The Spy Who Loved Me 22

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Getting away was easy for Tae, he left a note for his parents saying he was sorry, he was borrowing his mums car again and that he'd been called into the city for work and he'd be back at some point tomorrow.

He knew his mother wouldn't mind, this wouldn't be the first time he'd borrowed her car and they still had the old farm truck in case of emergencies.

He'd showered, taking extra care going through his skin care routine, he'd felt so nervous but didn't know if it was because of what he was about to do or because he was going to see JK again, everything happened so fast the morning after their 'date' they hadn't even spoken.

Once dressed in the required black, as stated on the letter, he'd grabbed a little gucci bag put his wallet, phone and toothbrush in and left.

The drive into the city had been uneventful, and Tae parked in the underground carpark and checked the time. One hour to go, he knew the walk to Seomun Market would only take twenty minutes so he sat in the car on his phone for a bit, playing games to occupy him, and listening to music.

It was all go go go for JK, gym bag packed with all the essentials, plus cap, face mask and sunglasses, he'd casualty called out "off to the gym," and strolled out the door.

As before he turned left as though to go to the gym and then through the double doors marked stairs.

There half way down he saw him.. His hired JK look a like that Dahee had organised.
"Hi" JK said.. The look a like went beat red, "omg omg omg I can't believe it!! I thought it was a wind up or a prank" he looked like he was going to cry, and he kept bowing low out of respect.

JK took his hand and shook it "hi" he said, "thank you so much for doing this for me, it's so hard for me to have just me time you know?" the look a like bobbed his head in a yes. His eyes wide,

JK then said "you know what to do right?" again the look a like nodded, but this time seemed more in control of himself, then he said "yes sir,"
JK handed him his key card and thanked him. As he turned to leave his look a like said " excuse me.." JK stopped and looked back, internally cursing because time was short, but smiled and said "yes?" questioningly, "if this isn't a wind up after all does this really mean the singer Dahee is coming back later?" JK nodded and smiled and the the young lad took off up the stairs with a spring in his step.

JK watched him go for a second then carried on down the stairs thinking , the look a like did actually look a bit like him at first glance and that's all that was needed, all he had been hired to do was walk back into his room, the security would hear the door and maybe look in, if they did he would keep his back to the door when it opened and walk into the bathroom,

Security might find it odd that he was back so soon but wouldn't ask, protect only was their motto.. And once Dahee got back there they certainly wouldn't dare come in.

He stopped just before the door and looked at the time, it was exactly three fifty eight, giving him 2 minutes to get through the lobby and out the side door, where hopefully Dahee would be waiting with a car.. He opened the door..

It didn't look too busy so he stepped through . The walk through the lobby took less than a, minute but for JK every second felt like an hour as every step he worried he'd be spotted,

He burst into the side street and breathed a sigh of relief, he looked up and down the road, and for a second panicked . No car!! But no sooner had the thought crossed his mind a large four by four car pulled up, "get in!" said Dahee from the drivers seat.. JK did as he was told and she drove off almost before he'd finished putting his seat belt on...

Dahee just grinned and concentrated on driving for a while as traffic was bad, JK sat and calmed his heart rate with a practiced ease.

Traffic eased off and Dahee asked " did you get out ok? How was the look a like?"

JK told her about his stair way meeting and she nodded in satisfaction smiling at JKs idea that the star struck lad might be one of her fans.

They lapsed into companionable silence for the first hour of the trip, Dahee had already mentioned driving wasn't her favourite pass time and JK couldn't stop thinking about Tae and how he was actually going to see him soon.

As they neared the center of Daegu Dahee said " right tell me the plan so I know you understand it "
JK knew the plan by heart having gone over it so many times and having a natural gift to remember lines and complex choreography ..." you drop me off near the market and go back to the hotel and play nice with the look a like, thank you again by the way, and then I'm to go to the furthest fish stall at the back of the market where Tae will be waiting. We go out the emergency side exit that a friend of yours has left open for us and get in the hire car you've arranged to be parked there . We drive down Dalseong Road, turn right onto bukseong and stop when we get to Yuimui coffee shop where I can pick up the keys to the air b and b you've rented for us. "he smiled proudly at how well he'd remembered everything and Dahee gave him a playful punch and said
" show off " they both laughed. Then JK had a thought," what if the coffee shop owner recognises me? "" it's ok, " she said" my 16 year old cousin is working there tonight and she owes me so she promised she wouldn't say anything, hehe I caught her skiving from school, my uncle would kill her if he found out "

JK relaxed. As the streets got busier again Dahee got quieter and JK let her concentrate, he couldn't believe he was minutes away from seeing Tae.

Tae looked at the time and realised he had to leave, grabbing he little bag he got out the car and locked up. Mask on, glasses, cap, dark clothes, he literally could be any one. Still being so exposed in amongst so many people as he walked to the market made him feel vulnerable.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd just walked the streets, no group members, no manager or security, no screaming Army. Coming to get the charger the other day didn't count that was in and out, this was a twenty minute walk through bustling crowds, but ten minutes in and no one had screamed his name so he was starting to relax a little. He saw the entrance to the market up ahead and his feet naturally sped up.." JK" he thought smiling under his mask, "I'm coming"

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now