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The journey back to Jeju Island seemed to go by in a blurr. JKs mind had been half on driving and the other half on Bang and what to do next.

He guessed next step would be to figure out a way to talk to RM. He was after all their leader and he already knew RM was on their side, to a certain degree anyway.
He wondered if Mr Park would help again.

He pulled up to the hotels underground carpark and sent a quick text to Dahee , checked his disguise and left for the stairs leading up to the gym.

A couple of older hotel staff passed him on the stairs but other than glancing in his direction briefly they ignored him.

He breathed a slightly out of breath sigh of relief to see Dahee and his look alike waiting for him by the stair way exit doors. "hi" he said taking off his mask and sunglasses and smiling at them both.

His look a like nodded his head and said hello back. He didn't seem half as enthusiastic leaving as he had been coming to this job. JK offered his hand and the look a like seemed to perk up a bit at this and shook it. "Thank you for your exemplary work," JK said, and the guy gushed "you're welcome.. Any time, it was an honour"

As the look a like went to leave he hesitated for a moment then pulled out a business card. " if you ever need my services again please feel free to call me direct and not through my agent. I am very descreet and you obviously needed descretion. The less people you have to deal with the better don't you think?" he held his business card out with two hands and waited for JK to take it." thank you " JK said and bowed in respect.

Himself and Dahee watched him run down the stairs for a second then Dahee went out the doors to check if the coast was clear. It was and she beckoned him out with her hand. Then the two of them strolled back to the hotel room together.

"where did you hide  paparazzi this time" JK asked,
"I didn't have to" she replied, "Bang told me he had enough pictures  and was removing him from Jeju, there for my services were no longer required. " she laughed " I don't think he expected us to be friends and thought I'd be happy to be able to leave"

"ahh I see" said JK " I guess it only makes sense, i only have a couple more days here myself, i wonder if I've done enough to keep Bang happy"

"Hopefully" Dahee replied " right, so as much as I want to hear all about your adventures I do actually have to go sorry, Bang wants me in his office first thing so I'm leaving tonight, I only stuck around to wish you luck" she gave him a quick awkward hug and stepped back "you better keep in touch" she warned "none of this" 'I'm a super star bullshit' if I ring please answer, you owe me and I intend to cash in one day. As it is my phone has been ringing off the hook, no one can believe I'm dating Mr sexiest Asian " she laughed again. And then very overly dramatic said" and now I have to deny all rumours and start one saying I broke up with you, sorry "

JK laughed and said" I promise, call any time, you have my personal number, if you need me I'll come running "

They finished up their goodbyes and JK walked her to the door. He opened it and jumped backwards in shock.

RM, his leader was stood there hand up about to knock, security was in the hall and his has just come in from the adjoining room." whoah bro you gave me a heart attack" said JK, Dahee had jumped back also but now she was sidling up to RM " mmm mm mm if I only batted that way" she said just loudly enough for RM and JK to hear, she winked at the two and walked off. Several of the security team watched her also. She was stunning after all.

"are you going to invite me in" said RM laughing at JKs opened mouthed expression of shock..
"oh of course" he said quickly stepping to one side. He opened a new packet of guest slippers and handed them to RM who put them on.

Both of their security teams had disappeared back into the other room. They wouldn't come in now unless called.

JK waited until RM had sat down to say " how did you get here? Does Bang know? How are the others? I have so many questions, do you know what happening, what Bang is planning?"

RM held his hands up and said "slow down, there's no rush, i am here til the weekend like you now, and yes Bang knows, so let's order dinner, get some beers or soju, you and I have some talking to do."

JK nodded his head slightly apprehensively and did as he was told. First he pulled out his phone and checked best restaurants in Jeju, then searched through to find the best sea food menu's. He owed RM so much the least he could do.

He ordered so much food , stir fried octopus, yukgaejang, bassan Bansang, buljukumi rice, and so very many more side dishes it took two delivery guys to bring them their food.

Whilst waiting for their food JK had handed RM a beer from the fridge and they'd sat in campanable silence.
RM had been on his phone playing Bts Island and JK had opened his mahjong app and read his message from Tae.

He must have made a noise when he read the bit about Tae's parents knowing now because RM had  looked up and said" are you alright? " JK had just nodded and said" food should be about 5 more minutes "
" nice "RM said" I'm starving. "
JK quickly sent a text back to Tae saying love you will message properly when I can, not ignoring you but RM is here! I'll fill you in the details later x mwah xx
He closed his phone and stood up ready to get the door.

Food dishes every where RM was  on his third beer and  said " how long were you both lying to us?" slapped his chest "us your brothers, how long"

He seemed genuinely upset by this and JK had to think on how best to answer. " we had been lying to ourselves for years but that was the first time we had ever kissed" he said, he didn't include the drunken Tae and kisses from the night before, they didn't count because Tae had been drunk.

RM looked him in the eyes "for real?" "yeah, for real" said JK
"Talk about bad luck, i dont even know how they got the picture we were so carful, no buildings across from us or anything   " JK trailed off thinking and took a sip of his third bottle of beer also.

"Drone" said RM sadly . "it was a drone, I was with Bang when he paid the owner of the picture off,"

JK was stunned and felt anger run through him" I know we signed up for this but don't you ever just want a little  bit of privacy, just you? "

RM nodded" I find when I go to Art galleries or museums is when I am most at peace and relaxed, im pretty much left alone there, but yeah I get what you're saying. "

He helped him self to a bottle of soju and poured a shot for JK and then JK took the bottle and poured one for RM
" cheers" they said in unison.. JK was getting drunker by the second and more nervous. " come on RM" he thought "let's talk about what you're really here for" he poured RM another shot, "Time for both of them to get answers" he thought.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now