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"Shehnaazzzz... be careful". Said Sidharth,he stood perfectly still,only his lips trembled.
She stared at him, baffled.
She was pressed against his chest,and was clinging to him. The nails of her one hand was digging into his neck, as he had pulled her towards him with a jerk when he saw her running mindlessly towards a car.
She was finally standing in front of him. He couldn't believe it.He was dying to get a glimpse of her, and now that it was happening, he didn't know how to ever want anything else.

"Sidharthhhh...." she uttered,putting a hand on her mouth. She felt his touch after 9 long months. It probably would be too much to say that all the misery of her life and all the darkness just vanished at the touch of his fingers on her arms but it definitely felt soothing.She could not say anything, just kept looking at his stunning face,Was not able to decide whether she should hold him tightly or push him away.After few moments, She shiverd and her legs gave away.
She looked at him again for a while and let her body loose,Sidharth caught her up against his body with one surprisingly strong arm around her waist.

"Shehnaaz" He shouted and she got alerted.The way his curious eyes were capturing hers when she stood in front of him, she knew how much he needed her.

"Can't you be careful while crossing the road" he said as he studied her for a long moment,as if he was trying to memorize each and every feature of her face,so he could revise it again and again in her absence.

"Words Shehnaaz "He said fiercely. He was very close now, and her heart was suddenly hammering in her chest.He wanted to keep this moment imprisoned inside him forever as he didn't know if they would ever be so close again.
"whether you stay or leave, whether we walked the same path or not. We could live in different universe, and I would still be yours." Her words kept ringing in his ears,and looking at her condition He could feel that she meant every bit of it.

She too remembered how once he stated his inhibition "I worry something stupid will happen and I won't be there and you'll be gone. I worry we won't ever get a chance and I would go insane". He truly looked insane, his unkempt messy hair, tired eyes, face full of stubble was screaming his condition.Her heart was breaking into thousand pieces,looking at his condition.Suddenly her hands and feet started trembling again.

"You're shaking" he said and she wished fervently that she could keep still. She knew that if she did not leave from there, she would not be able to stop herself from hugging him tightly and telling him that she might be angry and upset but would never be able to stop loving him.She gathered herself and walked back to the exhibition hall,leaving him longing for her.

And that was it,they both got a glimpse of how they had managed to survive without each other ,by dying a little everyday. They had heard that love,like every other emotions, fades away with time. But their love for eachother,it never died, it never went away, it never faded away even if they were apart they still were hanging on to eachother.

"Dad, I want to go back home" she said trying to catch her breath as soon as she reached the exhibition hall.

"What happened come here,people are waiting to meet you,kahan gai thi tu?" He asked without paying much attention to what she was saying.

"Dad please,please mujhe ghar jana hai" for the first time in the last 9 month she was insisting on something.

"Shehnaaz,come here see he is Mr Arun ,a journalist working for one of the Prime news paper of the city,he wants to take your intervew" he gestured the journalist to come near her,she felt trapped and Suffocated.

"She is my super talented daughter,the girl behind these masterpieces" her father announced proudly.

"You are too young to make such thoughts provoking art,So tell me what exactly inspired you to make these sculptures" the journalist asked.

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