Weeks End

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JK woke up begrudgingly, his mouth felt as dry as the Sahara and some one was playing drums on his temples. He rolled over and groaned and then promptly fell off the sofa with a thud.

"oomph!!" he said loudly holding his head in his hands.. He heard a giggle and looked up to see RM looking fresh as a daisy sipping coffee.

"well good morning sunshine" RM said overly loud and enthusiastic,

JK just replied with a grunt and said "coffee?" in a desperate plea. RM laughed and handed him his.

JK drank it gratefully and the two sat in silence for a few minutes. Every time JK looked at RM he had a little grin on his face... "what?" he said in the end... RM barely contained his laugh when he replied "check out my insta"

Very slowly JK found his phone and opened RMs Instagram page, usually it would be full of art pieces that he liked but there front and center was a photo of JK sleeping with.. He looked up "you drew a bunny face on me in my sleep?!" he asked incredulously,

RM was laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.. "llloook in the mirror" he spluttered..

Instead of moving JK just turned his phone onto mirror mode and there was his reflection bunny nose and whiskers included and it wasn't even a filter... He groaned and said sarcastically "thanks!"

RM replied "your welcome" and went back to his own browsing letting JK finish his coffee and go for a shower. Whilst he was gone RM ordered up some Haejang-guk and some hangover medicine from the hotels kitchen and pharmacy.

They both arrived just as JK was getting out of the shower and he shot RM a grateful look but said "your still not forgiven" but laughed to show he was only joking.

They both tucked into the hearty soup and by the end of breakfast JK was almost feeling human again.

"thanks" he said. "I guess after all the stress of the last week I needed to just let go and drank a bit too much, sorry"

RM said "don't even worry about it, but now if you're ready we need to make serious plans." JK nodded so RM continued.. " I know you said this last night but I need to hear you say it again before we go any further.. You and Tae, you're for real serious and both ready to fight for this yes? "

" Absolutely! " replied JK
" OK then "said RM." so as you know the rest of the group support you completely , and we've all told this to Bang.
Bang is worried about image and its not even about you both being men although obviously that's a huge part of it, but idols are only supposed to be loved by their fans and love their fans in return. "

JK interrupted" we know this but our fans, our Army are different, look how many people already shipped us together, there are millions of Army ready to support Tae and I "

" yes but what about the other millions that won't "said RM.

They both sat for a moment thinking about this" It would be sad of course "said JK" to lose Army's but I can't lose Tae, now I know how he feels about me, now we're married I can not imagine a world with out him. If it wasn't for you and the guys in the group, I'd give it all up and live in Europe with Tae and start over, Bang could even try and sue us if he wanted, there are plenty of producers that would take us on as a married couple and performers. Or better yet we would produce our own work. "

RM sighed." it won't come to that "he said," but if it did the guys have agreed its all seven of us or none of us , and as I dont fancy living any where other than Korea we need to make this work., Bang for now is willing to over look this, you played your part this week, the net is full of gossip about you and Dahee and Tae got spotted in his home town, apart from a handful of determined Army the other photo is barely mentioned now, and there's been worse rumours and supposed truth out there before this photo, even when it wasn't true so the possibly disaster has been successfully managed..this time. But for now, as far as Bang is Concerned nothing like that photo will ever be seen again. "

JK nodded and said "it's frustrating though that it has to be this way and still not sure how it will work, how will I act around Tae?"

"same as you have always" said RM "the two of you were shipped for a reason, you've always been close., but no kissing, just be carful for now, let things settle back down, we all have commitments coming up both individually and as our group, we can't afford to piss Bang off now, not when you've gotten off so lightly ".

Jk stood up and paced," it's just as well "he said" I don't think I could have stayed away from him, when do we go back.? "

"we are leaving as soon as you're ready, Tae's coming back too"

JK felt his stomach flip," is Tae meeting us there? "he asked" Tae should be back at the dorm by lunch time."

JK felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for his leader in that moment and he thanked him formally and sincerely.

It took less than half an hour to pack up the hotel room that had felt like JKs prison for the last week, and then they left.

JK had said good bye to his security and RM had sorted the hotel bill out with their business credit card. In the hotel lobby they'd come across a handful of Army and had spent a few minutes signing autographs and shaking hands but all in all still hadn't taken them long to get going. JK was in a hurry to see Tae and RM was aware of this.

The drive back to their house was uneventful, they put music on and sang along, just enjoying the moment, but for JK it seemed to take forever.

As soon as they pulled up JK went to jump out but RM put his hand out on his knee and said "wait" JK looked at him questioningly but did as he was asked.. Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, and Jin all came out to the car, JK got out, slightly nervous to see his group brothers, but they engulfed him in a group hug, there were shouts of congratulations and pats on the back and general mayhem, which JK appreciated more than he could say but still his mind was racing.. Wheres Tae?

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now