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Nearly fourteen hours on a plane, no matter how luxurious, was not pleasant and then to arrive and be told the time is roughly the same as when you left was very disorientating.

"I'm so tired" said Jin loudly as they grabbed their carry ons and started to leave their private plane.
"Are we all photo ready?" RM said loudly and recieved a collective "yep"

Their American security team was waiting on the tarmac and several news reporters, As they started to go down the steps Jimin purposely slapped JK on the back and kept his arm on his shoulder as they made their way through to customs.

Tae couldn't help it, he felt jealous and hated the bullshit they had to go through but also understood it.. But still despite J-Hope coming and walking with him he wanted to be with JK.

Every one knew he hated Airports and got scared by all the Army crowd. JK always walked with him at airports why should today be different? He knew Jimin was trying to be helpful but he didn't like it.

He sped up and caught up with JK, put his hands on both his shoulders and buried his face in his back. "not something I haven't done before" he said sulkily.

JK carried on walking but felt greatful that Tae was with him. There wasn't much JK could do for Tae, Tae was the confident one about most things but because JK was stronger physically Tae had always come to him for protection, and over the years not all 'fans' had been nice.

RM rolled his eyes but had to concede Tae had a point and quickly joined the little group and put his arm over Tae in a protective way too. That way he figured it wasn't just the two of them.

As they entered the airport the air was filled with screams, Tae physically jumped before he could compose himself enough to lift his head and smile and wave.

It took over an hour to get through the airport and into the waiting mini van.

All of them were feeling exhausted and looked forward to a couple hours rest.

RM looked out the window at the hotel they were staying at as they drove past to the underground capital and entrance. The streets where crowded with Army fans, he sighed and said "they know we're here"

"is that going to hurt our plans?" asked Tae but RM shook his head, "no they're not allowed in unless as a guest so we will show our faces collectivly and then I don't think any one will notice if you two aren't there "

Security, who'd been in a second van pulled up first and got out , the boys grabbed their suitcases and then followed them into the hotel.

The noise from Army was defeaning, some one spotted them through the main foyer doors and the crowd started to pour in, security surrounded them and ushered them quickly to the lift. Some managed a quick wave just before the lift doors closed, others had just kept their head down.

Their label had rented out the entire top floor of the hotel, this was needed for all their staff and their privacy and security.

They each had their own room but some how RM had managed to get a room adjoining so although Tae and JK had their own front door they could access each others room from inside.

When RM pointed this out to them they both blushed but said thank you.

Once everyone had dropped off their luggage they all met up in RMs room.

"now", he said " I know your body clocks are saying 10 at night but it's still early here and we have a whole day ahead of us still. We're meeting James at one so get a couple hours sleep, don't worry about unpacking for now, we will meet at twelve for a quick lunch. Okay? "

Every one nodded and agreed and hurried off to their rooms. RM stopped Tae and JK"before you go, I know I don't have to say it but just to be sure, please still leave by your own room doors, mess up one of the beds you're not using, we don't know the hotel staff here. Be careful, keep your luggage separate, cleaning products, generally make the room look used please "

" thanks "said Tae." I promise we will do everything as you say. "

They both walked down the hall and then stood outside their doors.."see you on the other side" said Tae winking and laughing, and then he went inside.

Once inside they met up in Jk's room, "I need a shower" he said pulling at his clothes to show he felt grubby "want company?" Said Tae, JK laughed " you're insatiable", he said "but if you join me my five minute shower wouldn't be a five minute shower would it?"

Tae laughed and said "can I help how gorgeous you are and how much you turn me on?... Fine, fine" he said " I'll have my own shower.. Race you?"

JK ran over to him and gave him a quick kiss " love you" he said, "won't be long".

Less than ten minutes later they were both showered and dressed only in boxers. JK yawned, " come on baby" said Tae "sleep time"

Tae crawled into bed and JK set the alarm. Tae laid his arm out for JK to lay on. Tae had always slept better hugging a pillow and now he had JK to hug he said quietly in Jk's ear, "its almost as though my arms where made to hold you , and the pillow was just practice while I waiting. "

JK smiled a sleepy smile and pulled Tae's arm close over his waist, linking his fingers.

It didn't take long for exhaustion to take over and soon they were both sound asleep, JKs cute little snores the only sound in the room.

It felt like only minutes before the alarm went off and JK who had rolled over in his sleep was now face to chest with Tae, groaned "nooo".

Tae came to with Jk's breath on his chest making him all sorts of aroused, and for one blissful minute he enjoyed the closness then said "come on baby, we have to get up"

With much sulking and pouting they eventually got out of bed, Tae could see that JK was still aroused and sighed. "what a waste" he said eyeing JKs erection, "stop looking at me like that or we're going to be late " Jk said laughing.

Fifteen minutes later, teeth brushed, face moisturised, clothes on Tae went through the door to his room, he jumped on the bed several times and threw a pillow on the floor. His suitcase was still open and unpacked on the side and he remembered to put his tooth brush back by the sink. "I'm good boy" he said to himself laughing at saying one of his quotes.

When he went out to the hall he saw Jimin and Suga walking along the hallway, he debated wether he should wait for JK or not but then sighed with relief when he came out his own room.

The four of them walked to RMs room in silence, all were still tired and talk took effort. RMs room smelt of coffee and they all gravitated towards the trolly that had been set up in the corner of the room. The trolly not only had coffee pots on but piles of steak baguettes. "yum yum" said J-Hope happily.

"morning all" said RM, some groaned in response others just made a face.

"So we have the Late Late show shortly our costumes are already there, we are to perform our new single and then he's going to ask us some questions and maybe play a silly game or two, from there were heady out to location to take some shots in prep for the music video "

" grab some food quick "said Suga," it's going to be a long one "

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now