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Tae managed to doze and thankfully it was dreamless . When he did wake up JK was sat drinking a coffee , looking at his phone. He had an angry look on his face.

" hi " said Tae quietly . He still felt bad for last night and wasn't sure if the angry look was for him .

Jk looked up , " is this what's been upsetting you ?" He questioned holding that phone out for Tae to see.

" erm " stuttered Tae not sure what exactly was on the phone but had an idea. " I guess "

Jk came and sat crossed legs infront of Tae on the bed ." We've had threats like this before , whys it getting to you this time ? "

Tae shrugged his shoulders and swallowed , how could he possibly explain the difference, he stalled for time and got out of bed " I need a coffee " JK let him go but only long enough for Tae to get his drink. He couldn't understand what was different , but at least it seemed Tae was willing to talk now , even if he was currently procrastinating.

Tae poured himself a coffee and sat on the little sofa in their room instead of coming back to the bed. Silence followed whilst JK waited for Tae to collect his thoughts. He knew Tae well enough to wait , rather than push.

"I think "Tae started hesitantly "it's different this time because its real , not the pictures and stuff but rumours of us because we're real. All of us at one point of another has been shipped with someone, accused of dating someone outside the group , but as there was nothing to prove or disprove we ignored it , other Army's would figure out photos were edited , rumours were fake , or keep the ship going because it made them happy , but these people " he spat the word like people was too good for them , " these Sasaeng ! Have nothing better to do than try to hurt you or me or one of the others , and I can't bear the thought of someone getting hurt just because I love you !"

Jk didn't speak, Taes nightmares and fears weren't even for himself! God he loved him. He came over and sat on the floor infront if Tae.

"What did I say last night ? We are in this together and the brothers would agree. You and I know the truth , fuck the Sasaeng's . They can't hurt us, we have security and each other. "

He took hold of Taes hands "I mean it "he said seriously " no one is going to hurt you , me or our loved ones "

Tae pulled JK up , into his arms and held him. He spoke into his hair "I know all that logically but I don't know... it just feels different this time , "

" we need to talk to RM "said JK getting ready to stand up but Tae pulled him back . He looked up at him questioningly .

" I am so sorry about last night , I don't know what came over me and my actions were unforgivable. I swear I will never lose control like that again , I'll never put you in that position. "

He hung his head in shame , JK put his hand on the back of Tae necks and gently ran his thumb along Taes hairline.

" babes , do you think you are stronger than me ?" Tae looked up puzzled "what ? " JK smiled "Do you think you are stronger than me , if you pinned me down right now do you think I couldn't get out of it ?"

Oh thought Tae , he knew where JK was going with this .." obviously you're stronger than me " he said , his hand coming up to rest on JKs muscular arms. " but still ..."

" but nothing " interrupted JK " were your actions shocking ? , a little , true but not unpleasant, not scary, a little nervous perhaps , but I was so turned on despite not knowing what was coming , hehe " he gave a little laugh , " in fact I was getting caught up in it myself so much that when you left to go the bathroom so abruptly, I thought I was going to explode ,I was so rock hard for you " he smiled to try and lighten the mood a little and show Tae he really was okay . He reached his hand and using his thumb rubbed at Taes bottom lip , " you're the one who got hurt remember ?" He leant forward and gently kissed Tae .

Tae didn't know what to say. Jks words made sense and he felt a little better about last night but he was still terrified some one would hurt JK.

"Okay ," he said " thank you for being the most amazing husband in the world ..I'll try harder to be the best for you too "

" you already are " said JK . They held each other for a moment and then eventually Tae said " you're right , we need to talk to RM " JK nodded and they quickly showered and got ready.

As they walked into the conference room Rm and Suga were already in deep talks with the head of security and their publicist. they looked up at JK and Tae as they walked in.

"Morning" said Rm looking serious .
" whats happened " asked Tae worriedly. No one answered and Tae watched as the four at the table looked at one an other before they seemed to come to some sort of decision.

"This morning , photos of Tae that had been mutilated were attached to the front door of this house. And under the windscreen wiper of the van. Along with pictures of JK and Dahee edited to look like they'd got married " said Suga .

Jk watched as Taes face went pale and felt his own heart beat speed up as the realisation that a Sasaeng knew where they lived hit him. " they've been here , they know we're here " he said , desperately wanting to hold Taes hand but the publicists didn't know about them .

Tae felt his breath catch in his throat but didn't say anything , just looked at JK and then back at Suga and RM.

RM then spoke up , " We've notified the police , and Bang, security is doubled and we're trying to think of what to do for the next couple of days , you're safe enough in here so for now maybe stay in , we only have singing and dancing rehearsals for now any way. " he looked at Suga for confirmation. Suga nodded so RM continued ." You can have body guards each inside the dorm too if you'd feel safer , the offer will be to all members as well not just you two "

"What about Dahee ?" Jk asked
" she's aware of the situation but feels she's okay as she's currently in Europe , and any way the Sasaeng seems to be targeting Tae for now , sorry Tae " he finished .

Tae couldn't speak, he listened whilst everyone around him spoke but didn't take anything in..the only thing his brain could focus on was the fear, not for himself but for Jk. Even though the threats were towards him ,Jk might get hurt trying to protect him. He needed to leave..he stood up abruptly and the room stopped talking.

"Send me away !" He said, his voice a desperate plea , he turned to the publicists "that would work wouldn't it , I'll go to Paris or New York, every one will see me at the airports, they'll know JK is here , everyone will be safe , just until it dies down ?" He looked from the publicists, Rm ,Suga even the head of security but avoided JK . He knew exactly what JK would be thinking.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now