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"I will still have your back as promised,let me know if you need me" he meant what he said.

"That only time can say.I am leaving but you need to know this ,there is a thin line between love and desire. Maybe you're confusing your emotions Sidharth"she said storming out of his room and pushing him deep into a chaos which had all the potential to shook the base of their relationship.

Even long after Tiara leaving the room, he could not move from his place as if his limbs were paralyzed.He was wise enough to grasp that Tiara was trying to pollute his mind and misguide him.He was consistently regretting about the fact that, for so long he was giving her the benefit of doubts.He tried hard to persuade himself that it's futile to even think about what Tiara said yet he could not deny the fact that he was being selfish.
It was true that he didn't let her go because he wanted her to stay with him and  he really wasn't taking her, career as seriously as he used to take when she was young.

Since childhood, he had impelled her to move forward in her career. He was well aware that he had the powers to compel her to reach new heights,she had always been inspired by him and has learned from him.
His heart was filled with anxieties and loathings thinking about the fact that, he was spending his time in  indulging in physical pleasure rather than inspiring her to achieve her goals.Coming to their intimacy part, his mind took him straight to their afternoon tryst, the image of her pucking her gut out ,danced in front of his eyes. He knew that she didn't particularly enjoy going down on him,yet he didn't stop her.
He felt villainous for making her do things,which she was not very comfortable doing. He certainly didn't ask for it yet he could have stopped her when he notice her getting gagged and gasping for air,"fuck" he growled in frustration when he recollected how he fisted her hair and asked for more and begged her to carry on.
Tiara's sentence "you used to tell her that -don't let anyone take advantage of your innocence right? Abhi kya hua?" Kept ringing in his ears.
Suddenly he started doubting himself.
He had fallen too low in his own eyes.

"Was he really pushing her off her limits to satisfy his carnal greeds" this doubt even worsen him situation.
After getting churned in his own whirlwind of accusations,he tried to close his eyes. But he felt as if sleep too was taking some sort of revenge from him. His sleep played hide and seek with him,even the few minuits which he slept, felt arduous ,it was that sort of sleep in which you wake every hour and think to yourself that you have not been sleeping at all.

He could not stop himself in the morning, he got ready after taking a quick bath and went straight to her room.Tanya opened the door as soon as she heard the doorbell.
she was read so as soon as he arrived,she went downstairs for breakfast.

It was already 9:30 in the morning but she was still sleeping.He stood for a while and just kept looking at her face.The innocence on her face was unparalleled, "my Shehnaaz" he breathed and went near her and  sat next to her on the bed, near her feet. He circled his arm around her legs and rests his forehead against her knee.

"I have to protect you,I need to take care of you " he said softly.

"Hey" what are you doing there, come to me" she said in a drowsy voice as soon as she realized that he was there.

"why are you still sleeping?" He delicately held her feet in his hand and started massaging.

"Just like that" she murmured.

"I slept well last night but when I woke this morning, I missed you so intensely. I don't even know how to describe the feeling so I again went beck to sleep" she said in her baby like voice.She looked so fragile and her feet so delicate,he kept massaging them.

"You had fever last night?" He asked as soon as he saw a strip of paracetamol laying on the side table.

"Actually all of a sudden I felt cold ,Taniya gave a paracetamol and I felt fine" she replied but he was already in guilt and he didnt wait a moment before blaming himself for her fever too.

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