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Around lunchtime  Tae and JK  got a text from RM saying it was time to meet up.

After their shower they had spent a leisurely morning just  talking and generally marveling at their life right now.

By an unspoken agreement they'd stayed off any serious subjects and just relaxed in each others company.

When the texts had come through they both looked at each other sadly and Tae said "that's real life calling"
JK dramatically said "noooo" and grabbed hold of Tae "not ready" he said sulkily. Tae wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of his head. He sighed, " me neither but we have to"

Slowly they got up from the bed, Tae had to run to his own room, being apart was horrible and Tae grabbed clothes and ran back to Jk's room to get dressed.

As soon as he got back in the room JK grabbed him, kissed him and said "I missed you" Tae kissed him back and laughed "I was gone five minutes hehe"

Reluctantly they both got dressed and by the time they had to leave to go to the meeting room a feeling of sorrow had fallen on them both.

Tae squeezed JKs hand, "I know this will be hard, I don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off you all day but know I'm with you" JK squeezed back and then straightened his shoulders "me too" he said.

They dropped each others hands at the entrance to the meeting room, all of the group members were there's and so was their manager Sejin.

Around the table were two empty chairs that literally couldn't have been further apart of they're tried. RM tried to send apologetic signals to them both whilst indicating that Tae and JK should take the chairs.

"JK looks scared " thought Tae as he sat down and he smiled his brightest smile to everyone, hoping JK would know it was going to be okay.

Sejin stood up and cleared his throat.
"so, we are here to discuss the US trip and talk about code of conduct" he emphasised the last words by looking at Tae and JK. They lowered their heads.

"what happened yesterday has to stay in this building, all of our jobs are on the line, go to the states, do the late late show, get some VT on location of where your new single will be shot, a couple of interviews with journalists and home again. No drama, no rumours, we need to keep Bang sweet and let this all blow over. "

JK sat and listened but was also a little confused, the way Sejin had been yesterday he'd thought he was completely on their side, but he was talking now all serious and  JK wondered if he even knew about Mr Parks and Leighs plan. He kept quiet, he hadn't even told Tae about some of the conversation he'd missed last night.

He realised Sejin had stopped talking and looked up "huh?" he said, he felt a little kick under the table and wondered who he could moan at later. "sorry Sejin" he said, "could you repeat that please"

Sejin rolled his eyes.

The meeting seemed to drag on forever, but eventually Sejin left and Tae went to stand up and leave also but RM put his hand out to stop him.
"we need our own meeting quickly first." Tae went to sit back down but Jimin stood up and said "swap seats first"

Jimin had been on one side of JK, Tae was greatful and hugged jimin as they passed "thanks brother" he said.

Back next to JK, JK could be seen to visibly relax. Tae held his hand under the table and they both smiled, RM coughed and every one laughed.

"so" said RM "before we get into the details you two need to know we've all discussed this, weighed the risks and still agreed so no complaints. JK I know Mr Park spoke a little bit about this with you last  night but  wanted to go over the finer details"

Tae looked to JK and JK said "it's all good, you'll see"

"As you just heard we are going to the US in two days we have seven days to complete everything, how ever unbeknownst to Sejin who conveniently can't come this time we have made our own schedual. Forget everything Sejin just said, the first two days are going to be so busy, James has agreed to move shooting the late late show forward, the journalists are meeting us after the show and then we will fit the location shoot all in one day leaving us all three days and two nights to our own devices, the boys and I have decided to just lay low in our hotel rooms whilst you two get a mini honeymoon. "

" what?! " said Tae looking at RM the JK.

RM waved his hand at JK and said" I'll let your busband explain", Jimin giggled at this and Suga gave him a look, Jimin giggled more.

Tae looked at JK and raised his eyebrows in question." do you remember Mr Parks boyfriend Leigh from last night?" Said JK, Tae nodded, " well turns out he's a pretty big deal in the American nightclub scene and has a house in the Hollywood Hills and he is letting us use it. He'll be there when we arrive but him and Mr Park are off to Ayia Napa for a gig."

Tae's mouth had dropped wide and then he looked around the table," won't Bang know if we go missing for a few days? "

RM shook his head," no that's the beauty of this plan, we have two days to do seven  days worth of work, if we concentrate on you two specifically when we shoot the vt then if we need more footage me and boys can go back and the editing team can put us all together" he was actually smiling like he was proud of this plan. Tae thought he was crazy.

"No way!" he said, "there's no way we can let you do all this and then stay stuck in your rooms for days and risk everything just for us" he looked at JK for support, JK nodded "it's a beautiful idea but you guys have already done so much more than we could have imagined, just accepting us is good enough."

RM stood up "what did I say at the begin of today's meeting, its a done deal we've already decided and  made the arrangements."

Just then Suga stood up" I know I dont usually get involved but RMs right. Were some of us shocked? Yes. Are we nervous about Bang? yes, do we want to see you both making out? Hell no " the room collectively shuddered and made exaggerated gagging noises and laughed", but unlike some we have had the chance to open our eyes to the rest of the world, not just our little corner of Korea, we've seen love can mean different things to different people and at the end of the day if you two are happy then we are happy. That's really what it all boiled down to when RM first came to see us.

We can't make the world undstand or accept you but we can give you this gift of freedom before you literally have to go into hiding again. We want to do this. " Suga sat down, he hated making speeches and being the center of attention but it had needed to be said.

JK and Tae looked at each other, both had been brought up to accept gifts and this was one of the biggest they'd ever been given, how could they say no. "Thank you" Tae said feeling humbled by the love, "thank you" repeated JK.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now