Home Again

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As usual the seven's arrival was plastered all over the Internet, People posted articles saying JK and Tae were together, J-Hope and Suga. Jk and Jimin. Haters posted JK Should be with Jimin, Tae should leave....

Usually the boys all laughed or didn't even take any notice, but Jk and Tae were particularly sensitive at the moment and worried about everything.

The first day back they unpacked and like before the married couple went straight to JKs room, now dubbed Taekooks suit ,but still left most of Taes belongings in Taes own room.

" I hate this !" Tae mumbled under his breath and JK gave him a sympathetic look , but moaning wouldn't change anything , this was their life now until the world was ready to accept them and they both knew a battle was coming .

They all spent a pleasant evening catching up and eating together , RM explained in more detail the lengths they went to with the editing and timing of things and they spoke about their upcoming schedule.

After they all went on weverse and did a live just teasing Army about their new song , and answering some of Army's questions. Of course everyone was in stitches when yoongie marry me kept popping up on the screen and poor Sugas ears went red with embarressment .

Some eagle eyed Army's noticed JK and Tae were wearing matching rings on their ring fingers and much speculation was going on but it wasn't the first time they'd worn matching jewellery , but it was the first time Tae and JK worried about it .

Rm turned his back to the camera and mouthed stop panicking you're making it obvious, then turned back to the camera laughing .

Tae and JK did their best to relax but were relieved when it was over.

" man you two need to lighten up , " said RM after , " you two used be all over each other when you wernt even together! You can't start acting now like you don't get along because that's even more noticeable. Honestly just be yourselves , no one will know your relationship has changed for sure. People have been shipping you two for years and we just ignored it so do the same now !"

"Sorry " they said in unison .

Just then Jimin came bounding over and wrapped one arm over each of the boys shoulders, "lecture over RM , let's go do something together "he suggested ,Tae looked at him wearily " Are you not tired ? " he asked

"Nope , slept on the plane , jet lag hasn't kicked in so my body still thinks it's day time haha " his energy practically sizzled around him and it was infectious .Taes eyes questioned JK silently and JK nodded and smiled .

"Fine" said Tae sighing light heartedly, what do you want to do " Jimin whooppeed and dragged them off to the living quarters where the proceeded to play child like games and just forgot about everything for a few hours. JK tried really hard not to get moody when he lost at a couple of the games, but he did hate to lose.

They played, talked, messed around, joked and generally just recharged their batteries. No stressful thinking, no worry about how any one was acting, it was lovely, and just as they were about to go to bed Jimin stopped them.
" so this evening, you two were yourselves. You laughed, and joked about, touched if the occasion called but not overly, you didn't think about your behaviour so it was natural, that's how you have to be in front of cameras and staff too. I wanted you two to understand that your behaviour doesn't have to change from pre Taekook, " he laughed a little laugh at the use of their shipping name, "don't fight your nature when your with each other too much, obviously keep the private stuff private but the rest is just all you naturally, and as RM said acting awkward with one and other makes it more obvious"

Jimins words followed them both until they were inside their room. It had been difficult trying to figure out what they can do and say and what they can't, Jimin had a point, they've always been close, only they and their closest family know that's changed. They'd promised Jimin to try harder and thanked him for helping show the way.

It had been a long day and both were now exhausted with only a few hours left before the new day was here.

"you'de think with all the flying we do ide be immune to jet lag by now" Tae said yawning. "I wish" replied JK.

They shared a shower as was almost their routine now, sometimes they had a little play in there but tonight they just washed each other and crawled into their beds.

Just as he was dozing off JK said sleepily "I still cant believe we're here together, and married! It all seems so surreal to me, I can't believe how happy I feel when I'm just laying in your arms"

Tae held him closer and whispered me too, before kissing him gently and saying" I love you "

Both were asleep with in minutes, legs entangled, arms entwined.

Every thing was dark, Tae couldn't see anything, not the road ahead, or even if there was a road ahead, the feeling of dread was in his chest, flashes, images were coming at him, angry faces, people crying, strangers wanting to hurt him, then he was running, people were after him, he trips and looks down, his hands are covered in blood, but not his, he's looking around and see JK, laying motionless on the ground, blood all over him, the pain Wells up inside him and he screams, tears rolling down his face, he grasps JKs lifeless body and the screams keep coming....

"babe,! babes,! wake up! , Tae baby I'm right here" JK had woken to Tae holding him so tight and crying out his name, calling him wasn't waking him, he placed both of his hands on Tae's face and tried again "Tae, babes I'm right here"

Tae opened his eyes, still caught in the throws of the nightmare it took a second to realise what he was seeing, JK alive and holding him, everything was light and JK was staring worriedly at him, JK was alive and well! Taers welled up and he grabbed JK as tightly as he could and just sobbed, JK was alright,! It was a dream, it wasn't real! But the hate would be real he realised, and that made him cry more.

"Tae?" JK asked, concern written all over his face, "it was a dream, its okay now, im right here" Tae just shook his head.

"I can't lose you!" he said raggedly, "I won't let any one hurt you!" JK was confused, "babes no ones going to hurt me, I promise"

"you can't promise that" said Tae, "there are people out there that will hate us being together, we've both had our share of death threats, you know what I'm talking about"

JK just let Tae hold him and held him back, it was true that sasaeng ' anti fans' could be quite brutle but for all the talk he still didn't quite believe anyone would actually hurt them.

"I got you babe, we will be fine, we can do this, together, I got you" JK just said quietly over and over until eventually Tae calmed down.

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now