Leighs Place

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The nerves were real for JK as he and Tae set their bags down in the hallway entrance but he was also excited. All this time to be alone, no one watching them, the things he hoped they'd do but was also scared they'd do.

"come on babe let's go unpack and then explore" said Tae excitedly. JK snapped back his attention and laughed with Tae, he was infectious when he was in a good mood. He grabbed his back pack and chased Tae up the stairs to the room Leigh had given them.

"woah!" exclaimed JK as he came to a halt. He'd briefly seen it yesterday but still the opulance was overwhelming. The walls were white with gold coving around the ceilings edge, the furniture was white but all had gold fixtures, the bed!!!

Tae looked over just as JK blushed looking at the giant four poster bed, again all white and gold, and laughed.

"your ears have gone red" he said coming over to give JK a hug. JK gave a nervous giggle. Tae let him off with out any more teasing and once unpacked suggested they go back down and explore some. JK nodded.

Back down stairs they oohed and ahhed over the state of the art kitchen appliances and they looked forward to cooking together. They went through the living room out the patio doors to where they'd sat the night before, and wandered around the side of the house where they found a tennis court and a swimming pool.
Happy  and carefree for the first time in a long time they spent the rest of the day walking through the grounds of the house hand in hand, made raman for lunch and then snuggled on the sofa and watched a new k drama on Netflix.

When the program finished JK gave a loud sigh and looked up at Tae, "this is heaven" Tae smiled and squeezed his hand, then stretched, "guess we should make dinner now.. What do you fancy?" JK eyes sparkled and then he blushed, "you" he said shyly.

Tae's heart melted, every time JK said or did somthing out of his comfort zone he was so proud of him. He pulled him in and gave him a quick kiss and said "later baby" JK actually growled and Tae couldn't help but laugh, which in turn made JK laugh along with him.

"beef or pork belly" Tae asked once they were in the kitchen. "hmmm steak please" said JK.

After searching through the cupboards and selecting several spices, the two set about making steak and chips, they both agreed it was a shame that they didn't have their staple of kimchi and rice to accompany the meal but were still so very greatful.

JK took charge of the steaks and Tae went to work making the salad and preparing drinks. He chose a white wine, even though he knew steak went better with red, because he knew JK preferred white.

Dinner was an intimate affair, candles had be lit and light jazz  played quietly in the back ground. There was, lots of feeding each other and hand holding, which made eating difficult and funny. They drank slowly and JK complimented Tae on his choice of wine. "I've made a note of everything we use so I can replace it" said Tae, and JK just kissed his knuckles and said "you're so sweet"

After dinner they went and sat outside on the double swing together. Tae was sat up and JK laid his head on his lap. Tae played with JKs hair and they enjoyed the silence of the evening together for a bit.

After a while JK started humming, it was a melody Tae didn't recognise. "what's that?" he asked and JK smiled, " forbidden love" Tae looked down at JK and said "its beautiful, why  haven't I heard it before is it new?"

JK sat up and crossed his legs and reached for Tae.. "I wrote it.. For you" "really?" said Tae "has it got lyrics? Will you sing it for me?"
" it's not quite finished, I've only got the first two verses and the chorus" JK said "it's silly really I sing for a living but suddenly I feel shy can you wait until I've finished it? " he asked,  but not wanting to disappoint Tae.

Tae leant forward and gently caressed the side of JKs face,  "its okay baby,  I'll wait."

JKs heart literally did a back flip,  Tae had always been this caring and sensative,  it was one of the many things he loved about him. He mimicked Tae and cupped Taes face,  bringing his face close and kissed him.

The gentle kisses were making Tae's  heart beat fast,  Tae could feel himself becoming aroused and so, slowly he pulled back. "let's open another bottle of wine shall we?" 

JK nodded and Tae ran back into the house to grab the wine bottle. He placed it on the side and took a quick detour to the bathroom.

After a quick wee and hand-wash he was about to leave when he noticed a little gift wrapped basket on the windowsill.. Curiosity had him bring it down,  thinking perhaps hand creams or soaps so he was surprised to see his and JKs name on it.

The cellophane was metallic so he couldn't see in.  The card was blank other than his and JKs name so he lifted it in one hand,  left,  grabbed the wine and brought it outside to JK.

"Did you get me a present?" asked JK seeing the gift basket,  Tae shook his head, " nope,  found it in the bathroom next to our room,  it's got our names on it?!"

"what do you reckon it could be?" asked JK but again Tae shook his head amused and bemused "only one way to find out" he said starting to undo the bow.

"stop!" said JK who suddenly had an inkling of what could be in there,  a flash back of Dahee's little 'gift' making him nervous "let's have some more wine first" he said holding out his empty glass.

Confused Tae gave a questioning smile but said okay and placed it on a little table next to the wine. He poured JKs first then poured himself some,  JK leant forward and touched his glass as was their custom.

Watching JK nervously looking at the gift basket Tae started to guess as to what JK at least thought was in there and had to stifle a smile, He was so ready to do anything and everything to and with JK but knew JK wasn't quite there yet so waited. They finished the wine,  and even opened a third,  both were merry and JKs nervous looks were less nervous and now more excited. Finally he said "okay,  open it"

Tae jumped at the chance and tore the ribbon off as fast as he could,  slowly he pulled the wrap aside and JK watched as Taes face turned bright red.

"It must be bad if your blushing" said JK peering over his shoulder but having to steady himaelf with the other hand.

There, nestled in pink tissue paper was a tube of something called raspberry ripple lube,  Condoms,  a turkey baster looking thing,  wet tissues,  something that was about as big as a finger made out of some sort of rubber and a single sheet of paper that said,  take your time,  enjoy exploring have fun.  

JK looked at Tae's face,  and even though inside he was petrified, he couldn't help it,  he burst out laughing,  he laughed so much tears flowed down his face,  the more Tae stared the more he laughed.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now