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Her eyes fluttered open with the vibration of her phone,she had put an alarm for 5:00am. As parts of her body gradually started to come to life,she started wriggling and stretching her limbs when suddenly her hand hit his back and she turned around to face his back.He was in his track pants and nothing else on his
upper body. His muscular shoulders and the sculped muscles of his back was exposed to her eye and she was blinded by the magnificent of her man so much that her heart suddenly started fluttering. She first resisted and then gave in to the temptation to run her hand softly on his back and at moment he turned towards her and gave her a view of his chiseled chest.She sucked in a breath and kept looking at the Greek God sleeping like a baby.

"Shehnaaz" He blinked his eyes sleepily for few seconds as if he was unable to decipher whether she was truly present there or he was simply dreaming.

"Yeah,I am here sleep." she said and patted his head,he smiled with the realization that she was indeed there and drifted into sleep again.

After getting convinced that he had drifted back to sleep,she looked at the clock again, it was 5:15 am in the morning.Her eyes were still getting droopy as they went to sleep about 2 hours back.She wanted to sleep a bit more but she had limited time in her hands, she wanted to finish all her work as soon as possible so that she would be able to devote all her time to him,once he would be awake.

She smiled looking at the bizzare condition of their befroom.
Every nook and corner of that room was telling the minute details of their last nights passing unis.Their clothes were scattered all over the the floor along with few empty wrappers of condom.Each part of her body quivered at the thought of their last nights doings.She picked up their clothes from the floor and dumped them in the laundry basket and threw the wrppers in the dustbin.

After fixing the room a little, she went in front of the mirror and felt shy to see her own reflection. She was in his T-shirt,which she wore just before drifting into sleep as the nighty,which she wore list night was undoubtedly sexy but the most comfortable nightwear for her had always been his t shirts.Their last night's insolence was clearly visible on her face, Her eyes looked puffy and lips were bee stung,there were numerous purplish red blotches on her neck and chest. She knew for the next few days,she wouldn't be able to leave her room without applying concealer on those spots. The more she looked at herself, the more she remembered their not-so-decent deeds of the previous night, how they made love again and and again,each time with same vigor and hunger.Thinking of this, she looked at her husband again and a small smile bloomed on her lips.
She wondered how he was capable of baring her to her soul everytime he made love her and how he gets wild and untamed behind closed doors,a stark contrast to his usual self.

She knew that she could spend the rest of her life by just watching her husband, but she was running late so she dragged herself to the washroom room and finished her morning business and took a quick shower.
This was her first day as his wife,at her new home,so she decided to quickly drape a saree and went downstairs to kitchen and was all set for her 'pehli rasoi'.

Sidharth woke up at 8:00 in the morning and was disappointed to see the empty side of the bed.He probably wasn't fully awake so for few seconds he got scared, he thought that their marriage and togetherness was just a dream and again he would have to live the harsh reality when his eyes captured her jewelleries lying on the bed side table,with this he gained his full consciousness and drew a sigh of relief.He too dragged himself to the washroom to get freshen up and strode downstairs to look for his new bride.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw that 15 to 20 boxes were kept on the kitchen counter and his wife was cooking something in a large pot.
"Yeah kya hai,?" He asked pointing towards the boxes.

"Uth gaye?" She asked,she was in a blue saree and was looking enchanting even with very little makeup. He felt like pulling her towards himself and peppering kisses all over her face when he realized that their househelp was also present there.

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