , or Bang , it was a lovely way to unwind the day , Jin was on fire with his quick wit and jokes and he had the other three in stitches .

Towards the end of the meal JK mentioned his song to Tae and asked Suga for his help in writing the melody  .

" I have a simplified melody but could use your help with the undertines and harmony " he explained .

"Is it for releasing or personal pleasure ?" Asked Suga , JK laughed ruefully "I think if I were to release it myself and sing it , there would be no more doubt or speculation about Tae and I "

"Oh.  I see " said Suga , "well of course I'll help you,  I think we're free tomorrow afternoon we can work on it then " "Thanks brother " said JK.

Meanwhile Tae and Jin had been discussing nonsense about who makes the better sushi roll and Tae was adamant it was him , every one laughed at his serious face and JK  was relieved to see Tae more relaxed .

It wasn't long before one by one they started to yawn and JK stood up holding his hand out to Tae and said come on you . Bed time "

Hand in hand they made their way to their room after saying their goodnights. All the way along the corridor JK couldn't stop yawning.

"I hate jet lag "said JK ," I don't want to go straight to sleep , I wanted to give you a nice massage ..and maybe more " he finished with a smile .Tae laughed " I can see why you have so many adoring fans , you are so goddamn sexy " he kissed him to emphasise his words and then turned him around and patted his behind.." but you need to sleep babes "

Like a sulky toddler JK stripped to his underwear and crawled under the covers "meany "he said sulkily, but despite his words he was almost asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Tae got in beside him , but as tired as he was he couldn't sleep , remnants of the nightmare were still in his mind , like embers of a fire , ready to blaze up again if he let it .

He reached for his phone thinking he'd have scroll through the various social media's, he'd not done this in a while and wondered what new Taekook videos had been made about him and JK.

Before..he'd watched these videos and read these posts in secret , analysing everything the writer or narrator was saying , wondering if it were possible that JK liked him as much as he liked JK.

Now though he faltered at opening the app.  If he read or saw new stuff about them would he think oh no they know ?

Doubting thoughts ,nervous thoughts, and even crazy thoughts flittered across his mind while he just lay there phone asleep in his hand.

He then told him self to stop being ridiculous and opened twitter and searched his news feed. Of course he didn't go on twitter as himself , he used an alias and followed lots of Taekooker accounts. His secret account vice .

He scrolled through several Taekook is real proof , seeing that they were old pictures re tweeted , but then stopped when he saw 'KIM TAEHYUNG SHOULD DIE '

He gave a humph quietly in his chest and thought I wonder why now ? He'd faced threats before so didn't take them too seriously , there was always those people that preferred one of the other members over him and visa versa.

But this tweet had hundreds of thousands of followers , it had a thread too so he clicked on it.

Pictures of JK and Dahee with the caption ' Let JK be loved !'
'Tae stay away !.. comment after comment , all hating him , threatening to hurt or worse , distorting his photographs so he looked like a monster.

This felt worse than previous, this felt personal, he knew Bang had set these pictures up just to keep rumours away from him and Jk but this had gone too far.

His hand started to shake and he felt tears prick the corners of his eyes,  how are he and Jk ever going to be together with people like that in the world?

He looked over to JKs sleeping form , his heart hurt just looking at him,  if something happened to either one of them he knew the other wouldn't survive, if he died JK would be broken,  if Jk broke , there'd be no more group.

Were they being selfish? , this last month , so much had happened , so many emotions but ultimately so much happiness,  more than he ever dreamed would be possible. Was he wrong wanting what his parents had,  a loving partnership for life?

At the end of the day love was love,  he loved his family,  his brothers. And his husband.

The day he joined the company, did he sign his soul away ?!,for what a singing career!?

Tears flowed silently and dropped onto the pillow,  he felt lost,  scared,  unsure.
Then Jk made a little snoring noise in his sleep and rolled over , reaching for Tae subconsciously. Tae wrapped his arm over his stomach and held it there.

His tears slowed to a stop as he watched JK...his heart rate calmed as what he felt for Jk soothed him....its too late to go back now he thought.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now