7 What Now!?

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A loud banging woke the two from their contented slumber. Both were still tired and groggy after talking and making out until well into the early hours.

Tae looked at JK in complete panic and jumped out of bed, Jk did the same shouting "one moment please" to who ever could hear him.

BANG BANG BANG,, the hotel door practically shuddered .
Once decent JK went cautiously over to answer the door. Tae sat at the desk holding his phone as though he had been doing something.

Apon opening the door JK wished he could have slammed it shut again because there stood his manager with a black thunderous face on him. He was brandishing an ipad like a weapon and shouting. None of what he was saying registered with JK and he stepped aside as his manager stormed into the room.

Silence.. The manager looked from JK then Tae, then back to JK again.. "you two have no idea how much shit you're both in right now do you?" He shoved the tablet at JK and waited for Jk's reaction.

JK wasnt even sure he knew what he was looking at, at first, it was clearly a long distance photograph of two people making out, their faces locked in passion, then slowly JK recognised who he was looking at. , He looked up at Tae, who had come to stand beside him to see for himself, Tae was frozen, panic and fear was clear on both of their faces.

Jk's thoughts raced " how?" who? What? " but what he said was" now what? To his manager. He looked at Tae who was still silently standing still. He so badly wanted to hold him, tell him everything was going to be alright, but JK thought his manager might actually resort to violence if he did that.

Instead he tried to send a reassuring look to Tae, but Tae wasnt looking at any one, his face was white as a ghost and his eyes glazed over.

The manager rubbed at his temples like he had a headache he sighed and said " we ignore and or deny if need be.. And you two" he said pointing to them both "split up and stop this stupidity right now! I want you both on opposite ends of Korea! JK you're coming with me first." Jk's heart broke at this.

"One date!" he thought " just one single glorious date was all they were getting.!" he wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all, kick and punch something or some one, but he also knew he couldn't.

In fact technically he and Tae had broken their no dating clause in their contracts, their managing company could kick them out of the group if they enforced it, for now they would have to do what they were being told, but he wouldn't give Tae up, he would find a way.

He loved his other group members like brothers but he loved Tae more.
"ok" he said quietly, "but can I talk to Tae quickly first,?" the manager was about to say no but saw Tae's face and said gruffly "you have two minutes" He turned and left the room to give them privacy.

JK rushed to take Tae's shoulders "Tae! He said.. Tae didn't respond, so JK kissed him, hard and desperate. Slowly Tae's arms came up to grab handfuls of Jk's t shirt, there was panic in his touch. He looked so sad." Tae, "JK said again, listen to me..." I will sort this out, we will be ok. I promise you!!! I will not! I can not lose you,, ive only just found you, I dont know how yet but ill make this right.! " determination filled his voice, Tae shook his head slowly, tears were falling down his face "what have we done" he whispered..

Jk's heart broke even more, BANG, BANG went the door again, time was almost up. JK grabbed the first ring off his finger and put it in Tae's palm, closing his fingers around it, "Take this" he said" this is my promise to you, no matter what I will figure a way out of this for us"

He kissed Tae one last time, tears evident in his own eyes now, and whispered good bye just as the manager came back in the room. He took JK by the arm and looked over his shoulder at Tae.. "You stay here," he said and with those parting words they both walked out the room leaving Tae alone.

Tae collapsed, a cry of pain ripped from him as his heart shattered along with his world. The racking sobs came hard and long. Tae curled up in a ball and clutched Jk's ring to his chest.

A million confused thoughts ran through his mind, but the most prominent one was JKs gone, over and over he said it and each time he did he felt like he died a little.
An hour later he was still laying on the floor, crying when the manager let himself back into the room.

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Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now