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Bang stared at RM furious " say that again " he said in a thunderous voice causing RM to actually take a step back.

They were stood at HQ in Bangs office and Bang had been questioning RM on everything that had been going on.

Rm swallowed nervously and repeated , " they got married, their parents know and a handful of our closest confidants "

Bang came round to the front of the desk , took his glasses off and stared at RM

" are they out of their minds !?" He shouted " never mind that it's wrong and against nature ,oh and against their contract but what were they thinking was going happen when this got out "

He genuinely seemed baffled by it all and RM sighed " they hoped you'd accept them and help them hide it " he said quietly " but personally I think you should accept them openly and admit to the world the truth about them. "

Bang was shaking his head and about to speak when RM continued " Bang , Sir, with respect , you were a tiny little company when you started us , you lead the way of promoting us through social media rather than TV, you let us sing our own songs instead of churning out classic K pop , you let us eat when we wanted and practice when we wanted . You literally re wrote the book on how to make a kpop group into idols. And look how far we have come ! There is no group bigger than us in the world , our voices are that influential that presidents ask to see us " he slapped his chest with his hand emphasising the word 'us' ." Can't you take one more risk and be the voice of equality?"

" NO! " Bang roared " This has to stop. Or they're out ! How dare they risk all we've achieved in the last ten years for a fleeting moment of affection! , and what happens when they fall out ? Huh !? No ! no ! This changes everything. You're idols ! Your supposed to be loved by billions but not love any one , okay so a handful of those billions might approve but the rest ? Sales will fall , shares will drop , and look what's just happened to Tae , do you think there is only one Sasaeng out there ? There's hundreds and thousands out there that think you belong to them alone , or you should be with some one that only they approve of. The Internet is already flooded with millions of comments and so far seems to be about fifty fifty to acceptance and hate . Will you take responsibility for your members safety?"

RM didn't know what to say , he'd known when he was summoned that this conversation would be difficult , he'd almost asked Suga or Jin to come with him , but he was their leader so he chose to come by himself .

Jk was still by Taes bedside , who still hadn't woken up, the others had gone back to the dorm to rest for a bit. The journey had be fraught with danger as paparazzi had followed them from the hospital to the dorm by car and motor bike but none of his brothers had said a word and security had been doubled at the dorm so he knew at least right now that they were all safe.

He ran his hands through his hair and then spoke " Sir , I believe its already too late to deny , footage of JK shouting very clearly he's my husband has been viewed over a million times in twelve hours . Its my understanding the TV news networks both here and abroad has also picked it up. I honestly think we can survive this with you by our side, with you openly supporting them . We will have the LGBTQ communities on our side regardless of whether they're Army or not , we have Taekookers on our side , and I genuinely believe the majority of our fans , our Army will accept them also. This is 2022 now , the rest of the world has already changed , why can't you help Korea to change also ?"

" No , it's not natural , " he almost spat out

" love is love " said RM " think about it, really think about it , are you really that shocked , have you not seen the love between them over the years ? It's a beautiful love and you and I would be so blessed to have that in our lives. What they do in the bedroom is none of our business , just like it's none of our business what any one does in their bedroom. And that's the only difference in their love. "

" It doesn't matter what I think about their private lives , their lives are not there own , you all knew what you signed up for. Being an idol is for life, fans won't share you !"

" Bang , Sir, its too late now. " he stood up ready to leave " no one wanted the world to find out about them this way , or at all , but they have ,so you can either ride the wave and be our figure head as you have always been or lose us ..." he paused to let that sink in " we all love you, " he emplored him with his eyes and clasped his hands in front of him , " you have been a father figure to us for ten years and want to continue working hard for you, but we are not BTS without all seven of us . " inside RM was trembling, he'd never ever spoken to Bang like this before " we are seven or none ! You will lose all of us and you can sue us , or publicly shame us but will stand together ." He then did a tiny bow and said " if you'll excuse me , I'd like to get back to the hospital "

He gave another little bow , turned and left .

Bang stood there , speechless and angry .

RM left the office and made it into the lift before his legs buckled and he held his chest. His heart was beating so fast

Oh my God , what have I done, he asked himself .
He calmed his breathing and was standing looking composed again by the time the lift came to a stop. He left the building and hailed a cab.

Once he gave the name of the hospital he rang Jin " it's done" he said , " there's no going back now " Jin made an oh sound in response, " can you tell the others " RM said " give them the heads up, I'm heading back to the hospital and I'll call if there's any news. "

RMs mind played the conversation with Bang over and over and he dissected each part wondering if he could have said more . He was still doubting his negotiation skills when the cab pulled up and after paying the fair he got out.

Reporters and Army were gathered outside, Army had signs saying " get well soon " and " speedy recovery " but some also said Taekook forever and it warmed RMs heart a little .

Security must have been on the look out and came rushing towards him just seconds before the cameras did and they surrounded him and escorted him into the building relatively unscathed.

Screams and shouts could be heard from outside and even as he got into the lift , but once the doors shut all was quiet. Security had stayed down at the entrance.

His feet carried him straight to the vip room and he looked through the little window. Tae was still deathly white , his mother sat on a chair next to him reading out loud and JK was holding Taes good hand and looked like he'd fallen asleep with his head on the bed .

His heart ached at the sight and he had to wipe at his tears before entering the room.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now