3 Jk The Morning After The Night Before

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Jk stretched out his arm sleepily expecting to to feel the warmth of Tae's body next to him only to open his eyes with a jolt when his hand encountered empty space.

He looked around for his phone hoping there would be a message left for him but no.

Feeling confused and a little hurt he jumped out of bed searching the room for signs of Tae. His eyes rested apon the dresser where last night he'd lovingly folded Tae's clothes after helping him out of them, being drunk Tae had kept stumbling when trying to take his trousers off, He smiled at the memory then frowned again.

It was obvious that Tae had left but why? Last night had been both heaven and torturous hell for sure but also the single most amazing night of his life. Tae loved him! He still couldn't believe it, not brotherly love or friendship love but loved him like a lover,! Something he'd never dared to believe would happen. Tae had kissed him! Jk brought his fingers to his lips at the memory, Tae's lips had been soft yet firm, his tongue had felt like satin and fire in his mouth, it had taken everything he had not to strip off Tae's boxers and taste ever inch of him.

Groaning Jk felt himself stiffen to almost breaking point at the memory, if he didn't do something about it now he'd be uncomfortable all day and be worried some one would notice.

Walking back over to the bed he laid on it and started to caress his cock, slowly at first, thoughts of Tae's mouth urged his hand on, up and down his shaft he moved gaining momentum as the need rose up in him. Release came hard and fast. It never did take long when he thought of Tae. He cleaned himself up and headed into the shower.

Under the spray of water Jk wondered what today would bring. Obviously Tae left because he was worried they'd get caught, he understood that. Himself, Tae and 5 other lads were a world wide brand, one that had to be protected at all costs and one of the reasons he'd kept his feelings secret all these years,

But now the two of them had confessed to each other surely they'd be able to work something out. It's not like they didn't always spend time together anyway, so being seen together wouldn't be suspicious at all.

In fact they were known for being close, most believed it was because they were closer in age, he just thought its because they got on so well and was just grateful, looking back he wondered if Tae had felt the same. Any excuse to be around each other.

He wondered about the lads. Keeping it a secret from 5 other people that you had lived with and knew you inside and out would be difficult, he was sure Jimin and Suga already suspected and maybe even approved but their leader Rm wouldn't.

He'd even pulled him to one side once when him and Tae had started to be shipped together saying although being shipped was good publicity and he encouraged them to act up in front of cameras that's all it should be, playing to the fans.. Not real, of course.

He'd denied it at the time of course, but keeping this from Rm's all knowing eyes will be the hardest , especially now he felt that his soul was literally glowing with happiness.

Grinning he finished washing and went about his morning routine, teeth and skin care. Healthy skin had been drummed into him from a young age especially when you spent more than half your life in front of cameras.

Last night had been the last show in this current tour and he was looking forward to down time, he knew he has at least a week and maybe him and Tae could go away somewhere..
Humming "you know you love me boy " to him self he finished getting dressed.

**** authors note *** see above you tube link :) 💜💜💜

Just then his phone beeped and he practically leapt over the bed to pick it up thinking Tae might have messaged him, but no it was just their manager reminding them of the upcoming shoot.

Disappointment threatened to dampen his mood but excitement over seeing Tae shortly won out.
He wondered if he should text Tae? What's the protocol here, he knew this was going to be difficult, knew they had a long hard road ahead of them but he also knew it would be worth it.. He loved Tae and Tae loved him, nothing else mattered...

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now