A million bucks

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All hell had broken loose in the little room where Rm and the others had been gathered . Bang had just come in and announced JK had been found and was on his way to hospital , the tip on Tae had been a dead end , the hours were ticking past and no one was any closer to finding Tae.

Publicists,  managers , media directors had all been in and out at some point trying to controll the shit storm on line ,  Bang had come back in but not mentioned anything about the boys being a couple , just barked out order's on the phone.

Police had been in asking questions about everything leading up to today , by mutual telepathic agreement no one had mentioned the wedding.  Some one else had been in and brought a trolly with food and more coffee .Phones could be heard ringing around the building .

Eventually Bang announced "we need to make a statement to the press" and then was in talks with someone on the phone for at least  20 minutes .

The five remaining lads  were now huddled together,  some had managed to doze but all were awake now and drinking coffee.

Rm had found out that JK was okay but had passed out from stress . He was hoping to speak to him soon , but Bang wasn't letting anyone out of his sight , which only added to the groups frustration.

Suga who had been glued to his phone looked up " JK being in hospital has been leaked now too , " he said angrily

Rm was about to say something when his phone rang..he looked at the caller I.d and made a grunting noise quickly handing the phone to Suga.

Sugas eyes widened with surprise and quickly answered " JK ? Are you Okay,  how are you , are you still at the hospital ? "
No one could hear JKs response as they didn't want to alert the room to JK phoning , so Suga hadn't put him on loud speaker ..
" really ? "...
" no you can't trust them " ..
" don't JK ..."

Suga stopped speaking mid sentence and the other knew JK had hung up.

"What" gestured RM

Suga looked around and motioned too many ears about . The other looked up and then back at Suga ..Rm text , " text us "

Suga picked up his phone and went to family group chat.  " apparently a nurse has approached JK saying that her boyfriend took Tae and if he gets the million dollars she'll tell him where they both are staying  "

" is he stupid ?"
" surely he doesn't believe her "
" why hasn't he spoken to the police "
" how comes he's awake now.  Is he OK?"

All these messages came through at once and Suga held his hand up to stop them .

" he's still groggy but thinks the nurse gave him something to wake him up , he's not completely stupid he's asked for proof of life. And she's said no police " he rang me because he wants me to get the money ! But honestly I don't think I can, Bang won't let us out of here , and who carries money around nowadays."

"I think we should tell Bang " RM wrote,  " for all we know he has K n R  insurance on us , this is out of our league "

J-Hope , Jin and Suga were nodding but Jimin looked unsure . He fingers typed like lightning " what if they hurt Tae , "

RM typed back " this is not a movie and we're not super heroes , we're singers "

The decision how ever was taken out of their hands when Bang walked over and grabbed Sugas phone .

Before any one could react a new message came on the screen and Bang opened it.

It was a photo of Tae , his eyes were swollen and bruised , his arm wasn't sitting right in some sort of sling , he was laying on the floor in the fetal position , all in all he looked like hell and Jimin burst into tears.

Shock was on everyone's face and no one spoke. Bang took a moment to scroll through previous group messages  and swore.

He threw the phone back at Suga and said "  don't reply yet, give me a moment " and walked off to speak to some one on the phone.

"Shit !' Exclaimed J-Hope.  Jimin was still quietly crying and Jin gave him a hug. " sssh it's okay we're going to get him "

Jimin sniffed , coughed and then said " I can get the money he can have my money ?" He voice had risen as hope and desperation had come in , but his face dropped when RM put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head slowly no , and quickly wrote a text for him to read " Brother , all of us feel the same way and would gladly hand over the money but it's not up to us any more,  Bang will fix this you'll see "

There was nothing they could do but wait .


Every time Tae regained consciousness he hoped he'd stay awake and fight the blackness and pain but would eventually slip back into oblivion.

As he roused this time from the darkness he stayed still with his eyes shut , slowly he thought to himself, go slowly.

He opened his eyes a crack and was surprised to see his surroundings had changed , when had that happened ? He closed his eyes again to think.

He had vague recollections of arguing and possibly being put in a chair..he tried to think , it must have been a wheel chair how else would have got here?

He opened his eyes again and tried to look around with out moving. Taking in his surroundings he noticed he was now on carpet,  and what appeared to be someone's bedroom, he listened to see if any one else was in the room with him,  he couldn't hear any one so moved his head slightly , holding his breath.

Pain shot through him and threatened to take him again but he fought it and waited for it to pass. It didn't go completely but it dulled enough that he could bear it.

He couldn't see any one, so using his good arm risked trying to push himself up , much dizziness ensued and almost black outs but he made it to a sitting position. Sweat was running down his neck and it took a while for his vision to stop being blurred,  but he made it and mentally congratulated himself .

He wasn't sure how long he sat there for but it took a while for his breathing to return to normal ,  the pain to dull again and his vision to clear . Once it had he took a proper look around the room .

A bed , dresser , clothes his heart sped up , a window !! He shuffled on his bottom over to the bed and slowly,  first to his knees then his feet heaved himself up to standing. Dizziness hit him and he actually fell forward onto the bed landing on his arm,  pain like shocks hit him like lightning and there , half on and half off the bed he passed out again, his last thought was that of frustration.

Back at the dorm

Everyone looked up as Bang walked back in the door followed by a white faced JK, as soon as everyone saw each other tears flowed and there was much hugging.

" I couldn't get to him on time " cried JK , who was currently being held by a sobbing Jimin. " We'll get him " Jimin said through hiccups.

Bang placed a briefcase on the table and clicked it open. Inside was so much American money that the room seemed to gasp. He looked at JK. " pull yourself together , if you're going to be able to do this."

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now